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Neighbour's kids walking through my garden!

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I have had an ongoing issue which I hope you'd give me advise on how to go about it.


I live in a Sheffield City Council semi-detached house. The problem is that my neighbour's kids are using my garden constantly to go in and out of their house. Screaming, shouting, jumping over the fence, dragging sofas, tables and all sorts on concrete. It doesn't stop with them three kids, but they bring the whole neighbourhood kids with them. From the time they come back from school until anytime between 9-10pm. It's particularly worse on weekends and half terms. This week has been an absolute nightmare. It has been going on now for a year and a half (since they moved in).


I sometimes work night shifts so I have to sleep on the day but it's impossible. Even for early morning shifts, I'd have to wait for them to go in before I go to bed. There is no privacy at all as I don't feel like using my garden anymore. I could go on for days on how stressful this has been.


I don't want to go to speak to their parents as they are either high most of the time, or being detained. The sort of people you don't want trouble with them and that's why I've reserved from talking to Sheffield City Council.


I'm thinking of putting a lock but I know for a fact that they would start jumping over the fence. How much does right of access allow them?


I'm just at a loss on what to do or how to go about it. I would appreciate an advice.



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I would say that if you don't want to talk to them then your only option is speak to the council. It sounds like they have not taught their children about respecting other peoples property and what they should and shouldn't do. You could always see what the local CAB have to say.

Good luck.

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I would check with your local council neighbourhood team to see what access, if any you have to provide to your neighbour. With your dwelling only being 2 properties attached together, I can't see why you would have to give them access if there's an alternative route over their own property?


If they do have their own route to the rear of their property, then just totally fence off the backyard with a 6ft panels.


If the council states you have to give access, then speak to them about the antisocial behaviour you are suffering from the use of this access.


Just because someone has a legal right of access over another dwelling does not mean they have to treat it with disrespect to their neighbour.

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i wouldn't bother too much about the rights of way issue, i am in a middle of a terrace block and two of the houses at the ends, have put 6 foot high fences up where there should be gated access for me and my other neighbour.

although i have asked the council about the right of way access nothing at all as been done.

so it seems that if your willing to abuse other peoples rights of way you are more than likely to get away with it. and in your circumstances it would be more than justified. let them ring the council and complain. nothing will happen and hopefully the children will get the message to keep clear.

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With respect, if your not prepared to do anything about it eg: go see the council, then you will have to put up with it.


I faced a similar situation some years ago with a gang of youths hanging around the bottom of my garden.....insulting me and my wife, anyone coming to our home, throwing rubbish in our garden, throwing stones from my garden at passing buses.....the list is endless.


On more than one occasion I went out to them and asked them to move and recieved not only abuse but threats of violence.


My wife and I were in the midst of having our garden profesionaly landscaped, within one hour of having lawn turf laid, some members of the gang climbed into our garden and began to roll the lawn turf up with a view to stealing it - this was in daylight hours and neighbours were watching them do it.


At the time of all this going on, I was in employment in which I constantly worked nights and was in fear of leaving my wife in the house.


I began taking photo's of all the incidents and keeping a log of the times they occurred, who the people were and where they lived, I presented these to the council, we had a visit from the police and I showed them copies of the photo's and told them what had been happening......within a month all activity had stopped - we had been victims of this for over a year and an half.


My advice to you is to get it sorted out now - if you don't, things will only get worse.

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The council won't pay to install a new fence or a more secure gate, so if you want those things it's gotta come out of your own pocket.


If you don't wanna pay then either have a word with the parents or move house.

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I have had an ongoing issue which I hope you'd give me advise on how to go about it.


I live in a Sheffield City Council semi-detached house. The problem is that my neighbour's kids are using my garden constantly to go in and out of their house. Screaming, shouting, jumping over the fence, dragging sofas, tables and all sorts on concrete. It doesn't stop with them three kids, but they bring the whole neighbourhood kids with them. From the time they come back from school until anytime between 9-10pm. It's particularly worse on weekends and half terms. This week has been an absolute nightmare. It has been going on now for a year and a half (since they moved in).


I sometimes work night shifts so I have to sleep on the day but it's impossible. Even for early morning shifts, I'd have to wait for them to go in before I go to bed. There is no privacy at all as I don't feel like using my garden anymore. I could go on for days on how stressful this has been.


I don't want to go to speak to their parents as they are either high most of the time, or being detained. The sort of people you don't want trouble with them and that's why I've reserved from talking to Sheffield City Council.


I'm thinking of putting a lock but I know for a fact that they would start jumping over the fence. How much does right of access allow them?


I'm just at a loss on what to do or how to go about it. I would appreciate an advice.




Have you considered moving because it sounds like the kind of situation you are unlikely to resolve.

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