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Charles compares Putin to Hitler

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Putin = Hitler????


Blair =??????????? Responsible for complicity in over a million dead, and a spokesman for war, against Iran.


Charles is just following the West's line against Russia, personalising the issues to just one individual for simple folk who want a bogy-man, we are the just, and Russia, along with China and Iran are very bad indeed????


Charle's loutish behaviour demonstrates the depth of his historical knowledge about Russia, and is pathetic, thus defending the right to be stupid.


While Putin may be no Hitler he has violated the sovereign rights of the Ukraine. He's a relic from the Soviet KGB whose mind set is that the Ukraine should still be a part of Russia. He has infiltrated agents to stir up trouble, seize Ukrainian public buildings and military installlations as well as attemting to undermine law and order.


The Ukraine has a right to hold a national referndum to decide if it should remain as a close trading partner to Russia or on the other hand draw closer to to the EU with the object of one day becoming a member.


Allowing him to get away with what he's doing may only encourage him to start the same tactics in the Baltic states and that would only lead to a head on confrontation with NATO

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I was commenting that denying the right of succession to an heir even by uttering it is treasonabl ..... or so I remember hearing once. Being an Irish citizen you could be arrested and deported as a Fenian troublemaker :D


I never had any particular fondness for them either. Most of them since the first Hanovarians and possibly before them were a bunch of wastrels.


The Queen has done an admirable job however and maintained the dignity of the crown as well as earning international respect. Maybe she stays on the job hoping that by the time her final hour comes Charles will be too old or unwilling to succeed and defer to William instead


You may be right, but as a man with Clare blood in him I'll not go easy, remember Fontenoy will be the battle cry! :D


By the way, I've always loved the word Fenian used as an insult by people - not you - who have no idea what it means.


Fenian = Mythical Celtic Warrior Hero, yes that's a hell of an insult. :)


As a republican in the political sense I've always accepted that the Queen has nailed the role.


You cannot have a pop at her without coming across as less than a reasonable person.


She was dealt a hand of cards and played it like a master.


The ones following on though don't appear to me to have her je ne se qua.


Interesting times ahead.

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While Putin may be no Hitler he has violated the sovereign rights of the Ukraine. He's a relic from the Soviet KGB whose mind set is that the Ukraine should still be a part of Russia. He has infiltrated agents to stir up trouble, seize Ukrainian public buildings and military installlations as well as attemting to undermine law and order.


The Ukraine has a right to hold a national referndum to decide if it should remain as a close trading partner to Russia or on the other hand draw closer to to the EU with the object of one day becoming a member.


Allowing him to get away with what he's doing may only encourage him to start the same tactics in the Baltic states and that would only lead to a head on confrontation with NATO


Putin may be no Saint but neither is NATO. A right wing regime seized power and removed the democratically elected government of Ukraine. Ethnic Russians were rightly fearful and Russia stepped in to defend its own people. Same cannot be said for NATO going half way around the world occupying countries it shouldn't be in for no valid reason.

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Putin may be no Saint but neither is NATO. A right wing regime seized power and removed the democratically elected government of Ukraine. Ethnic Russians were rightly fearful and Russia stepped in to defend its own people. Same cannot be said for NATO going half way around the world occupying countries it shouldn't be in for no valid reason.


Yanukovich may have been democratically elected but he was rotten and corrupt to the core. While busily lining his own pockets he accepted a bribe from Putin to cancel a possible trade agreement with the EU. The average Ukrainian doesnt enjoy a standard of living anywhere near that of a citizen of a EU country.

In short Yanukovich forgot his primary duty and responsibility which was to serve the interests of his people by working to improve their standard of living

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You may be right, but as a man with Clare blood in him I'll not go easy, remember Fontenoy will be the battle cry! :D


By the way, I've always loved the word Fenian used as an insult by people - not you - who have no idea what it means.


Fenian = Mythical Celtic Warrior Hero, yes that's a hell of an insult. :)


As a republican in the political sense I've always accepted that the Queen has nailed the role.


You cannot have a pop at her without coming across as less than a reasonable person.


She was dealt a hand of cards and played it like a master.


The ones following on though don't appear to me to have her je ne se qua.


Interesting times ahead.


When King George the Sixth died I a was a mere lad but I remember older folks wondering how a slip of a girl like Elizabeth could ever fill the role of monarch. Well now we know....... and she was married to a tactless former sailor and penniless Greek prince who got his foot stuck in his mouth more than once. I think being a monarch is like many an occupation. You learn on the job.


---------- Post added 22-05-2014 at 22:09 ----------


God as killed more people than Satan, so maybe Bush is God, Hitler and Stalin could also be God, because we do know how much it likes killing people.


Plain silly. The killing of people has nothing to do with entities whose existence has never been satisfactorily proved or in fact may never have even existed.

People kill people because the instinct is inherit in all of us to kill, some to a greater extent than others

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When King George the Sixth died I a was a mere lad but I remember older folks wondering how a slip of a girl like Elizabeth could ever fill the role of monarch. Well now we know....... and she was married to a tactless former sailor and penniless Greek prince who got his foot stuck in his mouth more than once. I think being a monarch is like many an occupation. You learn on the job.


---------- Post added 22-05-2014 at 22:09 ----------



Plain silly. The killing of people has nothing to do with entities whose existence has never been satisfactorily proved or in fact may never have even existed.

People kill people because the instinct is inherit in all of us to kill, some to a greater extent than others


He may have been born in Corfu but had no Greek blood.


His mother in law called him 'The Kraut' because he was German in blood and a few of his family served in the Wehrmacht during WW2.


The problem that Monarchists have here is that Charles appears to have inherited his fathers traits as opposed to his mothers.


As a republican this is highly amusing and will be interesting to watch unfold.


Can you imagine how hilarious it will be if he emulates his father with the 'slitty eyed' Chinese ,Australian 'convict' and querying Amritsar massacre numbers crap that Phillip has come out with over the years?


As some no mark appendage it didn't matter, but if the King starts coming out with this crass crap it will be unacceptable, excretia meets fan time. :D

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He may have been born in Corfu but had no Greek blood.


His mother in law called him 'The Kraut' because he was German in blood and a few of his family served in the Wehrmacht during WW2.


The problem that Monarchists have here is that Charles appears to have inherited his fathers traits as opposed to his mothers.


As a republican this is highly amusing and will be interesting to watch unfold.


Can you imagine how hilarious it will be if he emulates his father with the 'slitty eyed' Chinese ,Australian 'convict' and querying Amritsar massacre numbers crap that Phillip has come out with over the years?


As some no mark appendage it didn't matter, but if the King starts coming out with this crass crap it will be unacceptable, excretia meets fan time. :D


Well fact is that they're all ethnically almost pure German. Victoria was German, her kids the same, King Edward the Seventh half German, half Danish, Prince Charles 25 percent Scots, the rest German although he has the gall to wear a kilt. Me being 50 percent Irish would feel like a fraud wearing one... but there you are :hihi:.


Prince Phil's uncle sly, scheming old Mountbatten got him fixed up with Elixabeth.

To his credit he served in the Royal Navy during WW2 but I still remember that remark he made and addressed to the Britisih workers in the 1950s telling them to "get their fingers out" cocky barsteward :hihi: and himself living like Lord Muck and married to the richest woman in the world.


You have to give some sympathy to Charlie Boy having a father like that and a grandmum like the Old Queen Mom but he allowed himself to be pushed and bullied into marrying a young woman who was totally unsuited in every way to be his wife and she (Diane) was cynically used as a breeder for an heir and a spare and then as soon as she had fulfilled the task was dumped tout suite

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While Putin may be no Hitler he has violated the sovereign rights of the Ukraine.

He's a relic from the Soviet KGB whose mind set is that the Ukraine should still be a part of Russia.

He has infiltrated agents to stir up trouble, seize Ukrainian public buildings and military installlations as well as attemting to undermine law and order..>>>


And you know this how?

From the MSM brainwashing machine? Why not try and widen your scope?

FACT: The US/Nuland paid for all the insurgents and Biden provided the black ops.





>>>The Ukraine has a right to hold a national referndum to decide if it should remain as a close trading partner to Russia or on the other hand draw closer to to the EU with the object of one day becoming a member.<<<


And Putin would agree with that;

''When asked how he sees the future of Crimea, and whether the possibility of it joining Russia is under consideration, Putin answered “No. Generally, I believe that only residents of a given country who have freedom of will and are in complete safety can and should determine their future. If this right was granted to the Albanians in Kosovo, if this was made possible in many different parts of the world, then nobody has ruled out the right of nations to self-determination, which, as far as I know, is fixed by several UN documents. However, we will in no way provoke any such decision and will not perpetuate such sentiments,” Putin stressed. ''



>>>Allowing him to get away with what he's doing may only encourage him to start the same tactics in the Baltic states and that would only lead to a head on confrontation with NATO<<<


What is it that you 'think' he has done?

Putin stressed that the Ukrainian people had a legitimate reason to protest against Yanukovich’s power, considering the overwhelming corruption and other faults of his presidency.


But he objected to the illegitimate way his ouster took place, because it undermined the political stability in the country.

“I strictly object to this form [of transition of power] in Ukraine, and anywhere in the post-Soviet space. This does not help nurturing a culture of law. If someone is allowed to act this way, then everyone is allowed to. And this means chaos. That’s the worst thing that can happen to a country with an unstable economy and an unestablished political system,” Putin explained.

He said that while he personally was not fond of months-long streets protests as a means to pressure the government, he sympathized with the Maidan demonstration members, who were genuinely outraged with the situation in Ukraine.

But at the same time he warned that what happens in Ukraine now may be a replacement of one group of crooks with another, citing the appointments of certain wealthy businessmen with questionable reputations.

Asked about the presence of snipers during the violent confrontation in Kiev last month, Putin said he was not aware of any order from the Yanukovich government to use firearms against the protesters. He alleged that the shooters could have been provocateurs from one of the opposition forces. He added that what he was sure of is the fact that police officers were shot at with lethal arms during the confrontation.

Yanukovich is certainly powerless in Ukraine, but legally speaking he is the legitimate president of the country, Putin said. The way the new authorities in Kiev replaced him did not enhance their credibility.

Asked if he felt for Yanukovich, Putin said “Oh, no. I have absolutely different feelings.” But he declined to publicly explain what those were. He also refrained from commenting on what mistakes he saw in Yanukovich’s actions, explaining that it would not be proper for him to do so.

At the same time Putin does not see any political future for Yanukovich, which he told the ousted Ukrainian president himself. He added that Russia allowed him to come to its territory for humanitarian reasons, because if he remained in Ukraine he could have been summarily executed.....

Putin stressed that the Ukrainian people had a legitimate reason to protest against Yanukovich’s power, considering the overwhelming corruption and other faults of his presidency.


But he objected to the illegitimate way his ouster took place, because it undermined the political stability in the country.

“I strictly object to this form [of transition of power] in Ukraine, and anywhere in the post-Soviet space. This does not help nurturing a culture of law. If someone is allowed to act this way, then everyone is allowed to. And this means chaos. That’s the worst thing that can happen to a country with an unstable economy and an unestablished political system,” Putin explained.

He said that while he personally was not fond of months-long streets protests as a means to pressure the government, he sympathized with the Maidan demonstration members, who were genuinely outraged with the situation in Ukraine.

But at the same time he warned that what happens in Ukraine now may be a replacement of one group of crooks with another, citing the appointments of certain wealthy businessmen with questionable reputations.

Asked about the presence of snipers during the violent confrontation in Kiev last month, Putin said he was not aware of any order from the Yanukovich government to use firearms against the protesters. He alleged that the shooters could have been provocateurs from one of the opposition forces. He added that what he was sure of is the fact that police officers were shot at with lethal arms during the confrontation.

Yanukovich is certainly powerless in Ukraine, but legally speaking he is the legitimate president of the country, Putin said. The way the new authorities in Kiev replaced him did not enhance their credibility.

Asked if he felt for Yanukovich, Putin said “Oh, no. I have absolutely different feelings.” But he declined to publicly explain what those were. He also refrained from commenting on what mistakes he saw in Yanukovich’s actions, explaining that it would not be proper for him to do so.

At the same time Putin does not see any political future for Yanukovich, which he told the ousted Ukrainian president himself. He added that Russia allowed him to come to its territory for humanitarian reasons, because if he remained in Ukraine he could have been summarily executed.''


Contrary to popular brainwashing media Putin does not work Autonomously but is subject to his senate...

''Putin, was given a mandate by the Russian senate to use military force to protect civilians in Ukraine, said there is no need for such an action yet.''


Watch and learn:


It will amaze you how much you will learn.. especially how dumbed down and manipulated we are by our governments and media.

The truth is in there, somewhere.


As someone else noted earlier, Charles is not fit to lick his Mother's shoes, and it will be a sad day for all of us if he ever becomes King. His word is worth nothing as was proven by what he did to Diana. He is proving to be an even bigger buffoon than his father.

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