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How anodyne are you?

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I'm pretty sure there's a middle ground between anodyne and rude though.

Context provides it ;)


Generally speaking, I'm anodyne enough most of the time, and work hard at staying that way. "If you want to live happy, stay hidden". A motto long-favoured by my Dad, which has proved its relevance and worth time and again.


However, due to professional obligations, instructions and circumstances, frequently I end up having to be way worse than rude. Or is that merely 'aggressive'? (in practice, it's more "aggressive" than "rude", it's all about brinksmanship with a little bit of fairplay & common sense thrown in, nobody's calling each other names ;)).


I have a very long fuse, but fast-burning as you get to the end of it :D

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People who normally say things like 'I call a spade a spade', or 'I tell it like it is', in my experience generally do not receive blunt truths about themselves very well...


In other words they're good at dishing it out, not very good at receiving it.


Agreed, the other one I love is 'No offense but' right before they proceed to say something offensive. :)


Personally I'm a counter puncher. Treat me reasonably and I respond in the same way, act the goat and I tend to retaliate in kind.


I think a lot of people are similar to that, start off meaning well but react to provocation by meeting like with like.

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Personally I'm a counter puncher. Treat me reasonably and I respond in the same way, act the goat and I tend to retaliate in kind.


I think a lot of people are similar to that, start off meaning well but react to provocation by meeting like with like.

Same here, though I prefer the "USofA" approach: I tend to respond disproportionately (...but only ever inasmuch as there's no other practical way to address the issue - last resort, if you will).


If you're fighting to level out ('like for like'), you're not fighting to win and inviting protracted tit-for-tat ;)

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Same here, though I prefer the "USofA" approach: I tend to respond disproportionately (...but only ever inasmuch as there's no other practical way to address the issue - last resort, if you will).


If you're fighting to level out ('like for like'), you're not fighting to win and inviting protracted tit-for-tat ;)


Take your point, but I like to give them one opportunity to come to the realization that their BS is being challenged.


Providing they accept that, we may be able to continue in a civilized fashion.


If they either don't get that or don't care and wish to proceed then fair enough, away we go.


I have always had a quick temper, it's not something in my view to be proud of and so I try to rein it in whenever possible.


I have been known to overdo the retaliation, and whilst the person involved was asking for it, it may have been disproportionate on occasion.

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Context provides it ;)


Generally speaking, I'm anodyne enough most of the time, and work hard at staying that way. "If you want to live happy, stay hidden". A motto long-favoured by my Dad, which has proved its relevance and worth time and again.


However, due to professional obligations, instructions and circumstances, frequently I end up having to be way worse than rude. Or is that merely 'aggressive'? (in practice, it's more "aggressive" than "rude", it's all about brinksmanship with a little bit of fairplay & common sense thrown in, nobody's calling each other names ;)).


I have a very long fuse, but fast-burning as you get to the end of it :D


Wot she said ^^


I also contribute to a language forum and it is very strictly moderated - some would say anally. No banter allowed, no discourtesy, no comments about other cultures except in the specific forum and even then, nothing negative at all and no opinion, just descriptions. You are allowed to disagree substantively with what someone else says in the linguistic forums, but you must be ultra polite about how you express your disagreement. Standard written English is the only acceptable mode of expression (which is fine by me, as the context demands it), but the Mods reserve the right to correct your spelling and grammar if they see fit.


I do it as I'm interested in the subject and it helps people learning English but it's pretty dull!

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not likely to cause offence or disagreement and somewhat dull.


It's more than just the context.


It's entirely possible to not be "somewhat dull" without causing offence or disagreement.


So not being anodyne, does not imply that you go around being offensive and causing disagreement (although that would also qualify you as not anodyne), it could simply be that you are not dull.

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It's more than just the context.


It's entirely possible to not be "somewhat dull" without causing offence or disagreement.


So not being anodyne, does not imply that you go around being offensive and causing disagreement (although that would also qualify you as not anodyne), it could simply be that you are not dull.



It is difficult to disagree with any of that.


There are of course people who are, sadly, offensive and dull. Perhaps dullness in itself should be an offence?

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