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Violence to girls and women.

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It seems people on this thread, and this site prefer to forget British history and British misogynistic practices that are an every day pastime for British males.


As for killing people who change their religion, well not too long ago killing for such a personal decision was a regular public spectacle, after the enjoyment of the victims/s being tortured into confessions. Women were burned for public amusement, a favorite for entertaining ignorant villagers. But let us pretend we have all grown up since them.


Now we bully in the privacy of our own homes, and the police can verify nearly 1.5 million “DOMESTICS” yearly. Then there is the usual sexual intimidation a favorite sport of male groups, and some groups regard group rape as normal, especially the young, so certain practices start early. As for rape by grown up males, something that males excel at, as figures of rape rise all the time, and this is the tip of the iceberg, hiding the real extent of male achievements.


No one on this site knows such people, as the rapists, misogynists, the violent, and abusive who’s army is in the millions, are never seen or known by anyone.


Sadly such male practices are not exclusive to the British Bulldog, Male, but appear to be a set of practices that males excel at globally. One might suggest that is what males do, and the rest deny any association with even put downs. It’s a male world, with male values, and maybe it shows too clearly what happens to being challenged if one is a female.

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Violence to girls and women.


It is absolutely vile, But please don't forget that men also suffer daily abuse from their partner. Male Abuse >>>> Not something we like to accept or talk about, even less in the newspapers. This is in the UK!


---------- Post added 01-06-2014 at 01:36 ----------



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It seems people on this thread, and this site prefer to forget British history and British misogynistic practices that are an every day pastime for British males.


As for killing people who change their religion, well not too long ago killing for such a personal decision was a regular public spectacle, after the enjoyment of the victims/s being tortured into confessions. Women were burned for public amusement, a favorite for entertaining ignorant villagers. But let us pretend we have all grown up since them.


Now we bully in the privacy of our own homes, and the police can verify nearly 1.5 million “DOMESTICS” yearly.


I think the difference is, our country has laws which are designed to protect women (and men) against violence, and if someone does attack a woman or a man, the police and courts are likely to do something about it if the attack is reported. The British police don't normally stand by and watch murders taking place. The British courts do not let murderers off because their family "forgive" them. The British courts do not convict and commit to death someone who changes their religion.

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I think the difference is, our country has laws which are designed to protect women (and men) against violence, and if someone does attack a woman or a man, the police and courts are likely to do something about it if the attack is reported. The British police don't normally stand by and watch murders taking place. The British courts do not let murderers off because their family "forgive" them. The British courts do not convict and commit to death someone who changes their religion.



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It seems people on this thread, and this site prefer to forget British history and British misogynistic practices that are an every day pastime for British males.


As for killing people who change their religion, well not too long ago killing for such a personal decision was a regular public spectacle, after the enjoyment of the victims/s being tortured into confessions. Women were burned for public amusement, a favorite for entertaining ignorant villagers. But let us pretend we have all grown up since them.


Now we bully in the privacy of our own homes, and the police can verify nearly 1.5 million “DOMESTICS” yearly. Then there is the usual sexual intimidation a favorite sport of male groups, and some groups regard group rape as normal, especially the young, so certain practices start early. As for rape by grown up males, something that males excel at, as figures of rape rise all the time, and this is the tip of the iceberg, hiding the real extent of male achievements.


No one on this site knows such people, as the rapists, misogynists, the violent, and abusive who’s army is in the millions, are never seen or known by anyone.


Sadly such male practices are not exclusive to the British Bulldog, Male, but appear to be a set of practices that males excel at globally. One might suggest that is what males do, and the rest deny any association with even put downs. It’s a male world, with male values, and maybe it shows too clearly what happens to being challenged if one is a female.


Nobody disputes that there is violence shown towards women in all cultures. The main difference is that, in Islamic culture discrimination against women in taught, the violence is widely accepted and it is seen as both a right (of men) and a matter of honour.


Islamic culture has a nasty dark side and its treatment of women is only one manifestation of the nastiness. It needs to wake up to the reality and address the issues but that will not happen whilst people pretend there is no problem or trying to cover it up. Covering it up helps to perpetuate it.

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Nobody disputes that there is violence shown towards women in all cultures. The main difference is that, in Islamic culture discrimination against women in taught, the violence is widely accepted and it is seen as both a right (of men) and a matter of honour.


Islamic culture has a nasty dark side and its treatment of women is only one manifestation of the nastiness. It needs to wake up to the reality and address the issues but that will not happen whilst people pretend there is no problem or trying to cover it up. Covering it up helps to perpetuate it.

we all saw what covering it up did to the young girls in Rotherham :suspect:
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Nobody disputes that there is violence shown towards women in all cultures. The main difference is that, in Islamic culture discrimination against women in taught, the violence is widely accepted and it is seen as both a right (of men) and a matter of honour.


Islamic culture has a nasty dark side and its treatment of women is only one manifestation of the nastiness. It needs to wake up to the reality and address the issues but that will not happen whilst people pretend there is no problem or trying to cover it up. Covering it up helps to perpetuate it.


It may well be a cultural thing, but not particularly an Islamic thing.

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It may well be a cultural thing, but not particularly an Islamic thing.


I agree, it's men from poor, underdeveloped countries using religion to justify their oppression of women.

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Well those that spend their time following the media direction of fearing Muslims, just might have to include another group in their excuse for implied racial discrimination.


The two girls found strung up on a tree after being gang raped were from Hindu practitioners. But hold on moment it was not long ago that white Americans used to string up Afro Americans from trees for assumed or jumped up reasons. In fact in the USA in certain parts it was so endemic that they even started singing songs about it. So we have blatant racism, and we have covert racism in the UK practiced by many drooling people on this site.


As for murdering partners a niche male practice in the UK in which the two women are killed every week, which could be seen as victims of male rituals. As for male rapes in the UK, well its rampant, but no one knows anyone that ever did it on this site, and no one ever knows anyone that beats up their wife or children either.


Not forgetting the put downs women get all the time from the male fraternity, which suggests that for all the denials, we live in a society that is full of misogynistic deniers, who practice it amongst mates, and obviously at home where insults are preferred to compliments.


From research it transpires that people that like to lean toward racism, sexism, and make a point of pointing out that tabloid highlighted scapegoats need to be highlighted, are somewhat repressed, and this is often accompanied by treating partners and family is a draconian, repressive, sexist, manner which they assume is normal behaviors, and thus spend a lifetime getting away with it.


Superb post.

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