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'Deep Discontent' so what do you want?

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For a simplistic approach then, how does a five year old earn the right to an education?


Some things are give as inalienable rights. These include the things listed in the huram rights act, much maligned as it is but these are rights that are essential for people to survive, and for society to function. Tamper with them at your peril.


I begin with the premise that the " inalienable " right is " life " , and as such is sacrosanct and that no one has the right to deprive ,therefore deserves the right to every ones respect .

The right to education , health etc., is deemed a right by by any caring society in order for it to function to its fullest . However , those provisions have to paid for and are done so by the society into which they are born . Yes , even employment and ; the human rights act as you so rightly point out . Failure for that society to meet its responsibility renders itself dis-functional, as our present situation attests to .

Having said that , there is an expectation by any respectable society , that all individuals are enabled to pay or repay for what they have received or will receive from that society . There are exceptions , inevitably . Those who are disabled - be it physically , mentally or indeed both, then then it is incumbent on that society to care for them . That care and support should also be extended to all those who are unemployed ,either due to their unemployability or because they are used by the system for manipulative reasons i.e. greed or gain . I do not include loafers or spongers in that reasoning .

There are those societies , and individuals who do not " respect " either life nor the rights of individuals . They are the people who should be held to account .

Yes , I would criticise all those who do not respect life or peoples for whatever prejudice , be it race , creed ,colour , religion , gender , ethnicity, gender or any any other bigoted reason . but that brings me back to the point which I first made ;

What you come into this world with is free - all else has to be earned .That includes Respect .

And no - I was not referring to the political party !

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Inalienable rights do not really exist.


Life has little to with rights. The only ones that really have rights are those with the power and influence to claim them, and in doing so they do so almost completely careless of the effect that has on others less fortunate than themselves.


They may grant rights to others but only to better control them. They will change the entitlement to those rights they have allowed as and when it suits them.


What really matters is the approval or disapproval on the whole of the society in which you live.

If we approve or disapprove very strongly about something we may choose to act or approve the actions of others.


That we give money to people who have none or insufficient is pure and simply insurance.


People who have nothing and by inference have little or nothing to lose will eventually be pushed to a point where they will take; by begging, borrowing or stealing, if only to feed their kids.


It is far more cost effective, not just financially, in the long run to either give them some money or of course let them die. The majority of our society disapprove of the latter so we give them money. When the view of society is changed and we no longer disapprove then we will probably let them and their children die and most likely return to executing them for stealing food.


Respect has to be earned and sometimes it is.


I can respect some of the achievements of some people, that does not for a moment mean I respect everything about anyone. Just because I do respect some acheivements it does not mean that I always respect the methods used to acheive them. I can even in some cases despise their methods and still respect some of their acheivements.



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