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Violence to girls and women.

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The criticism isn't of all Muslims but of a culture that nutures nasty beliefs and practices that are common if not the norm.


Don't you think we should be guarded against that culture getting a grip here? And it is here... We have had honour killings. We have had gang rapes and organised gangs targeting vulnerable non-Muslim girls. We do have sharia courts dishing out discriminatory 'justice'. We have had 'Muslim patrols'. We have had terrorist plots and attacks. We do have radical preaching. We do have thousands of British-Muslims going abroad to train for Jihad.


At what point exactly will it be acceptable for people to complain without being called xenophobic? Isn't it sensible to point out the threat and try, try to nip it in the bud and prevent a real fracture in this country along religious/racial lines?

this is when you need a like button
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The criticism isn't of all Muslims but of a culture that nutures nasty beliefs and practices that are common if not the norm.


Don't you think we should be guarded against that culture getting a grip here? And it is here... We have had honour killings. We have had gang rapes and organised gangs targeting vulnerable non-Muslim girls. We do have sharia courts dishing out discriminatory 'justice'. We have had 'Muslim patrols'. We have had terrorist plots and attacks. We do have radical preaching. We do have thousands of British-Muslims going abroad to train for Jihad.


At what point exactly will it be acceptable for people to complain without being called xenophobic? Isn't it sensible to point out the threat and try, try to nip it in the bud and prevent a real fracture in this country along religious/racial lines?


Sums up another one of the reasons why I'm against mass immigration.





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A follow up to my opening post ! This was part of a report in the Mail about a woman in Sudan............. Meriam Ibrahim puts on a brave face as she holds her newborn baby girl Maya

Maya was born in the jail where Meriam has been locked up for eight months for marrying a Christian

it emerged Meriam's legs were chained as she gave birth

The 27-year-old gave birth five days early after months shackled to floor



The doctor was sentenced to death for converting from Islam to Christianity after marrying Mr Wani, who lives in New Hampshire

She will never see Maya grow up as she refuses to renounce Christianity. From birth to one hundred lashes within weeks: she will receive 100 LASHES before execution for marrying a Christian.

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Oh, sorry. I thought this was a thread about violence towards girls and women.

It seems it's just another tedious excuse to slag off Muslims.


She will receive 100 LASHES before execution for marrying a Christian..... Could this be classed as violence ?

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She will receive 100 LASHES before execution for marrying a Christian..... Could this be classed as violence ?


Of course it could. It's utterly deplorable.


Of course violence against women exists across all cultural and racial boundaries. Perhaps acknowledging that might make you look more like someone who's concerned about violence towards women and less like someone who's just using it as stick to beat Muslims with.

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Well those that spend their time following the media direction of fearing Muslims, just might have to include another group in their excuse for implied racial discrimination.


The two girls found strung up on a tree after being gang raped were from Hindu practitioners. But hold on moment it was not long ago that white Americans used to string up Afro Americans from trees for assumed or jumped up reasons. In fact in the USA in certain parts it was so endemic that they even started singing songs about it. So we have blatant racism, and we have covert racism in the UK practiced by many drooling people on this site.


As for murdering partners a niche male practice in the UK in which the two women are killed every week, which could be seen as victims of male rituals. As for male rapes in the UK, well its rampant, but no one knows anyone that ever did it on this site, and no one ever knows anyone that beats up their wife or children either.


Not forgetting the put downs women get all the time from the male fraternity, which suggests that for all the denials, we live in a society that is full of misogynistic deniers, who practice it amongst mates, and obviously at home where insults are preferred to compliments.


From research it transpires that people that like to lean toward racism, sexism, and make a point of pointing out that tabloid highlighted scapegoats need to be highlighted, are somewhat repressed, and this is often accompanied by treating partners and family is a draconian, repressive, sexist, manner which they assume is normal behaviors, and thus spend a lifetime getting away with it.

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