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Neighbour's kids walking through my garden!

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Unless you can make it target a very narrow area, I think they'd have a good basis for complaint, given that it's a semi detached with adjoining gardens.


You are probably right but you can turn it off and on as you wish

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Sadly, we live in a society where kids have the law and the general sympathy of people, on their side, and can do pretty much anything and get away with it.


Some kids have no sense of common decency, will not respond to reason and fairness, and the only thing that will influence their behaviour, is if there are immediate and obvious negative consequences to their behaviour. Nice to know most kids are not like that though...


What about putting spikes on top of your fence?


It's not the children's fault, it's terrible parenting. You can't wish harm on unruly kids when they have been moulded into the little monsters that they are by their cretinous parents. People must also take some responsibility for their own environments. If you don't want to live around children, move somewhere that doesn't have lots of young families and kids running around.

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These children are trespassing.


Also, has this gone beyond the 'draft' stage yet and actually been made law?



The actual draft legislation is more confusing regarding the private place/trespassing issue, as it sometimes refers to "within a dwelling".


Came into effect on the 13th of May and it has been made plain that the exception for burglars and trespassers applies to homes only, not gardens or other land.


Sorry and all that, but it basically comes down to 'if you dog scares someone they can report it and get it seized and destroyed', which leaves us all in a very vulnerable position.



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It's not the children's fault, it's terrible parenting. You can't wish harm on unruly kids when they have been moulded into the little monsters that they are by their cretinous parents. People must also take some responsibility for their own environments.


It's not the kids fault? Do you know these particular kids that the OP mention? If not, what qualifies you to make such a judgment call? We know very little about the individuals involved, we don't even know how old they are.


You're a perfect case in point, the general perspective people seem to hold is that kids can do no harm, and should not be held accountable for their mis-deeds. It's always someone else's fault...


If you don't want to live around children, move somewhere that doesn't have lots of young families and kids running around.


Nice attempt at reductionism.


Just because I suggest a less than tolerant approach to dealing with very badly behaved kids, it doesn't naturally follow that I hate all kids and don't want to be around them. Sorry to disappoint you, but most kids I find to be courteous, generous, inquisitive, well behaved, and quite inspirational.

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It's not the kids fault?




Do you know these particular kids that the OP mention? If not, what qualifies you to make such a judgment call? We know very little about the individuals involved, we don't even know how old they are.


I don't need to know them, they are children, children should not be unnecessarily be put in arms way of a big aggressive dog. They are the responsibility of their parents who have failed them sadly causing calamity for the OP. It is not the children's fault.


You're a perfect case in point, the general perspective people seem to hold is that kids can do no harm, and should not be held accountable for their mis-deeds. It's always someone else's fault


Mostly the parents.


Just because I suggest a less than tolerant approach to dealing with very badly behaved kids


Less tolerant? You want to feed them to the dogs. Have a word with yourself.

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Would be interested to hear your solution to the OP's problem Coutts.


---------- Post added 28-05-2014 at 17:56 ----------


You want to feed them to the dogs.


OMG, you're so funny, but don't let me stop you trying to misrepresent me!


I would think "feed them to the dogs" is where you kidnap them while they're minding their own business and throw them in to a 10 foot deep pit full of rabid killer dogs, where they are sure to meet a grizzly end.


Yes, as we can all see, that's exactly what I was recommending the OP do. :rolleyes:

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Would be interested to hear your solution to the OP's problem Coutts.


Well, the damage has been done. These kids are already unruly and are not going to change anytime soon. If the OP tries to reason with the parents, it will probably make the matter much worse as they've already proven to be incapable of even the most basic parenting and consideration to others. So barring putting up a very large fence, gate or wall this situation will probably remain as is and get gradually worse as the kids grow up into unruly young adults where drugs and alcohol will be the order of the day.


My solution. MOVE. This is not being chased out of your home or area, it is making your life a happier one. Life is too short to be in longterm distress.


---------- Post added 28-05-2014 at 18:00 ----------


I would think "feed them to the dogs" is where you kidnap them while they're minding their own business and throw them in to a 10 foot deep pit full of rabid killer dogs, where they are sure to meet a grizzly end.


You've certainly given this a lot of thought and paint quite the picture. What is this fascination you have with killer dogs?

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My solution. MOVE. This is not being chased out of your home or area, it is making your life a happier one. Life is too short to be in longterm distress.


That's a terrible solution though. If every time you have a problem with someone, you basically run away from the situation, you're going to live your life constantly running away from something.


I would suggest, that's a recipe for more distress, not less.


The best solution for these kind of things (even better than throwing kids in to 10 foot pits full of rabid killer dogs) has to be communication, and slowly building up rapport and trust with these irksome troubled people. Certainly not an easy task though.

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That's a terrible solution though. If every time you have a problem with someone, you basically run away from the situation, you're going to live your life constantly running away from something. I would suggest, that's a recipe for more distress, not less.


I'm afraid you are wrong on this Waldo. Yes, in an ideal world you could have a nice quiet word with the neighbours and the problem would be solved forever. But that only works where the neighbours are nice considerate people who have just had an oversight and of course want to remedy the situation immediately. This is not the case here. They are the anti-social behaviour types. That is clear.


When the OP moves somewhere more suitable, he or she will be happy and the problem and anguish will be over. I have lovely neighbours and if they ever did anything to upset me I could tell them and they would no doubt fix the problem very quickly just as I would do for them. But that's because we are lovely people and so have never done anything to annoy each other in the first place. You see how that works.

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Thank you everyone for the replies.I really do appreciate it.


It got really bad this week. The kids were running in and out of the back garden at 8pm. I went out to close the gate, then saw the mother screaming at one of the kids while I was closing the gate. She said "I bet it's really annoying them kids leaving your gate open"......... I wanted to scream out in pain as the only issue she could see was the kids leaving the gate open! I said "yes luv it does get annoying to be honest". She replied with a laugh "awww they are kids after all, they don't mean harm"!!!


I decided yesterday to call Sheffield City Council and spoke to one of the advisers. He said they do have right of access but shouldn't be used as their main access point. Only for things like taking bins out or kids taking their bikes out. The adviser offered to try and speak to my neighbours if I wanted him to do so. I told the adviser that I would think about it and get back to him.

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