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Mr miliband and the bacon sarni

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I think the media thought it would amuse their viewers/readers to see a funny image of Mr Miliband eating a bacon sandwich, not to draw attention to the fact that he is Jewish.

His Jewish heritage should be irrelevant to anyone else but himself.

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Is Judaism a race or a religion?


the Judaism is the religous part, whereas the Jewishness is the ethnic part. I understand that Ed, even though he didn't have a bar mitzah, did actually crack a glass at his civil wedding to his non-Jewish wife. Oh, and while Ed is definitely Jewish, his kids are not. They don't have a Jewish mother do they. If they want to become Jews, the kids will have to convert to Judaism. Highly unlikely in an atheist family like that.

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I grew up within a Jewish/Christian family and they were lax in practice. They would eat bacon and prawns (mmmm prawns with horseradish sauce...) without even thinking about it. Not everyone sticks to the rules.


Reminds me of a Roy Hudd one liner "Jewish dilemma - half price pork"

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'Joke' or not, it is how Jewish law immutably stands. Hence the obligation to abide by its legal requirements, not by voluntarily accepting them but by virtue of their binding nature.


Go to the NYC/LI area and youll see loads of Jews ordering a bacon cheeseburger with delight. :hihi:


Its all in if youre orthodox, conservative, practicing, etc, etc...


I doubt most of Sheffields Jews live within walking distance of their temples or refrain from using thier computers or other communication devices during the Sabbath

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the Judaism is the religous part, whereas the Jewishness is the ethnic part. I understand that Ed, even though he didn't have a bar mitzah...

Wrong. A Bar Mitzah is the person (male) who becomes a 'Son of the Commandment(s)' -female equivalent Bas Mitzvah- by attaining the age of majority for being legally obliged to comply (13 for male, 12 for female). It's not the party/event celebrating that fact.


---------- Post added 30-05-2014 at 16:33 ----------


Go to the NYC/LI area and youll see loads of Jews ordering a bacon cheeseburger with delight.


Its all in if youre orthodox, conservative, practicing, etc, etc.

You're partly right- in that Judaism determines one's status, whilst behavioural patterns don't.

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