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Dangerous rubbish at RT propaganda.

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I have trouble with RT, firstly there are far too many Americans on it making programs from Washington, and then there is George Galloway rabbiting on, and that British Indian chap who questions government policy and corporate practices. The discussions are far too academic and intellectually orientated for ordinary people, and why all the professors mainly from US universities, and other US experts in so many scientific fields, hauled up on various programs to give their opinions, and tell us how clever and knowledgeable they are.


How dare they question the US and British government and economic policy, give lectures on how historical events shape the modern world in so many places. I know Saddam was the new Hitler and then that Libyan freak took the title, and now its handed to Putin, its simple, they are very bad people, and I thus hate them.


Its all US propaganda, these Americans should be incarcerated as they are broadcasting from inside the USA, and so many specialists, and unlike the BBC who interview politicians and journalists for OPINIONS as fact are somewhat unnecessary for public consumption, why frighten people with facts and information?.


And those women journalists, how dare they go into so many war zones around the world, interviewing soldiers both sides, while being shot at by the people they just interviewed, whereas we just want one opinion, one view, our governments view. We like it simple, too much thinking is known to be dangerous.


I prefer a one sided view, the embedded journalist, its simple, and I like our journalists always asking how people feel about this or that, especially when a pedophile or celebrity gets off after a legal case. Don't you just love genuine tears, I used to collect them myself and sell them for a fortune. We love empathy, not facts, detailed information. So get stuffed RT and give you intellectual garbage to the idiots that consume such indigestible rubbish. I hate being humiliated through realizing I did not know this or that, its propaganda, dangerous, and should be banned. I know what I know and I do not need to know things that bring my opinions and fixed ideas into question


Ban RT propaganda

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When RT upset the Russian government half as much as the BBC does UK governments over things like the dodgy Iraq dossier and Zircon I'll give them some consideration, until then they're just a vehicle for promoting Russia's world view.

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I find RT very interesting, because I like to see all sides of a discussion, argument or problem. Because i can then make my own informed decision on things, insteAd of being told what to think by an individual media body or outlet!

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I take it in balance with the news outlets here. they are biased towards what the government wants us to know(and not know). for instance the lack of coverage of the syrian war, the one sided view of our economy, the persistence of blaming the Russians for everything that goes wrong in Ukraine.

and for the near total news blackout of the demonstrations regarding the NHS. this i only found out about by watching RT

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Ban RT propaganda


Calm down dear, very few people watch it, and the ones that do know they're watching news from a certain perspective. What about our own press though?

To listen to the news you'd think Labour did really badly in the elections, the Tories did great and Ukip even better ...

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I had no idea what RT was, so I googled and found out this -


RT, previously known as Russia Today, is an international multilingual Russian-based television network created in 2005.

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and for the near total news blackout of the demonstrations regarding the NHS. this i only found out about by watching RT


Let me guess, the one at the Tory party conference in Manchester organised by the unions and reported on by the Beeb, ITV and other UK media? It might not have been the headline item on the 10 o'clock news but then "Unions organise protest at Tory party conference" isn't exactly very newsworthy.

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