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'Deep Discontent' so what do you want?

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Bang on ,It also happened to the steel industry and left Sheffield a desert.


And what happens is that the youth who are left on the scrap heap are then called chavs and branded as work shy and feckless when in fact they have been abandoned by the Tory Industrialists who have taken the steel production abroad so as to take advantage of cheap [often child] labour.


Funniest post ever. Sorry but it is. I take a fair few pot shots at Sheffield from the safety of north East Derbyshire but to call Sheffield a desert is total hogwash. It might not be the biggest and brightest in the north but we (you?) have two big and respected universities, and teaching hospitals at one end and a whole bunch of call centres at the other and a myriad of small businesses inbetween. A desert it isn't. And it produces more steel than ever without giving its population various industrial injuries.


Move to Thurnscoe - you'd love it.

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Thatcher was TWENTY FIVE YEARS ago. And since then they'e sat in a cess pit of their own making - bright intelligent people perfectly able to do other jobs but unwilling because it's easier for them to sit and wallow in their own self pity. Successive governments, Labour and Tory have wasted money on them left right and center and they take it, spend if on booze and fags and **** it up the wall. Open a business there? Wont get any local help "not one of us" and then they moan that the Poles are taking the jobs they wouldnt take....


If it wasnt for the fact they are bringing up another generation exactly the same I'd let the lot of them rot but they are trashing the futures of their kids and grandkids as well.


Self inflicted? Damn right it is, and I've no sympathy for any of them.


You make it very hard for me to take you seriously posting such utter uninformed garbage like this!

Yes it's been 25 years and that was precisely the point I was making! 25 years and nothing has been done!

Show me your evidence to back up the preposterous statement that successive governments have wasted money on Goldthorpe!

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I wasn't referring to Goldthorpe specifically.


But there is all the benefits that have been paid to people manifestly not interested in work.


There's the NE derbyshire regional development fund. Money spent willy nilly. Nothing much came of that.


The beautification of the spoil heaps to create Peter Fidler nature park. First thing people did was trash it and it had to be largely rebuilt


Skinners junction. Lots of units benefited from that costly work. Shame that they hardly employ anyone from Bolsover.


North Eastern Derbyshire Business Development Ltd - again the same issue. New businesses, thought they get a lot of local skilled labour. Voting Labour doesnt mean they work though. Many of their enterprises staffed by Poles...


I could go on but you get the picture.

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You make it very hard for me to take you seriously posting such utter uninformed garbage like this!

Yes it's been 25 years and that was precisely the point I was making! 25 years and nothing has been done!

Show me your evidence to back up the preposterous statement that successive governments have wasted money on Goldthorpe!


Yorkshire forward dropped £195m that I quickly added up in this report https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/247235/1386.pdf


There will be more.


Here's another £260m - nationwide but earmarked for former coal fields - hence tge name http://www.coalfields-regen.org.uk


Another £20m from Barnsley council https://www.barnsley.gov.uk/services/housing/private-housing/dearne-valley-programme/goldthorpe

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Dearne Valley Parkway. Nice expensive fast road punctuated by roundabouts to industrial estates that are not even built. No demand - no local workforce.


Move 15 miles north to Leeds and we are building industrial estates everywhere. But then there is a willing workforce....

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I wasn't referring to Goldthorpe specifically.


But there is all the benefits that have been paid to people manifestly not interested in work.


There's the NE derbyshire regional development fund. Money spent willy nilly. Nothing much came of that.


The beautification of the spoil heaps to create Peter Fidler nature park. First thing people did was trash it and it had to be largely rebuilt


Skinners junction. Lots of units benefited from that costly work. Shame that they hardly employ anyone from Bolsover.


North Eastern Derbyshire Business Development Ltd - again the same issue. New businesses, thought they get a lot of local skilled labour. Voting Labour doesnt mean they work though. Many of their enterprises staffed by Poles...


I could go on but you get the picture.


Re my bold.


You could have fooled me...
















...oh no wait...you did fool me!


Why flag up my post and then talk about other mining areas?


---------- Post added 27-05-2014 at 20:46 ----------


Yorkshire forward dropped £195m that I quickly added up in this report https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/247235/1386.pdf


There will be more.


Here's another £260m - nationwide but earmarked for former coal fields - hence tge name http://www.coalfields-regen.org.uk


Another £20m from Barnsley council https://www.barnsley.gov.uk/services/housing/private-housing/dearne-valley-programme/goldthorpe


It all looks fine and dandy in fancy plans and balance sheets.


All I'm saying is go and see it for yourself!

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Well gee, they could you know, do other work. Or are they only fit for banging hot metal about?


People like you perpetuate the problem by telling them they are on the scrap heap. Self fulfulling prophecy. Have you ever considered that they could get off their backsides, and do something different?


And don't tell me it's not possible. Everyone I knew, myself included who decided to do something different, did. The rest of them are still there, rotting in mediocrity.

I am not telling them they are on the scrap heap, you are.


---------- Post added 27-05-2014 at 19:53 ----------


Dearne Valley Parkway. Nice expensive fast road punctuated by roundabouts to industrial estates that are not even built. No demand - no local workforce.


Move 15 miles north to Leeds and we are building industrial estates everywhere. But then there is a willing workforce....

We ? so you are in Leeds.

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I am not telling them they are on the scrap heap, you are.


Really? care to back that assertion up flower? You were the one who dragged "scrap heap" into this in a shameful and disgusting attempt to make political capital out of this.


Unlike you I've probably done more for the people of that region than you could even comprehend and when I say that the problems there are deep rooted and of their own making it's entirely true. They are not on the scrap heap however because that implies uselessness. Whats so deeply sad about it is that there is great potential and skills there that are not being used because of entrenched political ideology punted around by creatures such as yourself - all to score a few cheap political points.


I'm going somewhere where the air is a little clearer now, but think on what I said.

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Re my bold.


You could have fooled me...
















...oh no wait...you did fool me!


Why flag up my post and then talk about other mining areas?


---------- Post added 27-05-2014 at 20:46 ----------



It all looks fine and dandy in fancy plans and balance sheets.


All I'm saying is go and see it for yourself!


I've been to thurnscoe - twice. There was an old church that had a sign outside saying it was a community centre funded by the EU and others (I can't remember who - some regeneration body) only it was boarded up and vandalised. There was lots of vandalised buildings. The money has gone into roads and industrial estates just down the road I expect. If I go again I'll see what's happened to it since.

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I am not telling them they are on the scrap heap, you are.


---------- Post added 27-05-2014 at 19:53 ----------


We ? so you are in Leeds.


I've never made a secret of it flower.


No go on - drag out the tired old jokes about how Leeds has it good and poor Sheffield gets it bad. Want to know the reason? People like you are not living in Leeds that's why.

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