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Neighbour's kids walking through my garden!

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If they are climbing over your garden fence and gate you need two things. Plastic bucket and a wallpaper stripper Or spatula. Have a number 2 in the bucket for 1 week. Smear the number 2 all over the top of your fence and padlock your gate. Sorted!


Wash down fence when they get the message.

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We had the same problem when we first moved to our house. We solved it by planting a few monster rambling roses on our boundary.


I can't remember the name of the rose,but you local specialist nursery will when you explain what you want it for, we used Handley rose nursery nr Eckington.


You only need one on each fence as they spread like wildfire,and smell heavenly when in flower. Bit of a nuisance trimming them,but preferable to invasion by monster kids.


I really hope this helps,there is nothing worse than not being able to enjoy your lives because of thoughtless cretins.

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That's a terrible solution though. If every time you have a problem with someone, you basically run away from the situation, you're going to live your life constantly running away from something.


I would suggest, that's a recipe for more distress, not less.



Life occassionally throws up a problem that has a major long term impact to your wellbeing. In this case a housing/neighbour issue. For others it may be an abusive relationship, work issues etc, etc.


When such a thing happens you have one of three choices

1. be a hard man and fight it and all that entails

2. take it on the chin, recognise that you're not tough enough and let it get you down

3. remove yourself from the situation.


If you're CONSTANTLY running away from things as you suggest, then it suggests you're CONSTANTLY finding yourself in troublesome waters and you have to ask whether one is bringing it on themselves, maybe by making bad decisons or easily falling out with people.


My thoughts, anyhow

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Yes, life throws us problems, I agree, and I can't say that there is any one right best course of action, that is applicable for all individuals and circumstances.


I am however, sure there are more creative ways of addressing our problems and conflicts, that the 3 options you present. Sometimes though, a tactical withdrawal from a situation, is the best option. Costly though, in the case of having to move home. One has to weight up options and costs involved with each option available.


I think as a general principle though, I am right; taking the easy option, always choosing to run away from hard situations, sets a bad precedent and nurtures cowardice within our hearts, which in the long run, makes life more difficult.


Does that make sense?

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Yes, life throws us problems, I agree, and I can't say that there is any one right best course of action, that is applicable for all individuals and circumstances.


I am however, sure there are more creative ways of addressing our problems and conflicts, that the 3 options you present. Sometimes though, a tactical withdrawal from a situation, is the best option. Costly though, in the case of having to move home. One has to weight up options and costs involved with each option available.


I think as a general principle though, I am right; taking the easy option, always choosing to run away from hard situations, sets a bad precedent and nurtures cowardice within our hearts, which in the long run, makes life more difficult.


Does that make sense?

yes it makes sense

(my bold on your quote)

I'm not advocating always running away from hard situations - it depends on how "hard" that situation is. Does it affect your ongoing wellbeing and mental health?, can it be resolved? How prolonged is it? ..... I guess you get the drift.


In the OP's situation, it's his home, which he cannot enjoy. Home is one's sanctuary away from all the stresses of other life. The perpetrators are children, so he cannot deal with it harshly or directly. The parents are unlikely to help - he'd probably just get told to 'koff. It's not a short-term problem to go away next month. Reporting it to the council or whoever might end up in further repercussions, giving more stress or heartache. Sometimes you just have to be brave (*) and make a tactical withdrawal.


(*) you probably might not see this as brave, possibly the opposite, but it's not an easy decision to uproot your life to make a massive change, so I see it as brave and proactive.


But it all depends on how each of us is able to take confrontational situations, the mentally hard will cope better, the sensitive ones will be more affected.



If I am unable to make you compromise your view any further, we'll just have to agree to disagree

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Have a ton of manure delivered and spread it liberally all over the area where they walk. Maybe that will stop them. A farmer a few years ago had travellers park up on the other side of his fence. Not illegal, but obviously they were there for a reason. They soon moved when he piled 30 foot of manure on his side of the fence.

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If I am unable to make you compromise your view any further, we'll just have to agree to disagree


No problem. Don't think we vary that much in our perspectives anyway.


It's hard to say, given the information we have, what the appropriate course of action for the OP would be.


I'd think it's worth getting to know the neighbour, and seeing if there is anything you can do to influence them (carrots or sticks). Even give the council a shot, if talking to the neighbour doesn't work. Just moving without exhausting your other options first, seems a waste.


If you can afford to move, and we're planning on doing so anyway, then being in a more congenial part of town is going to be preferable anyway..


I'd think brave, is when you do the appropriate thing for you and your situation, no matter how hard it seems.

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