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£30M of UK child benefit goes to EU families

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He'll lose sleep when the houseprices in his neighbourhood crash because all the foreign born professors and doctors decide they are no longer welcome though.


Why on earth would falling house prices bother anyone.

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He'll lose sleep when the houseprices in his neighbourhood crash because all the foreign born professors and doctors decide they are no longer welcome though.
He won't. No more furreiners stealing jobs, benefits, wimmin <etc> All will be well :)


Edit - I don't fear much of anything Zamo. I come from a long line of economic migrants, grafters going where the opportunities are, with a decades-tested and so particularly-well tuned xenophobometer. We know when we stop being wanted, and are always two steps ahead, so you can rest easy, you won't have to push me off :)


But you'll lose the output. Can't have your cake and eating it. I've calculated that Ireland lost close to a million € in tax receipts (income tax, NI, VAT on bills, corpo tax on net earnings) from me alone since I left in 2008. I was still quite junior then...and they (the Irish profession) still come give me the work here in the UK now, since so few know and can do it as well as I. I'm sure they and the Brits will continue to do so when I move to NZ or AU :)

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He'll lose sleep when the houseprices in his neighbourhood crash because all the foreign born professors and doctors decide they are no longer welcome though.


Do you think they are claiming benefits? And if they want to commit to the country then they are the sort of immigrants we want to become citizens.


---------- Post added 27-05-2014 at 20:39 ----------


He won't. No more furreiners stealing jobs, benefits, wimmin <etc> All will be well :)


What's you objection to getting British unemployed into work instead of supporting them AND topping up the earnings of a low paid immigrant?

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Do you think they are claiming benefits? And if they want to commit to the country then they are the sort of immigrants we want to become citizens.


Are you getting tax-credits? They are the form of benefits we are talking about here. If they have kids, yes they get benefits, what is your problem with that? You haven't explained other than stating that we should leave the EU so we can "control" the border, it is becoming tiresome.

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No..........let the UK government change the law,stop trying to blame the EU and immigrants for what the UK government is responsible for.


I for one don't feel it is the immigrant that is to blame. If we are stupid enough to open our borders to all and sundry to use our services as they feel then who can blame them?


In response to OP this figure really is a drop in the ocean. Such a tiny amount. The real problem is visible when you have to take one of your children to the children's hospital and have to wait behind recent immigrants with their children in numbers.

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Are you getting tax-credits? They are the form of benefits we are talking about here. If they have kids, yes they get benefits, what is your problem with that? You haven't explained other than stating that we should leave the EU so we can "control" the border, it is becoming tiresome.


My problem is I don't want to financial support low earners from abroad whilst we have 2.5 million people not working and also being supported. It is a waste of money.

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Fear not we've got 2.5 million unemployed and I'm sure there are enough that can be trained in the art of backside wiping.


They will flock to do it,just like there's a queue miles long to be fruit pickers.:D

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What's you objection to getting British unemployed into work instead of supporting them AND topping up the earnings of a low paid immigrant?
Fairness, with a healthy dose of pragmatism.


I owe Brits no more than the immigrants next door, they are all equally entitled in my book, the more so if the system so provides.


You want to introduce national preference? Fine, have at it, I'm out and gone, with all my marbles and then some. It's not blackmail, it's self-preservation.


Action, reaction. Cause, effect. Simples, as you say :)

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My problem is I don't want to financial support low earners from abroad whilst we have 2.5 million people not working and also being supported. It is a waste of money.


We have been over this before, in my opinion all benefits are a waste of money. It would be much fairer if those that are able are left to fend for themselves.


I just completely disagree that there should be a right to discriminate between the nationality of workers in this country - You work here, you create money for our economy, you get the same spoils as the others that do.

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We have been over this before, in my opinion all benefits are a waste of money. It would be much fairer if those that are able are left to fend for themselves.


I just completely disagree that there should be a right to discriminate between the nationality of workers in this country - You work here, you create money for our economy, you get the same spoils as the others that do.


Well I disagree on both counts.


I believe that the better off in society should contribute more to support the less well off and people who fall on hard times. I don't however believe that we have a responsibility to do that for people from abroad. We need an immigration controls that screen out negative contributors and let through the positive contributors. That makes us richer as a nation instead of poorer.


---------- Post added 27-05-2014 at 21:10 ----------


Fairness, with a healthy dose of pragmatism.


I owe Brits no more than the immigrants next door, they are all equally entitled in my book, the more so if the system so provides.


You want to introduce national preference? Fine, have at it, I'm out and gone, with all my marbles and then some. It's not blackmail, it's self-preservation.


Action, reaction. Cause, effect. Simples, as you say :)


We already have immigration conditions that prevent nationals from outside the EU claiming benefits. If it offends you so much then why haven't you taken yourself and your marbles off in protest already?


---------- Post added 27-05-2014 at 21:13 ----------


They will flock to do it,just like there's a queue miles long to be fruit pickers.:D


They will if you stop paying benefits to people who refuse to take work. They simply need the same motivation that motivates immigrants to pick fruit.

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