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Rolf Harris guilty of indecent assaults

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Rolf Harris didn't have the run of it. He visited and was with other members of staff while he was there.


Jimmy Saville is a different case entirely. He used to be big pals with many rich, famous and powerful figures, are they all paedophiles too.


It now seems to be enough just to be seen with him to be classed as paedo...


Saville, Hall, Harris – they were all very ‘pally’ with the Royals weren’t they??

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Saville, Hall, Harris – they were all very ‘pally’ with the Royals weren’t they??


Its looking more and more like David Icke was right all along about establishment paedophile rings. Saville is the tip of the iceberg.

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Its looking more and more like David Icke was right all along about establishment paedophile rings. Saville is the tip of the iceberg.



Politics is 'last refuge of child sex abuse deniers' according to Simon Danczuk MP.




Edited by Mister M
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There are some very dodgy members.

Just have a look around as to how many have helped friends from over seas to obtain a residence visa.;)

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Its looking more and more like David Icke was right all along about establishment paedophile rings. Saville is the tip of the iceberg.


Lizard people apart, David Icke has been strangely right about a lot of things....




Why are the names of those in Westminster suspected of paedophilia not being made public, 'so that victims will have the confidence to come forward.'?


They did it with the famous celebrities

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Lizard people apart, David Icke has been strangely right about a lot of things...
I assume that he picked up all these rumours whilst working at the BBC.


From that I also assume that plenty of others were aware but stuck their heads in the sand. Rantzen has essentially already admitted as much when the Saville case exploded.


All very unpleasant.

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I assume that he picked up all these rumours whilst working at the BBC.


From that I also assume that plenty of others were aware but stuck their heads in the sand. Rantzen has essentially already admitted as much when the Saville case exploded.


All very unpleasant.


Icke accuses Saville of not only being a paedophile himself, but of being a a procurer of children for other rich and famous people to abuse.

Considering the many different circles Saville mixed in, from Royal, political and Celebrity, this begins to make more sense.


All this was thought to be ridiculous, outrageous slander when Icke said it, (but nobody tried to sue him...) and Icke reckons we've hardly scratched the surface.

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