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When is ok to fight back?

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So the IPCC will be investigating the assault?


I couldnt tell you. Ive given my details in case a statement is needed but ive had no contact from anyone as of yet.

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Why wouldn't you? If you have evidence of police brutality on video you have a moral responsibility to act on it do you not?


I did act on it. I made sure the man got everything i had. He knows where to contact me should he need to and he has the video from my phone. Im not sure what else i could have done.


---------- Post added 01-06-2014 at 12:02 ----------


Because you felt strongly enough to post about it on the forum...


Yes i did.

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Yes you did what?


You asked why you would report it, I answered "Because you felt strongly enough to post it on the forum".

Surely if you feel strongly about it, you'd rather something be done, than some empty discussion?

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Yes you did what?


You asked why you would report it, I answered "Because you felt strongly enough to post it on the forum".

Surely if you feel strongly about it, you'd rather something be done, than some empty discussion?


You must have missread the part where i stated i passed on my information and the video from my phone. Im not sure what you mean by empty discussion im afraid.

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Ive been staying with relatives for a few weeks and over that time I have gone for a few nights out with them. Its been great catching up with family and friends, soaking up the family atmosphere and having lots of fun. This was almost ruined however by an incident involving the local police (i wont say where) and a group of revelers. There was an incident involving a man and a bottle. He had thrown it into a doorway as they wouldn't let him in so the police were called. We were right next door waiting to enter a club so had a clear view of what was happening. The man ran as soon as the police arrived but they didn't go after him. Instead the doorman wrongly identified another man as the bottle thrower. This man had only just arrived and didn't even look like the thrower but the police went for him all the same. When i say went for him i mean literally attacked him, knocki8ng him to the ground. We all shouted at the police they had the wrong man but they just carried on. This poor man was getting a pasting for nothing. All he kept saying was "Ive only just got here, i didn't throw a bottle" but they just pummeled him some more. They used batons and fists to subdue this man who had no chance of defending himself. We even approached the police to tell them they had the wrong man but my brother was pushed in the face and then threatened with arrest.

His only crime was to say "excuse me officer but the man who threw the bottle went over there" and pointed to a street the thrower ran down.

For this he was verbally abused but that's no matter, our concern was it seems that if the police suspect you of something these days then its quite acceptable for them to assault someone (innocent) without asking them a single question then abuse members of the public who try to point out their error. Im sure that as a member of the public you have a right to defend yourself from an unprovoked assault, but what if the one doing the unprovoked assaulting is a police officer?

What would you have done?


Filmed the whole thing on the iPhone then if the man who was wrongly ssaulted wanted to take the case to court I would have gladly let him use the evidence. No excuse for police brutality. They need to pay monetarily or be disciplined or both

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I find that very hard to belive? police will never go in that heavy handed unless the accused was 'acting tough', First thing police do is ask them to put hand against wall then hand cruff & search him. Never would they pile into him with barton drawn unless he has weapon and fighting back,

i think you are telling the whole story, why come on here to give police a bad name?


you are joking????

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