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Rolf Harris guilty of indecent assaults

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the celebrity sex scandal is not a con and the recent trials have proved that. it is just as likely that stuff was going off in parliament. in many ways the parliament stuff is old news - i saw a documentary about it at least a year ago. norman tebbitt said on tv this morning there was probably a government cover-up. kind of goes with out saying that one - most people have figured that out. but it doesn't mean the celebrity stuff isn't true



one thing this " celebrity stuff " does expose is how strange and idiotic our society as become when a cigar-smoking creep of a man in tight shorts was ever let near any position of power and a mediocre illustrator who has no other discernible talents gained the trust of the elite :suspect:




I like Alastair Rolfe's insightful discription on how alot of these people operate/ towards the end of the documentary "Chosen", about abuse by teachers at Caldicott Schools



quote /"The successful paedophiles are the ones that aren’t discovered of course and there are plenty of them around. They are people who have all the social graces that you might expect in someone of normal behaviour. They’re charming, they have good conversation, they’re caring, they’re intelligent, they’re interested, they’re committed to what they’re doing, they earn respect, they appear like any other member of society quite frankly and you just can’t tell. Sorry but you can’t tell."


The only time you can spot an abuser is when he (or she) is abusing. Usually the only witness to the abuse is also the victim.

Edited by johncocker
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How did your nephew know about Cyril Smith and what did/does he know about Brittan. Is your nephew a medium?


No need for the rubbish attempt at sacrasm. I remember the day when folk were polite to people. Just learn some manners!

To answer your question he works in the field and has done for a long time. Hes worked very closely with several governments both labour and tory and now tory/libdem. He retires in 2 years and says hes going to write a book. From what ive seen and ive seen only snippets its explosive stuff and assuming its all true (i have no need to think it isnt and he has never told me a lie or a half truth) it will open a can of works so large it will change a few rather important peoples lives for ever. Cyril Smith is small fry, Leon Briton is just the tip of a huge and murky iceberg.

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one thing this " celebrity stuff " does expose is how strange and idiotic our society as become when a cigar-smoking creep of a man in tight shorts was ever let near any position of power and a mediocre illustrator who has no other discernible talents gained the trust of the elite :suspect:




I like Alastair Rolfe's insightful discription on how alot of these people operate/ towards the end of the documentary "Chosen", about abuse by teachers at Caldicott Schools



quote /"The successful paedophiles are the ones that aren’t discovered of course and there are plenty of them around. They are people who have all the social graces that you might expect in someone of normal behaviour. They’re charming, they have good conversation, they’re caring, they’re intelligent, they’re interested, they’re committed to what they’re doing, they earn respect, they appear like any other member of society quite frankly and you just can’t tell. Sorry but you can’t tell."


The only time you can spot an abuser is when he (or she) is abusing. Usually the only witness to the abuse is also the victim.


utter wisdom

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the celebrity sex scandal is not a con and the recent trials have proved that. it is just as likely that stuff was going off in parliament. in many ways the parliament stuff is old news - i saw a documentary about it at least a year ago. norman tebbitt said on tv this morning there was probably a government cover-up. kind of goes with out saying that one - most people have figured that out. but it doesn't mean the celebrity stuff isn't true




What a mockery it makes of so called 'open government' and 'transparency.' What else are they up to that we don't know about? Anyone who can do this, condone this, or cover this up, is frankly, capable of anything.


We, the good tax payers of this country, don't know the half of it, and deserve so much better.

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Harris and Hall are both guilty as sin but they (and the rest that are yet to come) are small fry, they are sacrificial lambs to keep the media fed while the big names are kept out of it until they die.


Its possible they are guilty and when my nephew told me its a scam i took it the wrong way, to mean they are innocent. In any case the second part of your post is bang right. Theres a good chance most will go unpunnished but they still need uncovering and showing for what they really are or were.

Were are talking organised, structured peadophile rings that go all the way to the top.

PIE had more supporters than was first known or admitted. Harman and Hewitt werent alone.

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No need for the rubbish attempt at sacrasm. I remember the day when folk were polite to people. Just learn some manners!

To answer your question he works in the field and has done for a long time. Hes worked very closely with several governments both labour and tory and now tory/libdem. He retires in 2 years and says hes going to write a book. From what ive seen and ive seen only snippets its explosive stuff and assuming its all true (i have no need to think it isnt and he has never told me a lie or a half truth) it will open a can of works so large it will change a few rather important peoples lives for ever. Cyril Smith is small fry, Leon Briton is just the tip of a huge and murky iceberg.


Nice attempt at avoiding the question with a load of uncorroborated waffle. What does your nephew know so much about Britten that everyone doesn't? He's waited all this time to reveal to the point of writing a book in 2 yrs while children allegedly are being abused. Wouldn't it be easier just to go to the police or the newly formed inquiry team, or is he like most perceived politicians, out to benefit from the gravy train?


Unless your "nephew" has clear cut evidence then I'll assume you're either lying and he's fictitious, or he exists in a bedsit and sees himself as a sooth sayer with only you as his ear.

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  • 11 months later...

I see Harris has penned a song while at her Majesty's pleasure denouncing his victims as 'festering money grabbers' and 'perfumed sultry wenches'



He said that he will set the lyrics to a record 'as soon as he gets out of prison'.


Totally repulsive :gag:

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I see Harris has penned a song while at her Majesty's pleasure denouncing his victims as 'festering money grabbers' and 'perfumed sultry wenches'



He said that he will set the lyrics to a record 'as soon as he gets out of prison'.


Totally repulsive :gag:


He believes that he was innocent and wrongly conflicted and I that would make most people a little angry and resentful, resulting in them lashing out at their accusers. We can find people guilty, lock them up, but we can't stop them protesting their innocence.

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He believes that he was innocent and wrongly conflicted and I that would make most people a little angry and resentful, resulting in them lashing out at their accusers. We can find people guilty, lock them up, but we can't stop them protesting their innocence.


True, but we can make sure that they serve every minute of their sentence, and even look to see if they're breaking the law by harassing their victims.

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True, but we can make sure that they serve every minute of their sentence, and even look to see if they're breaking the law by harassing their victims.


We could also stop the press printing stories, no one would have known about this if not for the press.

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