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'Deep Discontent' so what do you want?

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A couple I know just left Bolsover, they lived there for about 3 years because it's not actually an unpleasant place, and the housing is cheap.

Perhaps the good value housing will help to attract more dinky, relatively affluent people to the village over time.


That was happening nearly 20 years ago - I know a few people who bought new build houses there for not much money. It's odd that the town centre looks much the same as it did then as it does now.


---------- Post added 28-05-2014 at 11:45 ----------


Have you seen all the improvements going on at Markham Vale?





Yes, those new units are very nice but considering the land available not many have been built. A great chunk of land is being used for parking for people working on the m1 "improvements". Go up a couple of junctions and the equally swanky vector 31 developement was bigger (certainly more units than Markham vale has built thus far ) and filled, bar one massive unit, quite quickly.


Neither development are that cheap to rent though.

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It attracts jobs quite well. There's enough money sloshing about. But since it's populated by people who are still waiting the mines back 25 years later, who sit there and are told by lefty prats that "it's all Maggies fault" and they have been left on the "scrap heap", and the end result if most of them think they are no good for anything - ergo they don't do anything. Many of the jobs in Bolsover are filled by people from outside the town, whilst those inside are content to sit and fester.


I've known people be offered good jobs, but they wont take them because "it's not a minimg job" or "I'm not working for a Tory" or "why should I I want to be a <insert long gone industry here>" They need to wake up and realise that not everyone gets to be an astronaut, and that no-one apart from themselves is going to get them a job.


But there are many there still willing to sit and whine that Maggie stole their jobs - a quarter of a century later on... What a waste of themselves...


What you describe above has not the slightest proximity to anything resembling the truth in Goldthorpe.

I realise you were referring to Bolsover but without having had your experience of the place I still rather suspect that you may be right in some cases but that these would be a tiny, tiny minority.

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What you describe above has not the slightest proximity to anything resembling the truth in Goldthorpe.

I realise you were referring to Bolsover but without having had your experience of the place I still rather suspect that you may be right in some cases but that these would be a tiny, tiny minority.


I don't pretend to know the details in Goldthorpe, but the places I've visited the attitude aboves stands true. Every place has it's own special problems of course, but the general malaise above is a disease that appears to inflict a wide area, to greater or lesser extent..

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So if there are problems of poverty, poor/unaffordable housing in certain places, it is because the entire population of those places need to change their attitude, and the government is therefore exhonerated of any responsibity to take action?


I don't really see that as an outlook or a policy that is going to bear any fruit. It was the same kind of 'undeserving poor' rubbish the goverment and their well to do supporters came out with in the reccession before the war, until the excrement hit the air conditioning, and it was realised that they required these good for nothing poor people with their bad attitudes to risk their lives to save a country in which they had virtually no stake, yet nonetheless gave their lives by the thousands.

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>>> It was the same kind of 'undeserving poor' rubbish the goverment and their well to do supporters came out with in the reccession before the war, until the excrement hit the air conditioning, and it was realised that they required these good for nothing poor people with their bad attitudes to risk their lives to save a country in which they had virtually no stake, yet nonetheless gave their lives by the thousands.<<<


And will again as soon as 'those with their hand on the rudder' can whip up enough nationalistic fervour and fear of 'terrorists' and immigrants.


It took twenty years to get the last war underway.

1914 -1918 to 1939 - 1945

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When did we have an inclusive society?????




After WW2 there was an attempt, NHS, Education, Something called social housing not AFFORDABLE housing, etc. But you would not have noticed, as you obviously felt excluded.

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Well, if you believe the news on the telly, the politicians are worried. At the meeting of the EU there were calls for change - much of it headed by David Cameron.


How much of this is sound bites that will amount to nothing we'll have to wait and see, but I'm sure they'd like nothing better than to hope we'll forget all about it.


'A week in politics is a long time.' -so said because they know we have short memories and other things will come along to distract us. So I think the secret is to keep up the momentum, the pressure and the scrutiny. Don't let them get away with anything, and keep asking how the desire for change is actually being translated into action.

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After WW2 there was an attempt, NHS, Education, Something called social housing not AFFORDABLE housing, etc. But you would not have noticed, as you obviously felt excluded.


Yeah and not being born then. But it was exclusive then. All black people could be excluded from housing and jobs. Racism was a social norm. Gay people had to hide away for fear of their career and indeed freedom. Wives could be legally raped by their husbands. Women didn't need to be paid the same. Abortion was illegal. Higher education was for the rich.


But that aside, everyone had the chance to work (in unsafe conditions and retire with a nasty industrial disease). Obviously work was more plentiful after ww2 what with the need to rebuild our major cities.


But yeah apart from that it was a veritable utopia, particularly if you were a rich white man.

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And will again as soon as 'those with their hand on the rudder' can whip up enough nationalistic fervour and fear of 'terrorists' and immigrants.


It took twenty years to get the last war underway.

1914 -1918 to 1939 - 1945


Who is it that benefits from an entire generation of young men being destroyed, our major industrial centres being bombed, GDP being funnelled into nothing but destruction and the economic prosperity of multiple nations being heavily damaged?

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