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Rolf Harris guilty of indecent assaults

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I don't really care what happens to Harris. He's been exposed now so the rest of his life is ruined no matter.


I just hope this gives some sort of closure to his victims and that it will help them through the rest if their lives.

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Sexual assault can be anything from ********* *** to to patting somebody on the bottom. So before people get carried away, let's hope the sentence reflects what he's actually done.


Most of the evidence are just accounts of bum feeling by Rolf with no supporting witnesses. The only thing tying each account together is the bear hug approach the victims described.


How can an 83 yo put a credible defence up for events which allegedly happened 40 years ago? Most people of working age can't remember what they did last week!


The judge might as well have put the national newspapers in front of the jury and asked them to choose the most truthful stories of the day.

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It's alright I didn't think for one moment that you were trying to excuse his crimes, but I think that in this case he should be judged by his actions not by his age.


Yes quite right. It should absolutely make no difference at all how old he is, or how long ago his crimes were committed. Guilty is guilty. The people he assaulted are no less assaulted now, thirty odd years on, just because he is an old man, now.


He should be thankful that he had got away with the crimes for as long as he had, having the liberty he did not deserve, and just suck it all up and do his porridge...

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I love it when a nonce gets his comeuppance - Rolf's sat somewhere now- shaken , frightened, isolated, looking at what? (my guess is 4 years, but max clifford got 8..) - could die in jail, will never ever be celebrated, fawned over or well paid again and will be spending the forseeable future amongst his own kind - men who think female children are toys to be played with and broken.


gives me a warm glow.

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