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Ms Saliu fled from Nigeria in 2011 after her stepmother threatened to subject Bassy to female genital mutilation. Ms Saliu, who is herself a victim of FGM, was heavily pregnant at the time.


Nigeria is almost 4 times larger than the UK, so surely it is possible to move within the confines of that country to avoid your stepmother.


The practice is founded in traditional beliefs and societal pressure to conform. The government of Nigeria in the last decade recognized the practice as harmful to children and women and have embarked on corrective measures, aimed at addressing the end of the practice openly and energetically,


It also appears that there is nothing to fear from the Nigerian government.

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Nigeria is almost 4 times larger than the UK, so surely it is possible to move within the confines of that country to avoid your stepmother.


I'm sure the stepmother is more likely to find them in Nigeria than if she is in a different country.

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I'm sure the stepmother is more likely to find them in Nigeria than if she is in a different country.


I doubt it, it would be almost impossible for an individual to find another individual in Nigeria if they didn't want to be found. If it was the government wanting to mutilate her children then I can see why she would run to another country, but it isn't the government it is a famaly member and they are very easy to avoid.


With over 250 ethnic groups and an estimated population of 120 million, a national estimate of this practice is very difficult. The most recent survey is a 1999 Demographic and Health Survey of 8,205 women nationally. This survey estimates that 25.1 percent of the women of Nigeria have undergone one of these procedures.


So the majority of women in Nigeria haven't been mutilated and the ones that have were likely mutilated at the request of the mother.


In this case the mother doesn't want her children mutilated, the government doesn't want her children mutilated so there is no reason at all to assume they will be mutilated if they go home.

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I doubt it, it would be almost impossible for an individual to find another individual in Nigeria if they didn't want to be found. If it was the government wanting to mutilate her children then I can see why she would run to another country, but it isn't the government it is a famaly member and they are very easy to avoid.


Well it would be easier now because the media has gone and told everyone where she is, bit in general she would have been better off in a different country.

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Nigeria is almost 4 times larger than the UK, so surely it is possible to move within the confines of that country to avoid your stepmother.




It also appears that there is nothing to fear from the Nigerian government.


And the Indian state have laws against murder and specifically against Honour killings. Didn't stop the murder of the woman earlier this week in view of the police and outside the court house though.

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My eyesight isn't so good these days, where does it say she is staying here at the taxpayers' expense?


I will bet you 10000£ that she is.

If fact I will bet you the cost of the legal aid of repatriating her to her country.

Can you imagine the amount she has cost us tax payers.


---------- Post added 30-05-2014 at 11:04 ----------


And the Indian state have laws against murder and specifically against Honour killings. Didn't stop the murder of the woman earlier this week in view of the police and outside the court house though.


Quick, we must import all Indians to this country immediately, to save them. Well at least all those people that adhere to religions which practice honour killings. Alternatively we could go over there and colonise them and Rule them from London. :hihi:

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Or you could accept the point I was making, that being that "it being illegal" doesn't mean that it doesn't happen, which is the claim that ivanana was making.


You've had time to reply to my latest post, perhaps you could reply to the earlier one?


For example, how did she flee?


And the places you list, I can see the european ones are probably safe, but the ones higher up the list, is there no threat of FGM in those?


And what languages does she speak, Spanish? Portuguese? French? English?

You don't think the ability to communicate might affect her choice of where to apply for asylum?


Your last paragraph. How exactly is it interference to give someone asylum from a practice they don't agree with?


You do have answers right? Because your opinion only makes sense if you have these answers.

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You must be privy to details that are not in the story.


For example, how did she flee? - No idea?

And the places you list, I can see the european ones are probably safe, but the ones higher up the list, is there no threat of FGM in those? Possibly, possibly not - there's threat of FGM in every country (that has moslims)

And what languages does she speak, Spanish? Portuguese? French? English? No idea - if you're fleeing oppression, I wouldn't have thought it mattered much.

You don't think the ability to communicate might affect her choice of where to apply for asylum? If it was me that was being threatened, I'd go to the nearest safe country, however if there were other considerations, I'd go to the country which gave me free money and legal representation and go and sponge off some bleeding hearts there


Your last paragraph. How exactly is it interference to give someone asylum from a practice they don't agree with? What a very strange convoluted question


---------- Post added 30-05-2014 at 11:17 ----------


No, that's why we have the likes of you dropping like flies with burst ulcers...a drain on the NHS I might add.:D


I don't have an ulcer to burst?

I pay plenty to the NHS in my taxes. I also have private health insurance, so I wouldn't be much of a drain anyway. :loopy:

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