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'Deep Discontent' so what do you want?

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Who is to blame for the loss of our traditional Industries if not the Tories as they were the ones who owned them.


It was 20 years ago. The areas where the pits were in bolsover have had money thrown at them. I visit the new units that were built on Markham pit from time to time and nobody who I've spoken with who work there live in bolsover. Other areas have moved on a pace but there are pockets of half wits who think the pits are going to open up again at any time. Not all are halfwits - a mate of mine worked for an it dept in the late 90s and nearly all his work mates were ex miners. But the towns and villages need to move on - Nagasaki recovered quicker.


Coalite though remains a disgrace. I'm not sure who is a fault there but it needs looking at.

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It was 20 years ago. The areas where the pits were in bolsover have had money thrown at them. I visit the new units that were built on Markham pit from time to time and nobody who I've spoken with who work there live in bolsover. Other areas have moved on a pace but there are pockets of half wits who think the pits are going to open up again at any time. Not all are halfwits - a mate of mine worked for an it dept in the late 90s and nearly all his work mates were ex miners. But the towns and villages need to move on - Nagasaki recovered quicker.


Coalite though remains a disgrace. I'm not sure who is a fault there but it needs looking at.


Have you been to Goldthorpe, Thurnscoe or Bolton on Dearne lately?


Pockets of halfwits or...you tell me!

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Have you been to Goldthorpe, Thurnscoe or Bolton on Dearne lately?


Pockets of halfwits or...you tell me!


I went to thurnscoe recently. A hugely depressing step back in time. The likes of Blair need to spend a day up there because they've been short changed by his vision of social mobility. Saw some shiney new and very large industrial units nearby by the side of newish looking road on my way back to civilisation. I wonder who works there?

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I went to thurnscoe recently. A hugely depressing step back in time. The likes of Blair need to spend a day up there because they've been short changed by his vision of social mobility. Saw some shiney new and very large industrial units nearby by the side of newish looking road on my way back to civilisation. I wonder who works there?


Thurnscoe is the up market version of Goldthorpe.


Thatcher's legacy and "gift" to the "enemy within."


Some eejit from the BBC came out with a stunning comment after the Thatcher funeral celebrations in Goldthorpe. He said words to the effect of, "How do they ever hope to attract investment after a display like that."


What in hell's name did he think happened to the investment in the intervening years?

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Thurnscoe is the up market version of Goldthorpe.


Thatcher's legacy and "gift" to the "enemy within."


Some eejit from the BBC came out with a stunning comment after the Thatcher funeral celebrations in Goldthorpe. He said words to the effect of, "How do they ever hope to attract investment after a display like that."


What in hell's name did he think happened to the investment in the intervening years?


He's right to an extent though. But there has been some just out side of these places - the a635 has fairly new warehouses all the way up and down it - a mate of mine worked at two of them and he commuted there from s21. It wasn't a rocket science job either - why weren't the locals doing it? I'd wager there are quite a few immigrants working in them as well - and all power to them. Thurnscoe even has it's own station, get on a train to Doncaster or Barnsley or Sheffield.


Other places haven't faired as badly (I don't think bolsover and clowne are as bad as thurnscoe and goldthorpe) but when you consider how close they are to biggish towns and Sheffield you start to wonder how much is lack of investment and how much is self inflicted.

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He's right to an extent though. But there has been some just out side of these places - the a635 has fairly new warehouses all the way up and down it - a mate of mine worked at two of them and he commuted there from s21. It wasn't a rocket science job either - why weren't the locals doing it? I'd wager there are quite a few immigrants working in them as well - and all power to them. Thurnscoe even has it's own station, get on a train to Doncaster or Barnsley or Sheffield.


Other places haven't faired as badly (I don't think bolsover and clowne are as bad as thurnscoe and goldthorpe) but when you consider how close they are to biggish towns and Sheffield you start to wonder how much is lack of investment and how much is self inflicted.


Goldthorpe does have its own railway station too. It's between Thurnscoe and Bolton on Dearne.


A few warehouses along the A365? It would take a lot more than that to reinvigorate the problems facing the area. I was born in Goldthorpe and during my formative years you could count the unemployed on the fingers of one hand.

Large parts to the top of Goldthorpe are derelict and resemble a bomb site.

Only if you blame the miners for trying to protect their livelihood during Thatcher's tenure as PM could you call what has happened and is still happening there, "self inflicted."

She wanted to teach the miners a lesson and that lesson is ongoing.


Lest anyone start crowing about that fact just let me introduce a little bit of perspective. This is what happens to any industry that dares defy the "lords and masters" under a right wing government. Yesterday the miners...tomorrow...???

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Goldthorpe does have its own railway station too. It's between Thurnscoe and Bolton on Dearne.


A few warehouses along the A365? It would take a lot more than that to reinvigorate the problems facing the area. I was born in Goldthorpe and during my formative years you could count the unemployed on the fingers of one hand.

Large parts to the top of Goldthorpe are derelict and resemble a bomb site.

Only if you blame the miners for trying to protect their livelihood during Thatcher's tenure as PM could you call what has happened and is still happening there, "self inflicted."


Thatcher was TWENTY FIVE YEARS ago. And since then they'e sat in a cess pit of their own making - bright intelligent people perfectly able to do other jobs but unwilling because it's easier for them to sit and wallow in their own self pity. Successive governments, Labour and Tory have wasted money on them left right and center and they take it, spend if on booze and fags and **** it up the wall. Open a business there? Wont get any local help "not one of us" and then they moan that the Poles are taking the jobs they wouldnt take....


If it wasnt for the fact they are bringing up another generation exactly the same I'd let the lot of them rot but they are trashing the futures of their kids and grandkids as well.


Self inflicted? Damn right it is, and I've no sympathy for any of them.

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Goldthorpe does have its own railway station too. It's between Thurnscoe and Bolton on Dearne.


A few warehouses along the A365? It would take a lot more than that to reinvigorate the problems facing the area. I was born in Goldthorpe and during my formative years you could count the unemployed on the fingers of one hand.

Large parts to the top of Goldthorpe are derelict and resemble a bomb site.

Only if you blame the miners for trying to protect their livelihood during Thatcher's tenure as PM could you call what has happened and is still happening there, "self inflicted."

She wanted to teach the miners a lesson and that lesson is ongoing.


Lest anyone start crowing about that fact just let me introduce a little bit of perspective. This is what happens to any industry that dares defy the "lords and masters" under a right wing government. Yesterday the miners...tomorrow...???


Bang on ,It also happened to the steel industry and left Sheffield a desert.


And what happens is that the youth who are left on the scrap heap are then called chavs and branded as work shy and feckless when in fact they have been abandoned by the Tory Industrialists who have taken the steel production abroad so as to take advantage of cheap [often child] labour.

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Bang on ,It also happened to the steel industry and left Sheffield a desert.


And what happens is that the youth who are left on the scrap heap are then called chavs and branded as work shy and feckless when in fact they have been abandoned by the Tory Industrialists who have taken the steel production abroad so as to take advantage of cheap [often child] labour.


Well gee, they could you know, do other work. Or are they only fit for banging hot metal about?


People like you perpetuate the problem by telling them they are on the scrap heap. Self fulfulling prophecy. Have you ever considered that they could get off their backsides, and do something different?


And don't tell me it's not possible. Everyone I knew, myself included who decided to do something different, did. The rest of them are still there, rotting in mediocrity.

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