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Prince Charles to tackle capitalism.

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Our working class hero Prince Charles has decided that his latest project will be to tackle the inequality of the capitalist system.


This man who is the figure head of wealth and privilege[ beyond imagination ]will at London's Mansion House and Guildhall tomorrow deliver a speech were he will deliver his own unique views on the problems of unemployment and inequality .


Now I know that 95% of his relations do not have meaningful employment except attending the odd society wedding or maybe attending Ascot[ on official duty of course] but I ask is this man who avoids tax on the vast Country Estates , [estates that are still run along the middle age system of serfdom] is this the man to champion the homeless, unemployed, and have not's in our society .

The conference host is Lady de Rothschild who is also an expert on the capitalist system and its inequality.

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Well he should reduce the price of his biscuits, and maybe the rents he charges, as he heads, a very greedy orgaisation. He is in a good position to tackle inequality on his 19 million just to live day to day lifestyle.


Maybe he is actually promoting more inequality?


It sounds fun, but one will assume the questions at the end of the speach have already been allocated, as it could be turned into the farce it actually is. If they cannot afford the price of a proper meal let them eat overpriced biscuits, made on behalf of HRH the Prince of Jokes.

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Are we a capitalist country?


I thought it was a kind of upside down socialist country where he doesn't pay tax but claims benefits for having lots of land and money and being above the tax laws, in fact all laws.


That waster needs to get himself a job a stop bleeding the country dry.

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Our working class hero Prince Charles has decided that his latest project will be to tackle the inequality of the capitalist system....

The conference host is Lady de Rothschild who is also an expert on the capitalist system and its inequality.


That rumbling sound from the vicinity of Highbury ... is Karl Marx laughing his socks off :)

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Our working class hero Prince Charles has decided that his latest project will be to tackle the inequality of the capitalist system.


This man who is the figure head of wealth and privilege[ beyond imagination ]will at London's Mansion House and Guildhall tomorrow deliver a speech were he will deliver his own unique views on the problems of unemployment and inequality .


Now I know that 95% of his relations do not have meaningful employment except attending the odd society wedding or maybe attending Ascot[ on official duty of course] but I ask is this man who avoids tax on the vast Country Estates , [estates that are still run along the middle age system of serfdom] is this the man to champion the homeless, unemployed, and have not's in our society .

The conference host is Lady de Rothschild who is also an expert on the capitalist system and its inequality.


The government considers the duchy to be a crown body and therefore exempt from paying corporation tax; however, the current duke has paid the tax voluntarily since 1993.


The Royal Family cost the tax payer (us) about £40M per year, the Royal Family brings in about £176M to the UK!


Don't let facts spoil a good rant old son!!

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The government considers the duchy to be a crown body and therefore exempt from paying corporation tax; however, the current duke has paid the tax voluntarily since 1993.


Don't let facts spoil a good rant old son!!


Good on him [if he has paid the full amount:) ].and if so at todays conference he will no doubt be mentioning this and that this privilege of paying tax voluntary should be extended to the poor and dispossessed in our society of whom there are millions.


Thats another good rant old lass !!

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Good on him [if he has paid the full amount:) ].and if so at todays conference he will no doubt be mentioning this and that this privilege of paying tax voluntary should be extended to the poor and dispossessed in our society of whom there are millions.


Thats another good rant old lass !!


They're not in a position to be paying tax so I doubt if any or many would volunteer.


Seems your argument/rant is wearing a bit thin petal.:roll:

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They're not in a position to be paying tax so I doubt if any or many would volunteer.


Seems your argument/rant is wearing a bit thin petal.:roll:

Every time a person purchases most goods in our country they pay tax and some times tax on tax disguised as V.A.T. it is impossible not to pay tax.


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