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Leppings Lane roundabout alterations

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Sorry I don't agree. Yes sometimes traffic is backed up all the way up Leppings Lane but in my experience most of the time it's not caused by traffic turning left to go up Penistone Road. Far more traffic goes straight on at that junction and up Herries Rd


To be fare it does happen in both directions but there is more traffic that turns left the majority of the time,I use this junction numerous times a day goin in both directions and you find the traffic Carn't get to turn left on a green as the drivers coming up Penistone rd have still come thro the junction even tho they know they Carn't get any further due to the lights a Sainsbury's still on red which stops the traffic flowing from Leppings Lane hence the reason traffic backs up.

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There's no reason why it couldn't be two way. Traffic wanting to access that bit after coming down the hill could turn right as if going into Sainsbury's and then turn immediately left. But their problem would then be that they'd be facing the wrong way with no way of turning round to get out again if you blocked off the exit onto Penistone Road, so in my view you'd have to leave that open as well. Don't see why it couldn't be done as I can't see there'd be a large number of vehicles using it as an exit (and there'd be no point anybody who didn't live there using it as one).


Maybe, but it's not a big road. There will probably be HGVs using it as often as cars will, so the lane heading towards Claywheels Lane will need to be reasonably wide. They would certainly need to stop parking on there

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To be fare it does happen in both directions but there is more traffic that turns left the majority of the time,I use this junction numerous times a day goin in both directions and you find the traffic Carn't get to turn left on a green as the drivers coming up Penistone rd have still come thro the junction even tho they know they Carn't get any further due to the lights a Sainsbury's still on red which stops the traffic flowing from Leppings Lane hence the reason traffic backs up.


I agree it does cause problems some times - I go down there every morning around 8, sometimes straight through but some mornings it is backed up to Grahams Tyres. Having said that it still clears pretty quickly, I'm not sat in the traffic for any more than 5 minutes.


I suppose what has to be taken into account is that other routes into the junction will be running better than they used to, so it's kind of swings and (no) roundabouts :hihi:

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The lights at Claywheels definitely need work on their timings.


I finish work at midnight, and everyday even at that time, the lights change for ages for absolutely nothing (e.g. the steel works opposite when it is closed)


Coming from Leppings, it's impossible to beat it!

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The lights at Claywheels definitely need work on their timings.


I finish work at midnight, and everyday even at that time, the lights change for ages for absolutely nothing (e.g. the steel works opposite when it is closed)


Coming from Leppings, it's impossible to beat it!


The relevant people in the council will know all about it but won't care, in fact they'll be having a right old laugh about it.

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The relevant people in the council will know all about it but won't care, in fact they'll be having a right old laugh about it.


Actually, as far as I am aware, the scheme hasn't been handed over to the Council yet, because it isn't complete. Only when it's fully complete and handed over will they be able to optimise the signal timings and co-ordinate them with adjacent sets of signals.

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Actually, as far as I am aware, the scheme hasn't been handed over to the Council yet, because it isn't complete. Only when it's fully complete and handed over will they be able to optimise the signal timings and co-ordinate them with adjacent sets of signals.


Will that make traffic flow better or not?


I thought you said that before any scheme is started you had advanced modelling software that showed you exactly where the queues would be. If thats the case, why aren't signals optimised and co-ordinated as soon as they are installed?

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Does anyone know why the left turn from Leppings Lane onto Pensitone Rd is light controlled ? I can see you`d need lights there for if pedestrians wanted to cross, but other than that why is it not just a give way junction ?


Also, traffic sometimes backs up unnecessarily when turning right from Penistone Rd onto Leppings lane if a car (which has just turned right) wants to pull into Law Brothers and standing traffic (or cars waiting on Law Bothers forecourt) prevents this. The traffic then backs up and no more cars can turn right even on a green light.This happened to me just the other day. I know it says do not block on the road there but that`s not enough, too many cars ignore it. A box junction would be better but even that doesn`t account to cars sometimes waiting on the forecourt meaning that the right turner just sits there till he/she can move. Why don`t they make the first of the entrances to Law Brothers no right turn. The vehicle can then use the second one but a few more cars can then have managed the aforementioned right turn (from Pensitone Rd). It`s a small difference but at peak times small differences can all add up to be significant.

Edited by Justin Smith
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While under construction with the temp lights at one point that left turn didn't have a light. Maybe for a fortnight or so? Then they put the actual lights on and I've no idea why! Traffic flowed off Leppings Lane turning left much more smoothly.

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