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Do you have type 2 diabetes?

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A new evidence based exercise class is being set up for a 6 week period at Sheffield Hallam gym, Pearson Building, Broomgrove Road, S10. It is being ran by two undergraduate physiotherapists who are due to graduate in a months time.


The funding for this has came from the Sheffield Hallam social enterprise department, and also has backing from the physiotherapy teaching staff.


This is specific for diabetes to help people start to take control of their condition with specific exercises aimed to reduce the acceleration of their diabetes by up to 52%! Additionally it will contribute to helping you manage your weight, reduce any stress/anxiety, reduce your chance of cardiovascular disease; Also, it is a great opportunity to network with other people with the same condition and create new friendships.


Starting from Tuesday 3rd June at 6pm for 1 hour, and continuing each Tuesday after that for 6 weeks.

Each session will cost £2 and all money made will be donated to diabetes UK on completion of the 6 week period!


If this interests you, or if you think somebody you know would be interested our contact details are:


Jeff Morton: 07975514240

James Horner: 07527119903


For any further questions, please ask below! Hope to see you soon!

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