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£30M of UK child benefit goes to EU families

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Actually,it would be the perfect opportunity for Milliband and the Labour party to seize on it and point out that this was the way that the right wing media and politicians were trying to demonise the EU and immigrants when all it needed was a simple rule change by the UK government,that way they portray Cameron as incompetent,and confirm their pro EU policy.


It should be LibDems doing that, but even if they or Labour did, the press wouldn't pick up on it.

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When it comes to immigration and it's issues I'm not sure Labour are in a position to call anyone incompetent...


They can't have been that incompetent,otherwise the local election results wouldn't have shown that they are on course to win the next election.

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They can't have been that incompetent,otherwise the local election results wouldn't have shown that they are on course to win the next election.


Maybe you should listen to someone who maybe knows a bit more than you..





Is immigration a big factor in local elections? What can the council do about it?

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Maybe you should listen to someone who maybe knows a bit more than you..





Is immigration a big factor in local elections? What can the council do about it?


That's the problem with Labour.............too much apologising and not enough sticking to principles and core values.Flip flopping around, trying to appeal to the flavour of the moment.The local elections show that at least they have a base to build on,and if they get their act together in a half decent shape or form,they stand a chance of getting a majority,but that means promoting inclusive policies,not divisive ones.

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Firstly, you are insinuating that the Sunni were less worthy of coming here than the West Indians, there is a reason for that, I am not going to spell it out, but you know what I know.


Secondly, of course there are more foreign patients than staff, it would be a rather bad system if that wasn't the case. Simple fact is though, that proportionally there is a much higher number of older, white patients in the care of the NHS than any other group. Those Sunni? They look after their own elderly once they are babbling with Alzheimers or shaking with Parkinsons.


Thirdly, you still wouldn't care who treated you if it came to your life, you can try and come over all flash and tough, but you wouldn't. At that point your bigotry goes instantly and is replaced by neediness. At that point you couldn't care less whether the doctor that does the bypass operation has kids in Romania and sends HIS child benefit that he earns in the NHS back to Romania.


All and Sunni - all and sundry. it was my feeble attempt at a humour. A pun. lost on you and probably most.


The west Indians were invited to come to help with the NHS, the most recent influx were not. Admittedly Labour didn't stop them and their incorporation of The Human Rights Act into our law really hasn't helped.

I try not to come over flash or tough. I am one of the least "tough guy" people you could meet. I happen to disagree with the MASSIVE amount of immigration that has been inflicted on us recently.

Of course it is more likely that elderly white people will be proportionally represented higher - it's simple demographics.

Mine is not bigotry, it is experience. Of course I would be happy to be treated by a qualified competent doctor who was able to understand the nuances of the English language and express themselves to me in the same way. I have been treated by ethnic doctors and white. Some good, some bad. I don't see your point. I am happy for some immigration of qualified competent people, whatever their race, I am unhappy that I have to pay for the people to stand around on the street all day. Or shuffle around with large numbers of children in tow, white, black, brown or yellow. It is particularly galling when they have come halfway across the world, through many beautiful places, to stand around and claim benefits in darnall.


---------- Post added 29-05-2014 at 11:12 ----------


This is not of course the immigrants fault - and I do not blame them for want to come to our beautiful country to get free money, free healthcare, free education and free housing. We are the stupid ones for letting it happen.

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All and Sunni - all and sundry. it was my feeble attempt at a humour. A pun. lost on you and probably most.


The west Indians were invited to come to help with the NHS, the most recent influx were not. Admittedly Labour didn't stop them and their incorporation of The Human Rights Act into our law really hasn't helped.

I try not to come over flash or tough. I am one of the least "tough guy" people you could meet. I happen to disagree with the MASSIVE amount of immigration that has been inflicted on us recently.

Of course it is more likely that elderly white people will be proportionally represented higher - it's simple demographics.

Mine is not bigotry, it is experience. Of course I would be happy to be treated by a qualified competent doctor who was able to understand the nuances of the English language and express themselves to me in the same way. I have been treated by ethnic doctors and white. Some good, some bad. I don't see your point. I am happy for some immigration of qualified competent people, whatever their race, I am unhappy that I have to pay for the people to stand around on the street all day. Or shuffle around with large numbers of children in tow, white, black, brown or yellow. It is particularly galling when they have come halfway across the world, through many beautiful places, to stand around and claim benefits in darnall.


---------- Post added 29-05-2014 at 11:12 ----------


This is not of course the immigrants fault - and I do not blame them for want to come to our beautiful country to get free money, free healthcare, free education and free housing. We are the stupid ones for letting it happen.


I am pleased you have nuanced your views in this post and I actually agree on most points. We just have a completely different idea about how to fix it (I think). Your solution would be to leave the EU and regain control over the borders, I don't think that will help at all, I think as a country we just need to look long and hard at the way our benefits system works, it is a broken system and it has been broken for a very long time. Blaming immigrants from any background that come here to exploit it without looking at the masses of UK citizens doing exactly the same is silly.

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I can remember those halcyon days when new Europe would join together in a perfect union, cleverer and happier than the USA. So what went wrong? Italy, Spain and Ireland couldn't afford it, several different languages, and most of all no central tax system. An American can find work in one of 50 different states if he wants to, without the population of that state trying to stop him. There is no way back. They tried that here way back in 1861, and look what happened.

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They can't have been that incompetent,otherwise the local election results wouldn't have shown that they are on course to win the next election.


They were the ones that invited mass immigration the last time they were in power.


Their incompetence can do no harm whilst they are in opposition.

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Maybe you should listen to someone who maybe knows a bit more than you..





Is immigration a big factor in local elections? What can the council do about it?


What makes you think he knows more about chalga?


Why have immigration matters got worse under this poxy government?

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