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Violence to girls and women.

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Of course it could. It's utterly deplorable.


Of course violence against women exists across all cultural and racial boundaries. Perhaps acknowledging that might make you look more like someone who's concerned about violence towards women and less like someone who's just using it as stick to beat Muslims with.


Around 1,000 women are killed in Pakistan every year by their families in honour killings, according to the Aurat Foundation.

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You mean murder? Sorry to disappoint you, but the highest murder rates aren't in Islamic states. Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and the UAE all have lower rates than the USA for example.
of course the murder rates are lower in Islamic countries (honour killings/stoning people to death isn't classed as murder :suspect::roll:
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The criticism isn't of all Muslims but of a culture that nutures nasty beliefs and practices that are common if not the norm.


Don't you think we should be guarded against that culture getting a grip here? And it is here... We have had honour killings. We have had gang rapes and organised gangs targeting vulnerable non-Muslim girls. We do have sharia courts dishing out discriminatory 'justice'. We have had 'Muslim patrols'. We have had terrorist plots and attacks. We do have radical preaching. We do have thousands of British-Muslims going abroad to train for Jihad.



And the so called Unite Against Fascism are found wanting. :roll:

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good news so far in the indian "hanged girls" case, 2 police officers have been fired, not perfect but its a start


apparently the girls families were abused due to being a lower caste when they reported them missing Oo


It gets to me reading about these backward cultures. Look at the information that I turned up. It is on my post no. 41.

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good news so far in the indian "hanged girls" case, 2 police officers have been fired, not perfect but its a start


apparently the girls families were abused due to being a lower caste when they reported them missing Oo


Far from perfect,the girls have been raped and hung.And we're giving this country aid.:loopy:

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Far from perfect,the girls have been raped and hung.And we're giving this country aid.:loopy:

its NOT the country that did it tho, its a few people, same as the whole of the uk didnt do jimmy savilles crimes...just jimmy saville

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I honestly don't know how people can stand by & watch something like this happening, as with the murder in Pakistan. I know there's a term for this 'bystander apathy' but it's just so wrong. As for the Indian government this is what they think of British aid.


"No, my country doesn't need British aid. It's patronising, stifling and just enriches a corrupt elite

Rahul Bedi"


As the Indian finance minister Pranab Mukherjee said recently, ‘We do not require the aid. It is peanuts in our total development spending.’


Indeed, there are reports that the Indian Government has become so contemptuous of Britain’s contribution that they accept it merely to avoid causing the Coalition embarrassment.


That just shows the utter absurdity of Britain’s financial support to India.



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