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Rolf Harris guilty of indecent assaults

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I'm really not trying to excuse his actions & if there's more to this than I've seen reported than I sincerely apologise to his victims.




I don't think his actions were a litany of accidents, he's clearly guilty of being a dirty old groper, just saying apparently he's not a child rapist, there are much worse around. There do seem to be some questions over the evidence given, but I wasn't in court, I'll trust the jury's verdict.




There are much worse around who seem to be getting away with it, while Rolf is getting the book thrown at him, as an old man, for some groping he did 40 years ago. There's a scale of sexual offences & he seems to be not as bad as somebody who raped multiple very young children, caused suicides, etc.


We'll have to build new geriatric prisons for all the 60s-80s pop stars & celebrities if they'll all get 6+ years for inappropriate touching.


In light of the Cirrall Smith scandal they could put bars on parliament and turn it into an open prison.

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I'm really not trying to excuse his actions & if there's more to this than I've seen reported than I sincerely apologise to his victims.




I don't think his actions were a litany of accidents, he's clearly guilty of being a dirty old groper, just saying apparently he's not a child rapist, there are much worse around. There do seem to be some questions over the evidence given, but I wasn't in court, I'll trust the jury's verdict.




There are much worse around who seem to be getting away with it, while Rolf is getting the book thrown at him, as an old man, for some groping he did 40 years ago. There's a scale of sexual offences & he seems to be not as bad as somebody who raped multiple very young children, caused suicides, etc.


We'll have to build new geriatric prisons for all the 60s-80s pop stars & celebrities if they'll all get 6+ years for inappropriate touching.


a) No, AWS, as you say, it's not accidents, its serial groping/ sexual assaults, over many years, if you boil it down to the bare bones. by someone who apparently thought his fame, and "standing" entitled him to do what he liked, without repercussions.


b) (my bold ) for those he assaulted, it's certainly as bad! and as has been said by me and others, just because he is now an old man, does not excuse, in the tiniest way, what he has done, be it 10 years ago, thirty years ago or fifty. as the saying goes,if you can't do the time, don't do the crime.


The innocence was stolen from the children he assaulted. Their emotional and mental scars will no doubt run very deep.

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So touching the breast of a 14 or 15 year old is as bad as kidnap, rape & murder now?


Just saying, this woman neglected & killed her toddler, got 3 years & a report in local press... http://www.hulldailymail.co.uk/Hull-mum-Kerry-Abel-jailed-years-manslaughter/story-21329795-detail/story.html Rolf got double that & it's major news.

---------- Post added 05-07-2014 at 23:59 ----------


In light of the Cirrall Smith scandal they could put bars on parliament and turn it into an open prison.


Their worst crimes all get covered up until they die, so no chance of that happening. It'll just be a few unconnected dirty old pop stars.

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I'm really not trying to excuse his actions & if there's more to this than I've seen reported than I sincerely apologise to his victims.


He put his fingers inside the genitals of a child and the grooming continued over years.


I don't think his actions were a litany of accidents, he's clearly guilty of being a dirty old groper, just saying apparently he's not a child rapist, there are much worse around.


He's guilty of CHILD abuse.



There do seem to be some questions over the evidence given, but I wasn't in court, I'll trust the jury's verdict.


Glad to hear it.


There are much worse around who seem to be getting away with it


Because they haven't been caught yet so irrelevant.


while Rolf is getting the book thrown at him, as an old man, for some groping he did 40 years ago.


Again, stop excusing child abuse as groping.



There's a scale of sexual offences & he seems to be not as bad as somebody who raped multiple very young children, caused suicides, etc.


Irrelevant, he hasn't been accused of or charged with multiple child rape. His sentence reflects that.


We'll have to build new geriatric prisons for all the 60s-80s pop stars & celebrities if they'll all get 6+ years for inappropriate touching.


Bring it on, for anyone who inappropriately touches a child.



Question? Do you have children?

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Ron, I just think the sentence & the media reaction may be a little harsh rather than 'lenient', compared to what other people get for worse or similar crimes, considering his age, etc. I'd like to see all child abusers go to jail, but sadly Rolf isn't the worst of them. Maybe there's something I've missed because I don't pay enough attention to cases like this, as they sicken me, in which case I'm sorry.

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Ron, I just think the sentence may be a little harsh rather than 'lenient', compared to what other people get for worse or similar crimes. I'd like to see all child abusers go to jail, but Rolf isn't the worst of them.


In all honesty I'm not interested in what he did as a comparison to what others did or do. He's a manipulative child molester/predator. He used his power and fame as a leverage towards the vulnerable..that's why as adults/guardians we are responsible for those in our care, not stick our fingers in their vaginas.:gag: Not sure if you have children or siblings but if you found that your brother or uncle was molesting your child I'd be guessing you'd be up for something a little more harsh than a 5yr stint in prison - I'm guessing you don't have children?


As for the sentence, I see it as lenient and make no apologies for it.

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In all honesty I'm not interested in what he did as a comparison to what others did or do. He's a manipulative child molester/predator. He used his power and fame as a leverage towards the vulnerable..that's why as adults/guardians we are responsible for those in our care, not stick our fingers in their vaginas.:gag: Not sure if you have children or siblings but if you found that your brother or uncle was molesting your child I'd be guessing you'd be up for something a little more harsh than a 5yr stint in prison - I'm guessing you don't have children?


As for the sentence, I see it as lenient and make no apologies for it.


So do I.


Apparently, the sentencing, as I understand it, was passed in line with what he would have got had he been prosecuted at the time.


The thing that puzzles me, though, is that the moors murderers committed their crimes whilst the death penalty was still in place, they were tried or, at least, their trial began, two weeks after the DP was abolished.

By the same token, then, surely, the moors murderers should have received the appropriate sentence for what they did, as per the sentences that were in place at the time?

But whatever. I'm drifting off topic, methinks. Back to the subject in hand...

I think 5 years and 9 months as a sentence is a start, at least... No matter what the age of the convicted criminal.

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Ron, I just think the sentence & the media reaction may be a little harsh rather than 'lenient', compared to what other people get for worse or similar crimes, considering his age, etc. I'd like to see all child abusers go to jail, but sadly Rolf isn't the worst of them. Maybe there's something I've missed because I don't pay enough attention to cases like this, as they sicken me, in which case I'm sorry.


Did RH consider the age of his victims who had to spend the rest of their lives living with his assaults on them?

Shame he wasnt dicovered 40 odd years ago then he could have rotted away in jail for a term he deserved.

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Did RH consider the age of his victims who had to spend the rest of their lives living with his assaults on them?

Shame he wasnt dicovered 40 odd years ago then he could have rotted away in jail for a term he deserved.


It is a shame he wasn't discovered after the first time in the 60s & didn't get longer back then, maybe locking him up for a long stretch would've prevented something back then. It's a shame he was allowed to get away with keeping doing it for 20-odd years, all the time raking it in as a celebrity, artist & children's entertainer with a relatively clean reputation. Now he's 84 & it's apparently almost 30 years since his last indecent assault. Lock him up for much longer & it'll just save him nursing home costs.



.... Just seen a bunch of articles linking Rolf to more crimes & with Jimmy Savile too, it seems there were probably other victims too, if that stuff is true then I apologise for being wrong, let him rot in jail.

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