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Violence to girls and women.

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Oh, sorry. I thought this was a thread about violence towards girls and women.

It seems it's just another tedious excuse to slag off Muslims.


Why don't you use it as another tedious reason to label anyone with worries about mass immigration as racist ;)

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Pupils as young as six were taught to treat Western women as 'white prostitutes' by a school at the centre of the 'Trojan Horse' Islamist plot..............A report in the Mail, today. I hope the kids do not grow up to be violent towards our women. I have to mention this report because it is relevant to this thread.

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A report in the Mail, today. I hope the kids do not grow up to be violent towards our women. I have to mention this report because it is relevant to this thread.


Personally I hope they don't grow up to be violent towards any women.

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Two daughters, no sons, surely it is halal to kill her? “Burak Göncü, lawyer for the victim’s family, told the court on June 4 that the husband killed the woman ‘for giving birth to a girl once again’.” .......This reported from a court in Turkey.

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Not that long ago, beating up partners in Yorkshire was a popular family sport, teaching the kids what relationship really are about, prompted an advertising campaign with posters on buses and everywhere. So one now assumes according the the informed few that post on this site, that there is now no problem and its all happening somewhere else.



Approximately 85,000 women are raped on average in England and Wales every year; Over 400,000 women are sexually assaulted each year; and these are the figures from people who have the courage to report it!


Figures for Scotland to be added, just in case the smart ones actually noticed.


Lets add official divorces rates at around 120,00 a year, and couples separating no idea.


So officially in the UK as a whole at least 1 million women a year decide that suffer in some form or other from males.


Acpo estimated around 30,000 women worked in off-street prostitution in England and Wales, of the 80,000, as there are both street walking prostitutes and sauna girls.


It suggests males, a significant recordable number might have psychological problems, and these figures being just the tip of the misogynistic iceberg.

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Two daughters, no sons, surely it is halal to kill her? “Burak Göncü, lawyer for the victim’s family, told the court on June 4 that the husband killed the woman ‘for giving birth to a girl once again’.” .......This reported from a court in Turkey.


the Qur'an says that on the day of resurrection, the girl-child who was put to death merely for being female, will be asked "for what crime were you put to death?" (surat al Takwir verses 8 and 9)


and the punishment for those who killed her will be great.




in pre-Islamic Arabia it was common to put a girl-child to death, as it was considered a disgrace to have female children.


Surah Al-Nahl (Chapter 16), Verses 58 and 59 (16:58-59)


“When news is brought to one of them of (the birth of) a female (child), his face darkness, and he is filled with inward grief!


With shame does he hide himself from his people, because of the bad news he has had! Shall he retain it on (sufferance) the choice they decide on?”


The scripture tells us not to mourn because we are given a girl-child, but to rejoice because God has given us a child.

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the Qur'an says that on the day of resurrection, the girl-child who was put to death merely for being female, will be asked "for what crime were you put to death?" (surat al Takwir verses 8 and 9)

and the punishment for those who killed her will be great.

also in pre-Islamic Arabia it was common to put a girl-child to death, as it was considered a disgrace to have female children.

Why are you always on here posting rubbish from 1000 years ago? There's no relevance. We know now that biology tells us that the man's sperm decides the sex, so if he gets girls or boys, it's down to him not the mother.


And what does the murdered girl care that someone pretends that their god is going to punish her murderer? She's still dead without even having had a life.


And what's the point of killng girls? As the chinese and indians are finding out, if you get rid of female foetuses or babies, when the boys grow up, they can't find wives. Sort of defeats the object, wouldn't you say?

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Why are you always on here posting rubbish from 1000 years ago? There's no relevance. We know now that biology tells us that the man's sperm decides the sex, so if he gets girls or boys, it's down to him not the mother.


And what does the murdered girl care that someone pretends that their god is going to punish her murderer? She's still dead without even having had a life.


And what's the point of killng girls? As the chinese and indians are finding out, if you get rid of female foetuses or babies, when the boys grow up, they can't find wives. Sort of defeats the object, wouldn't you say?


And that is going to be a big problem if Muslim men want to follow the example of Mohammad, because he had eleven of them.

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Since 1990, Professor Akotiomga Michel has carried out more than 3,000 reversal operations on women who have been cut.

“FGM has no benefits, only consequences,” said Michel. “Women who have been cut find it difficult to have sex or go to the toilet. The operation takes around 15 to 30 minutes depending on how bad the scarring is and it makes a huge difference to the women’s lives.” .......Some relevant information regarding violence to women!

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