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'Deep Discontent' so what do you want?

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Improved environments an less cripplingly expensive nursing care for the elderly.


Public education campaign to reduce inappropriate attendance and time-wasting by the public in A & E depts. Across the board funding increases in NHS so staff can do their jobs properly.


Enough money put into all state schools to allow them to have class sizes and facilities matching private schools.


Better funding for the arts, especially regional theatres.


Greater investment in renewable energy with aim for UK to be self-sufficient by 2025


To be paid for by:


Higher taxation and NI


Rigorous pursuit and prosecution of tax dodgers at all levels.


Like many people I imagine I do agree with some of what you say.

State school class size reduction, improved and affordadable care for the elderly for example.


Self-sufficency in enewable energy would be good though I doubt the cost effectiveness and the real cost of most of it at the moment.




I disagree with some of what you said too.


I do not see what is wrong with people paying for their own higher education. It inceases the number of people in debt which daft as it seems helps the economy and helps deter people attempting to gain qualifications that are unlikely to lead to employment. Learing your job on the job in many cases would be far better than an empty degree in something that people really ought to just have as a hobby.


As for the arts and theatre; people will pay for what they want to see and of course not pay for whayt they don't. Paying for or subsidising either from the public purse is for the most part just little used indulgence that a non-affluent nation can presently ill afford.


As for higher taxation and NI speak for yourself. The percentage of disposable income for many of us has been dropping steadily for years. If we had more in our pockets that we had a free choice to spend as we wished then more jobs could be created and the economy as whole would benefit.


I have my own views on how some of the things you suggest could be financed but apart from the obvious of reducing waste and inefficiency I won't start what ought to be whole new thread here; especially as experience shows that the moderators would be closing this thread quite soon if we did.



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I've no idea, but open to suggestions!


The point is there are no working class 'new kids on the block.'


Skinner, Prescott et al came up through the unions or old Grammar school system which is no more.


The problem now is the selection process which provides shortlists of candidates for the main parties. You have to vote for those that have been preselected for you, and then when elected, they are whipped into doing the bidding of the party not the people.


You can stand as an independent of course but unless you have pots of money for a campaign you stand very little chance of getting in, against the might of the political machine which backs the main parties.

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The country has spoken.


The results are being interpreted as 'deep discontent'


Well I think they got that right. So what do you want? What's the big picture you'd like to see us working towards.


Can you put together a wish list of what you'd like to see happening. This isn't to argue about the practicalities and how it can be done, that can come later.


I'll start:


I'd like to see the gap between rich and poor closing.


A return to 'free' post 18 education and training.


You have got it right !

The country has spoken - but are the government listening - I think not !

Following every election , the party,s give their conclusion as to what they think the people are saying , and all they are doing is blustering .

The tory,s say that they must now listen to the people because they may have got things wrong , i.e. migration.

The Labour party say that they have to re-think their strategy because they have lost seats .

The Lib Dems are looking to where they went wrong - but knowing how to put it right .

Ukip are saying that they have got it right .

It appears to me that it is the usual farcical exercise which all of them go through after each election .

Each party in power will say that they will experience losses due to unpopularity because they have had to take measures in order to put things right .

The opposition party offers nothing acceptable in order to placate the electorate and so , another party which offers them some sort of a lifeline comes into being ,and they opt for that .

The end result is that they all " GET IT WRONG ".

The most important provisions for any nation are , in my opinion are :-

( a ) . The Health of the nation.

( b ) . The education of our future generation.

( c ) . Housing , welfare and well being of our people .

All of which encompass employment and equality and fairness of provisions for all its people .

Those things having been provided , we can then look to other aspects of international and globular consideration

Ukip can enjoy the good results which they have seen at the last election and make of them what they will .

The tory's , lib-dems and labour can go away licking their wounds but , the poor old electorate - who are the real losers -have to go on trying their best to work out their way forward .

Whilst we all experience and see the inequality and unfairness generated by successive governments , the people will continue to flit from one party to another .

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You have got it right !

The country has spoken - but are the government listening - I think not !

Following every election , the party,s give their conclusion as to what they think the people are saying , and all they are doing is blustering .

The tory,s say that they must now listen to the people because they may have got things wrong , i.e. migration.

The Labour party say that they have to re-think their strategy because they have lost seats .

The Lib Dems are looking to where they went wrong - but knowing how to put it right .

Ukip are saying that they have got it right .

It appears to me that it is the usual farcical exercise which all of them go through after each election .

Each party in power will say that they will experience losses due to unpopularity because they have had to take measures in order to put things right .

The opposition party offers nothing acceptable in order to placate the electorate and so , another party which offers them some sort of a lifeline comes into being ,and they opt for that .

The end result is that they all " GET IT WRONG ".

The most important provisions for any nation are , in my opinion are :-

( a ) . The Health of the nation.

( b ) . The education of our future generation.

( c ) . Housing , welfare and well being of our people .

All of which encompass employment and equality and fairness of provisions for all its people .

Those things having been provided , we can then look to other aspects of international and globular consideration

Ukip can enjoy the good results which they have seen at the last election and make of them what they will .

The tory's , lib-dems and labour can go away licking their wounds but , the poor old electorate - who are the real losers -have to go on trying their best to work out their way forward .

Whilst we all experience and see the inequality and unfairness generated by successive governments , the people will continue to flit from one party to another .


Good post.


I particularly agree with the bit in bold.


As for your last paragraph, I think we've done enough jumping around to register our dissatisfaction. We need a radical new voting system, if not I think they are going to experience more direct action.

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Good post.


I particularly agree with the bit in bold.


As for your last paragraph, I think we've done enough jumping around to register our dissatisfaction. We need a radical new voting system, if not I think they are going to experience more direct action.


How I agree with you on the need for a more democratic P.R. system of voting which I have to say , I have suggested on another thread .

As for your suggestion of "more direct action ". It will take a lot for the people of this country to be motivated into direct action . That is why the establishment put the two fingers up to the election results .

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He also happens to say the right things as well truman, that's why they elect him.


You might be giving the good people of bolsover too much credit.


First things first, what do we expect an mp to be able to deliver? Investment from big corporations? Bigger better more schools/hospitals etc?


A drive through the district of bolsover is like driving back in time. Clowne is now dominated by a large tesco and little else since the college shut (I'm sure there's a metaphor in their somewhere).Bolsover hasn't got a major supermarket that I've seen. Shirebrook has a thwacking great sports direct warehouse and some new industrial units which I believe was paid for with EU money. It hasn't got the feel of a place that's moved on since the pits shut 20 years ago. But why would it? A labour government might have helped push through jct 29a on the m1 (skinners junction) but it hasn't brought much else. But if a constituency is going to vote labour rain or shine the labour government probably gave more attention to swing/marginal seats.


Skinner is a good man with out dated policies (compared to the labour front bench) that are out dated by 30 years. No doubt his constituents hope that next election will be the turning point but I doubt it. They've been left behind like those in other pit villages in Barnsley Rotherham and beyond. And until they vote differently the Tories will ignore them and labour will take them for granted.

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You might be giving the good people of bolsover too much credit.


First things first, what do we expect an mp to be able to deliver? Investment from big corporations? Bigger better more schools/hospitals etc?


A drive through the district of bolsover is like driving back in time. Clowne is now dominated by a large tesco and little else since the college shut (I'm sure there's a metaphor in their somewhere).Bolsover hasn't got a major supermarket that I've seen. Shirebrook has a thwacking great sports direct warehouse and some new industrial units which I believe was paid for with EU money. It hasn't got the feel of a place that's moved on since the pits shut 20 years ago. But why would it? A labour government might have helped push through jct 29a on the m1 (skinners junction) but it hasn't brought much else. But if a constituency is going to vote labour rain or shine the labour government probably gave more attention to swing/marginal seats.


Skinner is a good man with out dated policies (compared to the labour front bench) that are out dated by 30 years. No doubt his constituents hope that next election will be the turning point but I doubt it. They've been left behind like those in other pit villages in Barnsley Rotherham and beyond. And until they vote differently the Tories will ignore them and labour will take them for granted.

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