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'Deep Discontent' so what do you want?

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I have to agree with all that Mossdog has written, and will add

1. Nursey school Education should be free and compulsory for all pre school children, and introduce competitive sports activities..

2. Reduce Sats to once per year. Small Children do not need that kind of pressure. Any teacher worth their salt knows what the children need, and can set a programme accordingly. Bring back the discipline of a proper Uniform and pride in the school.

3. Get rid of Micky Mouse University courses. like drama and media studies. Limit University places to those that cannot be done at college or night school. like Surgery, Dentistry, Doctor, Sciences, Engineering etc.

4. Nationalise all amenities that people need to survive and make them affordable, like Electricty, Gas, Water, Transport. Abolish all Care Home fees and staff them with qualified workers.

5. Print the Bradbury Pound/Green Backs.

6. Abolish all Loan Sharks.

7. Set affordable interest rates for Bank loans across the board.

8, Build 'affordable' housing on ALL brown sites throughout the country.

9. Make it illegal to manufacture and sell arms.

10. Make it illegal to invade another country - isolate it instead.

11. Abolish the First Past the post politics.

12. Abolish Lobbying.

13. Implement Vocational Education.

14. Provide compulsory Special Schooling for parents and dysfunctional children, out of school hours if necessary..

15, Legalise Prostitution.

16. Limit immigration to those who have jobs to come to and speak English well enough to integrate and be understood by the people they are working with. As they do in Australia and Canada.



Everything I propose can be paid for by the money allotted for wars and armaments.

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Please try not to be so sarky. It doesn't suit you. It makes you come across as stern and badtempered (rather than just stern).


Really, this should be a priority?


Yes, in my view. That's why I suggested it.


I can't help but notice that basically you want the government to spend more. Much, much more.

Presumably when taxes are increased by 20% across the board there'd be "deep discontent" with that as well

Not from me. I cannot speak for others.


But OP asked what we would like governments to do differently and I gave my views. Hope that's OK with you?

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Oh stop it. You know very well that the poor are always whinging how the rich all got there by inheritance or dishonesty. Quite ridiculous. The rich simply have lots of ambition, think big and work smarter but the poor don't want to admit that. oh no.




Not at all, I just find it pathetic that the poor are always crying out for some magic "fair distribution" of wealth. Maybe they should take a look at their own efforts and simply, try harder.


So...you're super rich then?

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I'd just like politicians to be honest about what the problems facing the country are, what the possible solutions are, and what they are going to do about them.


They should stop pretending they can pull rabbits out of hats and do miracles, they don't run the country but they should be held accountable for creating decent and fair regulation.


Many people up and down the country have good relationships with their individual MPs but as a body in Westminster they put their constituents wishes to one side in order to curry favour within their parties. That's where a lot of discontent comes from, watching MPs become nothing more than lobby fodder.


Anyway as for the OP, I'd like to see:


More protection for wildlife and the environment

Take climate change seriously and stop pandering to the deniers

More building on brownfield, not green

A fairer distribution of the resources we have.....libraries shouldn't shut, lollypop men made redundant, respite care cut and dementia care inadequate for the sake of a few million when billions are pished up the wall on daft schemes, trident, HS2, broken computer systems, meddling with the NHS and paying bankers bonuses.

No HS2 but a better nationwide integrated transport system

Stop pishing about reorganising the NHS every year and use the money spent on patients

Stop throwing money at free schools run by religious groups, creationists and oddbods at the expense of everyone else's education

A commitment to full employment

Proper regulation of the banking sector.

Proper regulation of rail fares and utility costs (and as a consequence rules regulating flogging off everything to foreign companies)

A simplified Tax/NIC system which would lead to less avoidance and evasion, but increased resources to tackle the avoidance and evasion that would continue.

A realisation that "growth" for growths sake is nonviable.

Aubergines compulsory on a Saturday.

Reform Tax Credits, they are open to abuse and just encourage fraud and resentment, a good idea, but badly thought through.


Personally speaking I'm nicely well off, with a nice house, a good job and no kids to worry about so I should be happy with the status quo. But I'm not one of those "I'm alright Jack" types. There isn't a single party that would make my life materially better than any other. They don't run the country....as has been seen this month when they all took a break because there was nothing to do in Parliament. The country to an extent can run itself, as long as there is an honest and efficient civil service making sure things run smoothly ;)

And I would add to that!...........stop the mass industrialization of political power to Brussels! let the people rule not Brussels!.........you only have to see what the banking industry did with too much unregulated power!............lets not sleepwalk any further.
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It is not imposable now as my grandson as done around 3 years ago he is 25 now and he did it without any help just by working hard and saving, if he wants anything he saves up to buy it and does not use credit

Exactly how it should be done and exactly what i have always done.Do not get anything you cannot afford and if you still want it try and better yourself so that you can and if you choose not to better yourself admit that you are never going to be able to get what you wanted.I am all for banning credit it will learn people money management and living within your means.You usually end up paying twice as much on credit,a mugs game.

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The country has spoken.


The results are being interpreted as 'deep discontent'


Well I think they got that right. So what do you want? What's the big picture you'd like to see us working towards.


Can you put together a wish list of what you'd like to see happening. This isn't to argue about the practicalities and how it can be done, that can come later.


I'll start:


I'd like to see the gap between rich and poor closing.


A return to 'free' post 18 education and training.


I want to see us out of the EU , take back control of our borders and put a stop to uncontrolled mass immigration.

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These privileged classes then go on to the top jobs in Parliament and Banking etc and this effectively starts the whole sad process starting all over again where the rich get richer and the rest can go to hell.


Not necessarily, David Blunkett (third most powerful man in country) came from the Shiregreen, John Prescott (deputy PM) was a ship's steward, and Dennis Skinner started as a miner.

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I want people that always vote against things to start thinking about what they want, how realistic that is in the big picture and which politician is most likely to deliver on that. I actually want that for all non-voters as well.


---------- Post added 23-05-2014 at 21:39 ----------


Not necessarily, David Blunkett (third most powerful man in country) came from the Shiregreen, John Prescott (deputy PM) was a ship's steward, and Dennis Skinner started as a miner.


Have you looked at Labour's front bench recently?

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