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Joey Barton and the Ugly Girls.

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Joey Barton who's he the blokes a clown ,been paid far too much money



Why is is paid far too much money? He's a professional footballer. All professional footballers get paid millions, particularly those in the Premier League (which is where he's spent the majority of his career).

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Joey Barton who's he the blokes a clown ,been paid far too much money



Maybe (he was terrible in the last game I saw him play in) but what did you think of his analogy? I think he summed up quite well how most UKIP supporters feel. It is something the other parties, and their supporters, can't seem to grasp. People haven't been persuaded or conned into voting UKIP... they have been drive to them because their arrogance is far uglier.

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:huh: Who cares..I never said you did.


The point I was making was this thread is about referring to others as "ugly"..you obviously don't have a problem with that because ugly for you is a judgement call. I called you ugly and it was quite rightly removed..why? because you just don't go around telling people or inferring their ugly...especially if you're a minger yourself. You'd be pretty miffed If I called your daughter or wife a couple of ugly birds..or would you just agree because it could be true, or agree in the defence of being politically incorrect?


Here's one..Joey Barton, footballer = Thicko



And stop sending me dumb ass pm's.


Only sent one, stop being a drama queen :D


Joey Barton did not call anyone personally, so what part of that don't you understand ?

Your using examples completely out of context as usual, so your point is irrelevant, it's the same nonsense every time I argue with you on here.

Calling someone ugly to their face, or referring to a family member etc is a different thing altogether, it's likely to lead to a punch on the nose, however using the term or analogy 4 ugly girls upsets who exactly ?

Who are the 4 ugly girls, do you know them, or are they a figment of your imagination ?

Getting narked about using the term as he did is nonsensical PC garbage, there are others who agree, but that's my opinion and fools like you will never change that !

People like you make me so thankful that I grew up in an era when being street wise, savvy and getting on with things gave you a backbone, some perspective and common sense, I do wonder about the future for the next generations !

Oh and you and Joey Barton do have something in common then ;)

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