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Please, please, get out there and vote!

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Yes I know it's a flawed system and it doesn't work properly, but please, please, please get out there and vote.


If you don't it will be interpreted by the political powers that you're happy with things the way they are, or you're apathetic and couldn't care less. From what I've seen on here neither are the case.


For those who still don't know who to vote for or are disenchanted with the lot of them, and want a 'none of the above' vote on the ballot paper (which is illegal, apparently) you can always spoil your ballot paper in endlessly creative ways, and you will still be counted in the turnout figures, (and I think the number of spoiled votes has to be announced on the hustings along with the other figures.)


And don't forget there will be loads of independents standing who never get a fair crack of the whip.


So let them know we are a mighty force to be reckoned with, and our votes have to be earned. Let them know we've mobilised and it's not just in Russia that they get a 90%+ turnout.

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This is pretty much the same as telling someone to watch 'Big Brother' and then voting one of the numpties out. I don't watch 'Big Brother' and I certainly don't vote. If people want to play stupid games, then fine ... just don't expect me to join in.

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This is pretty much the same as telling someone to watch 'Big Brother' and then voting one of the numpties out. I don't watch 'Big Brother' and I certainly don't vote. If people want to play stupid games, then fine ... just don't expect me to join in.


If you're not happy then stand up and be counted - literally.


Vote for someone independent of the party machine or spoil your ballot paper


---------- Post added 21-05-2014 at 01:10 ----------


Why push to take a freedom away Anna ?


I'm not. I'm asking people to use that freedom and not waste it.

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For those who still don't know who to vote for or are disenchanted with the lot of them, and want a 'none of the above' vote on the ballot paper (which is illegal, apparently)


It's only illegal for a candidate to call themselves that on the voting slips, because a significant number of people will think they're voting for none of the other parties, as opposed to someone representing the "None of the above" party.


I imagine there's similar restrictions on names such as "Anyone but Cameron".

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If you're not happy then stand up and be counted - literally.


Vote for someone independent of the party machine or spoil your ballot paper


---------- Post added 21-05-2014 at 01:10 ----------



I'm not. I'm asking people to use that freedom and not waste it.


I am very happy thank you.

I don't vote because all politicians are little better than dog poo. :rolleyes:

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Yes I know it's a flawed system and it doesn't work properly, but please, please, please get out there and vote.


If you don't it will be interpreted by the political powers that you're happy with things the way they are, or you're apathetic and couldn't care less. From what I've seen on here neither are the case.


For those who still don't know who to vote for or are disenchanted with the lot of them, and want a 'none of the above' vote on the ballot paper (which is illegal, apparently) you can always spoil your ballot paper in endlessly creative ways, and you will still be counted in the turnout figures, (and I think the number of spoiled votes has to be announced on the hustings along with the other figures.)


And don't forget there will be loads of independents standing who never get a fair crack of the whip.


So let them know we are a mighty force to be reckoned with, and our votes have to be earned. Let them know we've mobilised and it's not just in Russia that they get a 90%+ turnout.


Thought I'd add this as part of your debate proposal..it's 40 mins, but it's quite interesting. Hope you don't mind..if you do say so and I'll remove it Anna.



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Yes I know it's a flawed system and it doesn't work properly, but please, please, please get out there and vote.


If you don't it will be interpreted by the political powers that you're happy with things the way they are, or you're apathetic and couldn't care less. From what I've seen on here neither are the case.


For those who still don't know who to vote for or are disenchanted with the lot of them, and want a 'none of the above' vote on the ballot paper (which is illegal, apparently) you can always spoil your ballot paper in endlessly creative ways, and you will still be counted in the turnout figures, (and I think the number of spoiled votes has to be announced on the hustings along with the other figures.)


And don't forget there will be loads of independents standing who never get a fair crack of the whip.


So let them know we are a mighty force to be reckoned with, and our votes have to be earned. Let them know we've mobilised and it's not just in Russia that they get a 90%+ turnout.


It would be interesting to see the results of a 90%+ turnout (especially at a general). I doubt you'd like the result, as I reckon it would be right almost every time in the near future.


That's made me wonder about percentage turnouts and who won (generals), in the past?


Not that it is relevant, as I think, in short, that with the population of the world now, we're becoming less 'tribal', and more insular. Thinking 'closer to home', is perhaps another way of saying it. These don't fit into left-wing politics. I think a higher percentage of people fit into this bracket, if pushed to answer/vote.

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