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Sheffield Cinemas - Oral History Project

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My name is Sam Manning. I am a History PhD student at Queen’s University, Belfast, researching post-war cinemas and cinema-going in the United Kingdom.


I am now recording a number of oral history interviews for use in my thesis. I am looking to interview anyone who can recall going to the cinema in Sheffield between 1945 and 1960. Participants will be asked to recall their memories of cinemas, the social experience of cinema-going, favourite films/stars and the wider social life of Sheffield in this period.


I have already recorded a number of these interviews in other locations. They last normally for around an hour and they can take place at people’s homes or at any other suitable location.


I will be staying in Sheffield from 18 June – 9 July. I aim to record approximately twenty interviews in Sheffield. These do not necessarily have to be recorded during this visit, and if these dates do not suit, please still get in contact as I will be returning to Sheffield later in the year.


Please contact me of If you have memories of cinemas in post-war Sheffield and are interested in participating in this project. I am also happy to answer any further questions, and to explain the project further. You can either message me here or email me at smanning03@qub.ac.uk

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