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Violence to girls and women.

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It may well be a cultural thing, but not particularly an Islamic thing.


I agree, it's men from poor, underdeveloped countries using religion to justify their oppression of women.


Indeed. A Christian country in the same circumstances would be pretty similar.


How do you separate our the religion from the culture? Islam shaped the culture and drives cultural practices.


When culture and a religion are deeply entwined it is difficult to challange and change things. Challenges are presented (by those in power and those who do not want change) as a challenge to the religion and their god. And in Islamic culture it is dangerous challenging religious beliefs and practices, which is why they have not made as much progress as has been made in Western cultures.


It is interesting that those brave enough to campaign for change in Islamic countries are desparate for the intenational community to shine a big light on their plight because it helps to protect them. It is therefore a shame we have so many people in the West that are paranoid about being percieved as in any way xenophobic and argue to turn the light off.

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How do you separate our the religion from the culture? Islam shaped the culture and drives cultural practices.


When culture and a religion are deeply entwined it is difficult to challange and change things. Challenges are presented (by those in power and those who do not want change) as a challenge to the religion and their god. And in Islamic culture it is dangerous challenging religious beliefs and practices, which is why they have not made as much progress as has been made in Western cultures.


It is interesting that those brave enough to campaign for change in Islamic countries are desparate for the intenational community to shine a big light on their plight because it helps to protect them. It is therefore a shame we have so many people in the West that are paranoid about being percieved as in any way xenophobic and argue to turn the light off.


I think that with or without Islam, these countries would be just the same. But when the country is undeveloped it is easier for the religion to be used as an 'excuse' for the terrible things that happen. Christians were doing the exact same terrible things in the west for years. They still do, the only difference now is that it is rare that they say the terrible things they do are in the name of Christianity.

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I think that with or without Islam, these countries would be just the same. But when the country is undeveloped it is easier for the religion to be used as an 'excuse' for the terrible things that happen. Christians were doing the exact same terrible things in the west for years. They still do, the only difference now is that it is rare that they say the terrible things they do are in the name of Christianity.

you not seen how the Saudis operate not a very skint country :roll:

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I think that with or without Islam, these countries would be just the same. But when the country is undeveloped it is easier for the religion to be used as an 'excuse' for the terrible things that happen. Christians were doing the exact same terrible things in the west for years. They still do, the only difference now is that it is rare that they say the terrible things they do are in the name of Christianity.


You can't separate the culture from the religion. The religion is the product of the culture and vice versa. It is what it is and it needs to change.

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You can't separate the culture from the religion. The religion is the product of the culture and vice versa. It is what it is and it needs to change.


Poor Islamic countries use the Koran to justify their treatment of women today, in the same way that we used the Bible in the Middle Ages. It's not really about religion (although in my view religion never helps), but about ignorance, superstition, fear and poverty.

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We the British do not need religion for rape, or domestic violence, as we get down to it without such a need, because we are more civilised than nearly everyone else, and thus can pontificate on those less developed. We allow children to gang rape, with the occasional TV show showing what the little male mites are up to and how and why they treat women as they do. Its educational, thus justifying such entrenched practices, and set the stage for adulthood, where bullying , verbal abuse and sexual harassment can play a significant part.


It also demonstrates how ignorant males are about the female form, and sex in general, but that is what makes Britain Grate in many people’s minds. We look for scapegoats to vent our spleen at, and follow the golden rule of treating the disease with a good quality plaster, while pretending the cause of the ailment is irrelevant as plasters is wot dus it and why change habits of a lifetime?

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