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Charles compares Putin to Hitler

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Plain silly. The killing of people has nothing to do with entities whose existence has never been satisfactorily proved or in fact may never have even existed.

People kill people because the instinct is inherit in all of us to kill, some to a greater extent than others


Yes I agree, I was being silly in response to a silly post.

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This whole petty thing seems to have overshadowed the events in Ukraine and I can't help but think that's what the Russians want.


Got to agree with you there Mecky.Not much been said about the Ukrainian soldiers that were killed by the Pro Russians,during this time.

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This whole petty thing seems to have overshadowed the events in Ukraine and I can't help but think that's what the Russians want.


You think the Russians paid off Charles to create a diversion?


You may very well be right, despite their vast unearned wealth the Royals do enjoy a 'bung' now and then.


Check out Prince Andrew and the Kazakh Billionaire house buying situation.

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Charles is not creating a diversion, it is reinforcing already seeded prejudices, which is the point.


Humour isn't your forte is it?


Whilst I have little time for Royalty and believe that Andrews dealings look dodgy to say the least, I doubt that Charles took a backhander to divert attention from Russia's actions.


As I said earlier, his comments were crass, to compare the Leader of the country that did more to win the second war than any other with Hitler is beyond stupid.


If this is the way the clown is going to behave when he becomes King then we are in for interesting times.

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Humour isn't your forte is it?


Whilst I have little time for Royalty and believe that Andrews dealings look dodgy to say the least, I doubt that Charles took a backhander to divert attention from Russia's actions.


As I said earlier, his comments were crass, to compare the Leader of the country that did more to win the second war than any other with Hitler is beyond stupid.


If this is the way the clown is going to behave when he becomes King then we are in for interesting times.


The media will have a field day. One blooper after another from a Monarch who would be otherwise as interesting as a guided tour around historic Barnsley Gas Works. Look on the bright side

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The media will have a field day. One blooper after another from a Monarch who would be otherwise as interesting as a guided tour around historic Barnsley Gas Works. Look on the bright side


As a Republican believe you me I am looking on the bright side.


My personal opinion is that the British have been conned, coerced and cowed into being a servile, subservient bunch of serfs from time immemorial.


In my opinion, anyone who can even consider the thought that someone is intrinsically 'better' than them simply by the fact that they were born into a particular family is so stupid that they come close to deserving their fate.


Despite my contempt for Royalty and Aristocracy I have to give credit to his mother.


She was dealt the hand, and played it like a grandmaster.


Charles on the other hand is an arrogant thicko who isn't bright enough to 'get it' If you keep your personal opinions to yourself you don't upset anyone.


At the moment it's only people like me that disagree with Royalty and inherited privilege on principle that object to the status quo.


Once he inherits the throne, and starts giving everyone the benefit of his 'wisdom' people are going to get annoyed with a self appointed 'expert' who's views are no more relevant than anyone elses, but are taken into account simply because of who he is.


It shouldn't take long for people to realise that his influence is biased and self regarding and designed purely for his own selfish reasons.


At that point, maybe people will come to understand how completely anachronistic this arrangement is.


On the other hand it's been my experience that Royalists are thick as pudding, so maybe not. :)

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If anyone should be blamed or criticised, its whomever leaked this private conversation to the media.
I agree.

A lot of those media people resent the Royals, which is a shame because unlike some of those upper class idol rich who contribute nothing to society, the Royal family have a lifetime service to perform which most manage to do rather well in my opinion.


It can't be that easy having to endure the constant media attention and scrutiny. I'm sure there are very few that would exchange places with them. Some people are just envious of their wealth and position, but generally most people are supportive of the Monarchy.


When the Queen's father unexpectedly (due to his brother's abdication) became King, the weight of the responsibility was far from easy for him, but in spite of his health problems during the time he reigned he achieved much respect from the nation.

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It can't be that easy having to endure the constant media attention and scrutiny. I'm sure there are very few that would exchange places with them.


Very few of the royals have constant media scrutiny because they're out of the public eye most of the time. Charles and the Queen make regular public appearances but Anne, Andrew and Edward don't appear much in the news at all. William and Harry make the news a lot, the latter usually for the wrong reasons along with his granddad. Beatrice and Eugenie are sixth and seventh in line to the throne and I can't remember the last time I heard any news about them. The ninth and tenth are Viscount Severn and Lady Louise Windsor who I'd never even heard of.


---------- Post added 25-05-2014 at 08:22 ----------


This whole petty thing seems to have overshadowed the events in Ukraine and I can't help but think that's what the Russians want.


The Ukraine issue is being very closely monitored by NATO. I doubt if they'll be distracted by what Charles says or give a toss what his opinions are. Russia will be well aware of that.

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