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Violence to girls and women.

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Incidentally, going on the reports that the man accused of killing his wife in Pakistan had also killed his previous wife, my money is on a "pure and simple, murderous violent wife-killer" rather than it being down to his religion.


This is not correct. Mohamed Iqbal murdered his first wife to be able to marry Farzana Parveen. Farzana Parveen was stoned to death by her own family including her father and brother as punishment for marrying Mohamed Iqbal instead of marrying a cousin who had been chosen as her husband.


It is also claimed that Farzana Parveen's father murdered her older sister by poisoning her because she disobeyed him.


So we have a murderous violent wife killer, a murderous violent daughter killer, a mob who were happy to join in with the killing of their relative, a police force who stood by and did nothing, and a media (in Pakistan) who didn't bother to report on this. And a legal system that says it doesn't matter anyway so long as you pay your way out of jail. How can anyone claim this is not a cultural problem?

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This is not correct. Mohamed Iqbal murdered his first wife to be able to marry Farzana Parveen. Farzana Parveen was stoned to death by her own family including her father and brother as punishment for marrying Mohamed Iqbal instead of marrying a cousin who had been chosen as her husband.


It is also claimed that Farzana Parveen's father murdered her older sister by poisoning her because she disobeyed him.


So we have a murderous violent wife killer, a murderous violent daughter killer, a mob who were happy to join in with the killing of their relative, a police force who stood by and did nothing, and a media (in Pakistan) who didn't bother to report on this. And a legal system that says it doesn't matter anyway so long as you pay your way out of jail. How can anyone claim this is not a cultural problem?

that's the trouble with the likes of pt/halibut/bf etc they accuse others of putting fingers in ears saying ner ner but don't like it when others accuse them :loopy:
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that's the trouble with the likes of pt/halibut/bf etc they accuse others of putting fingers in ears saying ner ner but don't like it when others accuse them :loopy:


I am not accusing anyone of anything.

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Incidentally, going on the reports that the man accused of killing his wife in Pakistan had also killed his previous wife, my money is on a "pure and simple, murderous violent wife-killer" rather than it being down to his religion.


A despot will be a despot, no matter what their gender, race or religion. They will always find some justification for their tyranny. whether s/he is some tinpot domestic tyrant, subduing their spouse and children into submission or they are a political tyrant, subduing countries and continents.


Around 1,000 women are killed in Pakistan every year by their families in honour killings, according to the Aurat Foundation.


---------- Post added 31-05-2014 at 11:42 ----------


As previous posters have said, this is a thread about violence towards women. We can discuss the terrible things going on around the world all day but we still have a sexual assualt referral centre serving south yorkshire with other centres all over the uk too. Its on our doorstep not just in other parts of the world and it happens all the time. The centres also see men who have been assaulted. Violence towards anyone is horrific and unacceptable but it happens and I don't see an end to it anytime soon unfortunately.


Our police don't stand by, watching assaults taking place.


---------- Post added 31-05-2014 at 11:59 ----------


The subject of this thread has just been discussed on Dateline London, BBC news.

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Around 1,000 women are killed in Pakistan every year by their families in honour killings, according to the Aurat Foundation.


---------- Post added 31-05-2014 at 11:42 ----------



Our police don't stand by, watching assaults taking place.


---------- Post added 31-05-2014 at 11:59 ----------


The subject of this thread has just been discussed on Dateline London, BBC news.

And here in the UK, an average of 2 women are murdered each week (109 approx, per year, give or take) by their partner or ex partner. Please explain to me how that statistic is any less tragic and appalling, than the numbers you quote above?


As I said above, being a wifebeater is not exclusive to 'alien' cultures to our own. A tyrant is a tyrant regardless of race religion or social status.


With regard to the police 'just looking on', my own experience of that was right here in Sheffield.


I was knocked about, by an ex of mine, for a long time, before I was able to escape the relationship.


The ex beat me up, even breaching an injunction the court had placed on him that he could not even approach me.

He fractured my cheekbone. I went to the police station across the way from my home, and made a report. The police who took the complaint weren't helpful, and tried to brush it off as 'just a domestic', despite me needing to be treated at hospital.


The courts were not much better. I only found out the ex had finally been in court for the assault AFTER he had appeared. I was not even called to give evidence, and he was only given a conditional discharge. So if you like, the BRITISH courts were complicit with the police in giving the 'OK' to violent partners beating their wives. There was no support for women like me who were going through abuse.

I don't deny that there are misogynistic attitudes in many sectors of Muslim society. And that those attitudes prevail despite the scriptures teaching that a woman deserves an elevated and respected position in society, indeed, it teaches 'paradise is at the feet of your mother'.


Part of the problem is that, whether in western or Middle Eastern culture, many men still feel threatened and emasculated by the idea of an intelligent, educated, strong woman. We need to educate our men and boys to understand how amazing it is to be around a woman who is articulate and capable of intelligent stimulating conversation.

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And here in the UK, an average of 2 women are murdered each week (109 approx, per year, give or take) by their partner or ex partner. Please explain to me how that statistic is any less tragic and appalling, than the numbers you quote above?


It's 109 too many. Nobody is saying murder is acceptable.


There is a slight difference in that here in the UK, it is not the done thing to stone people to death. It is not the done thing for the police to stand by and watch someone being murdered in the middle of the city in broad daylight. The UK is not perfect and we have our fair share of barbaric monsters but in general here the system is designed to step in. It may not be perfect and it may have let you down, but it's a hell of a lot better than a system where police stand idle by, and journalists don't report on any of this as it's not considered newsworthy.

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The subject of this thread has just been discussed on Dateline London, BBC news.

the story you mentioned in your op is all over the news and rightly so, a disgusting turn of affairs


if you wanted to purely talk about that you shouldve titled the thread about it? i posted links to that story and 2 others that have happened around the same time, all shocking and horrible cases, 3 different countries, 3 different cultures


but strangely you only want to talk about one? why is that? could it be that you want to perpetuate the anti muslim sentiment on good old SF? cos im sorry but thats how youre coming across, you seem one track minded

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