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Violence to girls and women.

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when were atomic bombs dropped on innocent people?


Oooh, well, right off the top of my head,


1) during the tests in the nevada desert.


2) ditto tests at Bikini Atoll...?


3) ditto on British servicemen during our tests in the pacific... (many dying of things like leukaemia years later)


4) on the ordinary citizens of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. August 1945..


Will that do you, for a starter?

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Incidentally, going on the reports that the man accused of killing his wife in Pakistan had also killed his previous wife, my money is on a "pure and simple, murderous violent wife-killer" rather than it being down to his religion.


A despot will be a despot, no matter what their gender, race or religion. They will always find some justification for their tyranny. whether s/he is some tinpot domestic tyrant, subduing their spouse and children into submission or they are a political tyrant, subduing countries and continents.

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Incidentally, going on the reports that the man accused of killing his wife in Pakistan had also killed his previous wife, my money is on a "pure and simple, murderous violent wife-killer" rather than it being down to his religion.


A despot will be a despot, no matter what their gender, race or religion. They will always find some justification for their tyranny. whether s/he is some tinpot domestic tyrant, subduing their spouse and children into submission or they are a political tyrant, subduing countries and continents.


You are in denial about your religion/culture of choice. It is like Blair not being able to a knowledge the Iraq war was wrong.


All culture have bad people that are the product of nature. But Islamic culture not only allow allows nastiness but teaches it and forgives it. Under Islamic law his son forgave him for murdering his mother so he could marry again and that made it ok. Nothing to do with 'despots'... that is the culture. The same culture that stones people to death for religious choices. That teaches and practises discrimination. That has incredible social injustice and is riddled with corruption. None of that is the work of individual despots but the work of the religion and the culture it has shaped.


All that said, if they want to live like that then let them get on with it. But don't expect the criticism to be stifled out of misplace respect. And don't expect that religion/culture to receive a welcome elsewhere. It isn't xenophobic to reject it nasty madness...it is a matter of the self preservation of progressive society.

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As previous posters have said, this is a thread about violence towards women. We can discuss the terrible things going on around the world all day but we still have a sexual assualt referral centre serving south yorkshire with other centres all over the uk too. Its on our doorstep not just in other parts of the world and it happens all the time. The centres also see men who have been assaulted. Violence towards anyone is horrific and unacceptable but it happens and I don't see an end to it anytime soon unfortunately.

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As previous posters have said, this is a thread about violence towards women. We can discuss the terrible things going on around the world all day but we still have a sexual assualt referral centre serving south yorkshire with other centres all over the uk too. Its on our doorstep not just in other parts of the world and it happens all the time. The centres also see men who have been assaulted. Violence towards anyone is horrific and unacceptable but it happens and I don't see an end to it anytime soon unfortunately.


That doesn't change the fact that they have a cultural problem that makes the problem far worse. Would our culture allow a man to go about his business after murdering his wife because the son said it was OK?


If they want to address the issues of violence against girls and women then they need to begin by lookiing at their cultural teachings. They are nurturing and perpetuating the violence.

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