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Rolf Harris guilty of indecent assaults

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I know what has said to have caused - "panic attacks, anxiety and led to her becoming an alcoholic" etc; but what did he do?

No details please, something 'lower' than intercourse, but what is "indecent assault"?


I don't know any details, but in one of the news programmes on BBC radio (either 4 or 5, I'm not sure, as I listen to both) they referred to the indecent assault charges as now being out of date, but that what he did, under current legislation, would be deemed as "penetration" (I think they said "in four of the cases") under current legislation.

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I wish you were being sarcastic but if not and you believe what you are saying then I feel sorry for you.


Sorry but I don't understand what your on about.


---------- Post added 04-07-2014 at 19:55 ----------


I was brought up in New Zealand and Rolf Harris was very popular there he was on the telly a lot and I really liked his shows as a kid, it has been a bit of a shock to see someone so popular and well liked as him to turn out to be pervert pedophile.

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All the top groups of the 60s must be as guilty as Rolf Harris all the groupies they had or is a consenting underage groupie different?

Rolf was a man in his 40s molesting girls of 8 or 9. A bit different from men in their early 20s sleeping with consenting girls who may have been a year or two off the age of consent. Not that the latter is right of course, but what Harris did is in a whole different stratusphere of wrong.

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Rolf was a man in his 40s molesting girls of 8 or 9. A bit different from men in their early 20s sleeping with consenting girls who may have been a year or two off the age of consent. Not that the latter is right of course, but what Harris did is in a whole different stratusphere of wrong.





I now need to sit down and take some medication.

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I don't know any details, but in one of the news programmes on BBC radio (either 4 or 5, I'm not sure, as I listen to both) they referred to the indecent assault charges as now being out of date, but that what he did, under current legislation, would be deemed as "penetration" (I think they said "in four of the cases") under current legislation.


I think myself, and many other men, find it difficult to understand how he had a normal family life; but also abused 8yr old girls, and men/boys too.

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Rolf was a man in his 40s molesting girls of 8 or 9. A bit different from men in their early 20s sleeping with consenting girls who may have been a year or two off the age of consent. Not that the latter is right of course, but what Harris did is in a whole different stratusphere of wrong.


A single girl of 7 or 8, the other girls were 13-15, and as far as I can tell it was some groping, not 'sleeping with' anybody.


A was queuing for Mr Harris’s autograph. “When she reached the front of the queue, Harris had touched her inappropriately with his “big hairy hands”, she told the jury. She said she had initially thought it might have been an accident but then he touched her again.”


Obviously not right, but I've no idea what 'inappropriate touching' is, especially if it might have been an accident. Are they going to lock up every old celebrity now? Except of course the ones with political connections.


I really don't want to defend him, but there must be a lot of others who have done similar, or much worse, especially 40-odd years ago. Shouldn't the serial child rapists be dealt with first & maybe spend a bit less time with dirty old gropers.

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I know what has said to have caused - "panic attacks, anxiety and led to her becoming an alcoholic" etc; but what did he do?

No details please, something 'lower' than intercourse, but what is "indecent assault"?


under the old sexual offences act - 'indecent assault' is any non consensual sexual act other than rape (which meant penile/vaginal insertion- nothing else)


under the new act - it is called 'sexual assault' and the meaning of it has changed subtly - whereas Indecent assault would require assault on the genitals breasts or bottom,or by use of the 'private parts' of the offender, the new definition covers assault which is sexual in intent and can be committed against any part of the body. crucially, the new act focuses on 'penetration' (of any orifice) as the key escalator, so that many of the offences previously classed as indecent assault are now technically rape. I understand that 3 of Harris's convictions are for digital penetration of underage girls. Under the new law, each of those acts carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.


The change in law is not retrospective, (that's why Max clifford was charged with indecent and sexual assaults, according to when he committed them,) and the sentencing must reflect the norms and guidelines at the time the offence was committed. In rolf's case, sentences for sexual offences were much much lower when he offended and that is why he got 5yrs 9 mnths - in my view, it is a very strong sentence in that context.

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A single girl of 7 or 8, the other girls were 13-15, and as far as I can tell it was some groping, not 'sleeping with' anybody.


It wasn't "some groping". And you are excusing his actions towards an infant by somehow concluding that an under age teen somehow cleanses him.




Obviously not right, but I've no idea what 'inappropriate touching' is, especially if it might have been an accident.


If you don't know what inappropriate touching is and think his actions were a litany of accidents then I can see how you may think he's been wrong done to.


Are they going to lock up every old celebrity now? Except of course the ones with political connections.


If found to be abusing children then yes, I hope so.


I really don't want to defend him,


Then don't. He's guilty.


but there must be a lot of others who have done similar, or much worse, especially 40-odd years ago.


Probably, but this one got caught.


Shouldn't the serial child rapists be dealt with first


No, unless caught first.


& maybe spend a bit less time with dirty old gropers.


He's a sexual child offender, not your granddad who had a stack of porn in the loft.

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These 'idols with feet of clay' have surely got us all wondering who will be next? I feel as though my childhood, which was already in ruins due to my own abuser, has had any enjoyment I got from these stars' programmes ripped away. They were just so good at putting on a false persona, I am left wondering who on earth can one trust?


And the awful thing is, is it still happening with today's famous names?


And now we have the 'case of the missing dossier' I simply don't believe Leon Brittain could read that dossier and not recognise the names and still remember them. Even if the dossier really has disappeared, he could still work with the police to get a thorough investigation started.

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