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Rolf Harris guilty of indecent assaults

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A single girl of 7 or 8, the other girls were 13-15, and as far as I can tell it was some groping, not 'sleeping with' anybody.




Obviously not right, but I've no idea what 'inappropriate touching' is, especially if it might have been an accident. Are they going to lock up every old celebrity now? Except of course the ones with political connections.


I really don't want to defend him, but there must be a lot of others who have done similar, or much worse, especially 40-odd years ago. Shouldn't the serial child rapists be dealt with first & maybe spend a bit less time with dirty old gropers.


Why does it actually matter how many of the children that were assaulted were only 7 or 8 years of age? If he's guilty of assaulting only one, that's still one too many.


I am concerned that some might use this as reasoning to excuse him. "Oh it was only the once... That doesn't make him a paedo or a sex offender..."

"Now, had he done it twice, three times, or more...."


Absolutely No! No! No! An assault is an assault is an assault.


For the person subjected to abuse, or rape, it doesn't matter how many others their attacker had assaulted before or after the attack on them. for them, the issue is that they were assaulted.

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I really don't want to defend him, but [...] maybe spend a bit less time with dirty old gropers.

"The poor dirty old gropers. Think of the gropers. Will nobody think of the gropers?"


Apologetics. Always the same apologetics. Rolf Harris has been convicted of a crime, and some people still build a defence for him.

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I used to collect glasses in a WMC on grab a granny night.

But the grannie's grabbed a glass collector.

But does touching of someone over 18 really need a prison sentence?

(yes I know Rolf touched children inappropriately)

But how many men and woman have done it for a laugh when under the influence of alcohol?

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These 'idols with feet of clay' have surely got us all wondering who will be next? I feel as though my childhood, which was already in ruins due to my own abuser, has had any enjoyment I got from these stars' programmes ripped away. They were just so good at putting on a false persona, I am left wondering who on earth can one trust?


And the awful thing is, is it still happening with today's famous names?


And now we have the 'case of the missing dossier' I simply don't believe Leon Brittain could read that dossier and not recognise the names and still remember them. Even if the dossier really has disappeared, he could still work with the police to get a thorough investigation started.


this one really stinks of political corruption - there were constant rumours in the 70s and 80s involving senior politicians both here and in the north of ireland (look up 'Kincora') if interested. paul foot pursued it in Private Eye about 30 years ago, but to no avail.


Brittan knows who and what he saw, it must have been the most explosive document he ever read and only dementia would be a plausible explanation for amnesia on the subject.


I won't go into details cos when I have previously, I've been banned from the forum, but a quick bit of googling will fill in anyone who wants to know. It will be highly ironic if a deceased individual who was exonerated of accusations of sexual violence against children crops up again mind.

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Like I said, I had a group of middle-aged woman groping me when I was 17/18, and it wasn't just a feel.


It hasn't damaged my life, in fact, reflecting back its quite funny.


Just goes to show you that if a woman do it to a man, no milks spilt, but the other way round and it's all over the place.

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I used to collect glasses in a WMC on grab a granny night.

But the grannie's grabbed a glass collector.

But does touching of someone over 18 really need a prison sentence?

(yes I know Rolf touched children inappropriately)

But how many men and woman have done it for a laugh when under the influence of alcohol?


I understand he put his finger(s) inside children's vaginas.


In my world, that is prison.

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Like I said, I had a group of middle-aged woman groping me when I was 17/18, and it wasn't just a feel.


It hasn't damaged my life

Lovely. I'm glad to hear how well you've coped. :rolleyes:


However, if somebody was groped by a stranger in the pub and didn't think it was all "a bit of a laugh" - they could press charges of sexual assault. That is their right, because people should behave properly towards each other.

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I used to collect glasses in a WMC on grab a granny night.

But the grannie's grabbed a glass collector.

But does touching of someone over 18 really need a prison sentence?

(yes I know Rolf touched children inappropriately)

But how many men and woman have done it for a laugh when under the influence of alcohol?



If you mean touched children inappropriately I wouldn't think many if any at all, RH is a sick perverted individual, apparently he's on suicide watch I'd turn my back for a few minutes let him do it.

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