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Triathlon help needed.

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For my 50th birthday next year I decided to do something completely out of my comfort Zone, a sprint Triathlon, I will be raising money for St Lukes hospice, the thing is I haven't run since school, I can swim a length of a pool if the wind is in the right direction... and ride a bike no... Oh and just to add to the mix I am overweight and have been a complete sloth for years.... Despite all of this I am determined to do it, and do it to the best that I possibly can.


The reason for the post is I am looking for a trainer/gym/ anyone that may be able to help me achieve this, I can't afford to pay but you would get publicity via St Lukes website and the local media..


So if you think you can help in any way please get in touch..

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Given the state of play you describe - probably best to get checkout by the Dr before you do anything else?


(I am a running coach 5+ years and a competing triathlete for almost 20 and if you came to me for advice - this is what I would say).


Good luck in your project

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