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Lady Bower, Derwent Dam Rhododendron Massacre! Why? :(

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We'll have less plans to poison people please.


I would assume it's got to do with quite how invasive and hard to eradicate these plants are. They can occupy huge spaces, taking up all of the moisture and killing all of the undergrowth.


Aye it's hard to manage and invasive. They've been doing clearances at Longshaw as well.

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Quite possibly, there are a few non native invasive species in the UK and there are systems in place to keep them in check.


Makes me laugh, the complete irony of it; how humanity regards certain species to be 'invasive' (upsetting the delicate balance of the eco-system etc); and thinks it's up to mankind to retain balance; yet completely fails to recognise that the by far greatest danger to the delicate balance of the natural world, is mankind himself.

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Makes me laugh, the complete irony of it; how humanity regards certain species to be 'invasive' (upsetting the delicate balance of the eco-system etc); and thinks it's up to mankind to retain balance; yet completely fails to recognise that the by far greatest danger to the delicate balance of the natural world, is mankind himself.


It was mankind that introduced the invasive species to parts of the world where they don't belong, so its only right that mankind try to rectify the problems that we have caused.

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I saw a programme on the TV a while back about how they are poisoning parts of the UK.


They not only block out light that kills the undergrowth, but they poison the soil, thus making it impossible for anything to grow beneath the mighty span of their canopies.


I fully support plans to eradicate this great monster of a bully of a plant.


It wants wiping out.


It really does.

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agreed the roma need thinning out but regarding the


Rhododendrons i think the plant itself is poisonous eureka feed it to the above


You are not the first to come up with that idea.

"Roma (Gypsies) had long been persecuted in Germany, as they were in much of Europe. The Nazis judged them to be racially ’undesirable’. They did not fit into a well-ordered society as they did not have regular work and were nomadic.


From 1935 the Nazis began rounding up Roma and holding them in camps; by 1939 many thousands had been sent to concentration camps. During the war at least 220,000 from across Europe were murdered at the hands of the Nazis."


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Evenin Everyone


Had a trip out to Lady Bower/Derwent Dam recently, hoping to see the Rhododendrons flowering.


Was horrified to find that there has been clearfelling of all the rhodis!! :cry:


Has anyone else seen this?


Does anyone know why? Or who to ask about it?




Thanks guys



As Always





Clearfelling Rhododendrons = Roma.



Only SF can come up with that equation.:loopy:

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