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'Deep Discontent' so what do you want?

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The country has spoken.


The results are being interpreted as 'deep discontent'


Well I think they got that right. So what do you want? What's the big picture you'd like to see us working towards.


Can you put together a wish list of what you'd like to see happening. This isn't to argue about the practicalities and how it can be done, that can come later.


I'll start:


I'd like to see the gap between rich and poor closing.


A return to 'free' post 18 education and training.

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The country has spoken.


The results are being interpreted as 'deep discontent'


Well I think they got that right. So what do you want? What's the big picture you'd like to see us working towards.


Can you put together a wish list of what you'd like to see happening. This isn't to argue about the practicalities and how it can be done, that can come later.


I'll start:


I'd like to see the gap between rich and poor closing.


A return to 'free' post 18 education and training.


They would certainly be in my top 5. In addition I'd like to see concerted action in getting much more social housing built, and real effort to close the North / South divide.

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Improved environments an less cripplingly expensive nursing care for the elderly.


Public education campaign to reduce inappropriate attendance and time-wasting by the public in A & E depts. Across the board funding increases in NHS so staff can do their jobs properly.


Enough money put into all state schools to allow them to have class sizes and facilities matching private schools.


Better funding for the arts, especially regional theatres.


Greater investment in renewable energy with aim for UK to be self-sufficient by 2025


To be paid for by:


Higher taxation and NI


Rigorous pursuit and prosecution of tax dodgers at all levels.

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I'd like to see the gap between rich and poor closing.


It doesn't matter who's in government, rich people will continue to think big, have drive, ambition and be high performing. The poor will continue to believe the world owes them a living.


A return to 'free' post 18 education and training.


What a shock, you want things to be free. Here's free education, here's free training, here's a free house. :rolleyes:

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It doesn't matter who's in government, rich people will continue to think big, have drive, ambition and be high performing. The poor will continue to believe the world owes them a living.




What a shock, you want things to be free. Here's free education, here's free training, here's a free house. :rolleyes:


I don't want it free, I want it to be paid for through taxation.


Have you seen your taxes go down since people have had to pay for their own university education themselves?


So we pay twice. Same will happen with medical care. etc. until nobody poor (which is going to be most of us,) can afford anything.


Anyway this is supposed to be a wish list, so keep it positive.

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Improved, less cripplingly expensive nursing care for the elderly.


Enough money put into state schools to allow them to have class sizes and facilities matching private schools.


Rigorous pursuit and prosecution of tax dodgers at all levels.


I'd like better care for the elderly. The varying standards between different nursing homes needs to be seen to be believed.


I'd like watchdogs with teeth not that lapdogs the cqc, fsa are - they're barely worth having.


More over I'd like a tax system you can fit on a single sheet of A4. I think one of the low points of this government is when you had Vince cable on national television stating he didn't know to stop tax avoidance. If you don't know what are doing in the job?

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It doesn't matter who's in government, rich people will continue to think big, have drive, ambition and be high performing. The poor will continue to believe the world owes them a living.

Not necessarily. Some rich people are just born rich and some poor people go much further in life than those born privileged.



What a shock, you want things to be free. Here's free education, here's free training, here's a free house. :rolleyes:


How depressing it must be for you to be so cynical.


Anna's use of quotation marks surely indicated that she mean 'free at the point of service' (but paid for by taxation) not completely free.

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Improved environments an less cripplingly expensive nursing care for the elderly.


Public education campaign to reduce inappropriate attendance and time-wasting by the public in A & E depts. Across the board funding increases in NHS so staff can do their jobs properly.


Try to keep up.


Enough money put into all state schools to allow them to have class sizes and facilities matching private schools.

Really, this should be a priority?


Better funding for the arts, especially regional theatres.


Greater investment in renewable energy with aim for UK to be self-sufficient by 2025


To be paid for by:


Higher taxation and NI


Rigorous pursuit and prosecution of tax dodgers at all levels.


I can't help but notice that basically you want the government to spend more. Much, much more.

Presumably when taxes are increased by 20% across the board there'd be "deep discontent" with that as well.

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Not necessarily. Some rich people are just born rich and some poor people go much further in life than those born privileged.


Oh stop it. You know very well that the poor are always whinging how the rich all got there by inheritance or dishonesty. Quite ridiculous. The rich simply have lots of ambition, think big and work smarter but the poor don't want to admit that. oh no.


How depressing it must be for you to be so cynical.


Not at all, I just find it pathetic that the poor are always crying out for some magic "fair distribution" of wealth. Maybe they should take a look at their own efforts and simply, try harder.

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