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Please, please, get out there and vote!

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No, because it's about voting, not not voting :)


surely its telling none voters to vote cos the voters are already gonna vote :suspect:


---------- Post added 21-05-2014 at 10:22 ----------


If you're not planning on voting, you shouldn't have much of an objection when UKIP get in.


not a cat in helps chance, despite what the apologists espouse on here

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You're calling MY personal choice a "waste".

Seriously, how dare you. :nono:


Sorry if I offended you. It wasn't intentional or meant to be personal.


Many apologies


---------- Post added 21-05-2014 at 13:52 ----------


Is it illegal to spoil you ballot paper? Also, is it possible for someone to track your voting sheet to find out how you voted?




No, your vote cannot be traced. And spoiling your ballot paper is not illegal.

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Which wars? Were any of our enemies trying to take away our right to vote?
I think Hitler might have been after a single-choice voting system for the UK around August/September 1940 'til about early 1945, like for most of Europe around that time. Now, between that and taking voting rights away altogether... ;)
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by the way shouldn't this have been in the none voters thread? cos now its turned into 2


I wasn't sure where to put it so I started a thread, then thought about it and put it in the non voters thread too. But I agree with Alice, it's about voting, not not voting... err voting.:confused:

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Yes I know it's a flawed system and it doesn't work properly, but please, please, please get out there and vote.


If you don't it will be interpreted by the political powers that you're happy with things the way they are, or you're apathetic and couldn't care less. From what I've seen on here neither are the case.


For those who still don't know who to vote for or are disenchanted with the lot of them, and want a 'none of the above' vote on the ballot paper (which is illegal, apparently) you can always spoil your ballot paper in endlessly creative ways, and you will still be counted in the turnout figures, (and I think the number of spoiled votes has to be announced on the hustings along with the other figures.)


And don't forget there will be loads of independents standing who never get a fair crack of the whip.


So let them know we are a mighty force to be reckoned with, and our votes have to be earned. Let them know we've mobilised and it's not just in Russia that they get a 90%+ turnout.


I will be voting .................. Our Nige has my vote in his pocket , as he will have in the locals and General elections. UKIP all the way for me.


---------- Post added 21-05-2014 at 14:15 ----------


If you're not planning on voting, you shouldn't have much of an objection when UKIP get in.


I AM voting and i have no problem what so ever UKIP getting in. In fact i have a feeling they are going to clean up at the European elections.

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