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Long drives - what do you do?

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Put vehicle in cruise control, move legs around now and again to help circulation and prevent blood clots, fiddle with radio tuner,when it's necessary fart as quietly as possible then let window down sharpish so the missus wont smell it, munch on bag of potato chips, play a few CDs, stop every three-four hours at a designated rest area and take a leak, enjoy the new and unfamiliar scenery


No problem with other drivers. Interstates here have mostly two lanes in each direction. Rule is stay in the right hand lane unless overtaking. If in the left lane after overtaking move back into the right lane to allow faster vehicles right of way. Never any problem with that

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yes different rules apply when it is a big landmass and not one of the most densely populated countries on earth like the UK is. And in Australia there is even more space than there is in the continental US. So just wait and put your left knee up on the steering wheel and roll a joint. And if you break down, be prepared for a long wait. Whatever you do do not walk too far from the vehicle.

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i used to give the children things to count on a journey such as son counted red lorries and daughter counted green cars etc the first to reach 100 got somethin out the treat bag then start again, ii sometimes still do it when travellin a long journey alone, keeps me alert rather than fighting my eyelids because of boredom, i also have music blaring, singing along looking like a mentalist to the people looking into the car as they pass me , window always open for fresh air no matter what the weather......oh and sweets n fags , can drive anywhere then

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She has got a point.

Getting annoyed with others is done by your own free choice. No matter what others do you have the freedom of choice to enjoy it or get annoyed.


The reason you don't feel like you have that freedom happens because it has become a habit and you blame the others for how you react instead of acknowledging your own responsibility of how you react.


I have stopped taking things personal and stopped believing others are responsible to behave a certain way to please my expectations. If I do get annoyed or upset I immediately look at myself as the source of that annoyance and calm down.


I did not mean anything nasty tzijlstra, I don't see myself as perfect. I fully understand the feeling of frustration, that is why I started looking at the source of it.

Still fall into that same trap but when I do have changed the direction I look.


Main danger is to start blaming, yourself or the other does not matter, it will start the judgemental machine in your head and frustration is born.

Let them stick to the middle lane. If you don't like it, it is your decision to get frustrated, you could also have decided to like it and have a good time thanking them for it.


I don't really suggest that bad driving habits are good or something to feel happy about. But if there is little you can do when others drive a certain way you can at least make sure you are not ruining your own life when you can use that same time and energy to feel joyful.


Wow you are a serious fella, he only wanted to know what type of mints we had in the car :hihi:

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This last week was spent in the glorious Highlands, very high in fact - an hour north of Ullapool, the last bastion of remote civilisation in the North West of Scotland.


The trip there took 9 and a half hours, the trip back, including a planned 1 hour stop at a gallery took 11 and a half due to bank holiday weekend traffic and me underestimating the impact of Scots going to England for holiday. In the past I have driven 14 and 16 hour journeys from the North of England to the North of the Netherlands using the Channel Tunnel. This trip though made me think of the stuff I do on these journeys and made me wonder what my fellow forummers do.


What I do: Eat (way too many) mints, listen to BBC Radio Scotland/Radio 2 depending on the country I am in at the time, talk to the dog who is in the back of the car, get annoyed with people who are glued to the middle lane for no reason, chat with my wife about the sights and delights of the country-side until they run out, at which point I usually get annoyed with people that annoy me and get her telling me to calm down.


So what do you get up to?


If something goes wrong , You NOW have two options , go hard left or hard right. More room for error! >>> something to think about!

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Quite a few years ago a friend and I decided that we wanted to go to the Mardi Gras in Noo Orleans. We flew out to Orlando & hired a car, making sure we had a good map, & drove up the state of Florida, staying overnight in Pensacola.

We then drove through Alabama and on through Mississippi, staying overnight in Biloxi...eventually making it to destination with 2 days to spare. So we looked at the map, deciding that the next state, Texas, was quite a wide one. So we decided to drive up through the state of Louisiana, into Texas staying over in Houston, through Oklahoma then Arkansas and onto Tennessee, staying over in Memphis, before dropping down through the state of Mississippi to our final destination.


It was a long drive, but the map had all the states listed on the back, so to kill time, whoever wasn't driving would do the reg check, (cars have their home state on the reg plate), ticking off the regs we saw along the way. Whoever saw the vehicle with the furthest away reg got the highest points. We also played a version of car snooker at various points along the way.

The freeways do tend to be quite long and tedious so wherever possible we'd take a detour off, driving through the little hick towns along the way, and getting extremely excited whenever we crossed the state line...risking life and limb to get out photos taken next to the 'Welcome to ...' Sign


For fairness, whoever was driving had their choice of music channels on, me country & classic rock, friend, grunge music...this was 1997! (I opted to do the most driving as I couldn't bear grunge!)

After a fun filled week in the French quarter, we looked at the map, deciding we didn't want to go the same way back, so took a detour through Georgia, staying over in Albany, and up to South Carolina, staying over in Charleston, before heading back to Orlando for our return flight home.

Towards the end of our trip we'd seen quite a few reg plates, & with only a few to go, were getting extremely giddy when we saw one that we'd not yet seen!


Upon dropping the car off, the mileage was checked...I think we'd covered well over 4000 miles!

There we were, waxing lyrically about our adventure to the car hire guy...before he pointed out we shouldn't have taken the car out of the state of Florida!...Oops!

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Quite a few years ago a friend and I decided that we wanted to go to the Mardi Gras in Noo Orleans. We flew out to Orlando & hired a car, making sure we had a good map, & drove up the state of Florida, staying overnight in Pensacola.

We then drove through Alabama and on through Mississippi, staying overnight in Biloxi...eventually making it to destination with 2 days to spare. So we looked at the map, deciding that the next state, Texas, was quite a wide one. So we decided to drive up through the state of Louisiana, into Texas staying over in Houston, through Oklahoma then Arkansas and onto Tennessee, staying over in Memphis, before dropping down through the state of Mississippi to our final destination.


It was a long drive, but the map had all the states listed on the back, so to kill time, whoever wasn't driving would do the reg check, (cars have their home state on the reg plate), ticking off the regs we saw along the way. Whoever saw the vehicle with the furthest away reg got the highest points. We also played a version of car snooker at various points along the way.

The freeways do tend to be quite long and tedious so wherever possible we'd take a detour off, driving through the little hick towns along the way, and getting extremely excited whenever we crossed the state line...risking life and limb to get out photos taken next to the 'Welcome to ...' Sign


For fairness, whoever was driving had their choice of music channels on, me country & classic rock, friend, grunge music...this was 1997! (I opted to do the most driving as I couldn't bear grunge!)

After a fun filled week in the French quarter, we looked at the map, deciding we didn't want to go the same way back, so took a detour through Georgia, staying over in Albany, and up to South Carolina, staying over in Charleston, before heading back to Orlando for our return flight home.

Towards the end of our trip we'd seen quite a few reg plates, & with only a few to go, were getting extremely giddy when we saw one that we'd not yet seen!


Upon dropping the car off, the mileage was checked...I think we'd covered well over 4000 miles!

There we were, waxing lyrically about our adventure to the car hire guy...before he pointed out we shouldn't have taken the car out of the state of Florida!...Oops!


Haha, awesome story! My brother picked up his driving license in North Carolina whilst working there as a football camp counsellor. All he had to do was drive around some park and that was that. His friend had a license and rented a 'Winnebago' and the two of them drove all the way to Las Vegas from north of Charlotte. He effectively drove (legally) from coast-to-coast with 0 miles experience, how they didn't die horribly is beyond me to be honest.

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On the A1/M1 north of Leeds we had a horrendous deluge


Yes it was rather epic that rain wasnt it... I got caught in it as well.


Long journeys - stick an audiobook on a USB flash drive and listen to that in the car. I've arrived at Wick before now, and spent a half hour in the car before getting out just so I can listen to the ending of a book before now :)

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