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Politicians Rant..

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Another one of my ill informed rants but:


Are any politicians actually in politics for the good of the country they are elected to serve or are most just in it for what they can get out of it (expenses etc) a cushy privileged lifestyle, directorships and a fat pay off at the end of their political life. Tony Blair seems to fall in the latter category for one.

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Well congratulations on asking such a question. They go into politics straight from university, know nothing practical about life at all, and pontificate about things they have little knowledge of.


We live in a society in which our politicians are served up to us to vote for, as we have no say on their aptitude, ability or whatever. They are then clothed in party decorations thus legitimizing their ignorance and shortcomings.


To imagine they are capable of an ounce of sincerity, when its all about keeping up appearances in public, is beyond belief. But well dressed and spoken hypocrites seem to be the only alternative one has to vote for these days, who when elected head for the trough to push their snouts into as far as they can.


Its a great job for slackers, liars, cheats, as parliament is only functioning for around 165 days a year, and they do not have to attend if they do not feel like it, but can claim expenses and have directorships and other lucrative pastimes. So with a day a week at their constituency working for 6 months a year MP’s can earn over 2K a week. Nice work if you can get it….geddit!

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Are any politicians actually in politics for the good of the country they are elected to serve or are most just in it for what they can get out of it (expenses etc) a cushy privileged lifestyle, directorships and a fat pay off at the end of their political life.


The answer to both those questions could be yes. Some want to do good and most are in it for themselves. They could all be in it for both.


I think most MPs are bland careerists who toe the party line in order to maintain their own privileges that come with the job. Very few seem to have much imagination, personality or individuality. Very few rock the boat. They have to deliver for people though in order to get into and stay in government. They know they are accountable to the public even though relatively few seats are marginal. They know they have to do good for the country in order to maximise their party's public support.

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Well congratulations on asking such a question. They go into politics straight from university, know nothing practical about life at all, and pontificate about things they have little knowledge of.


We live in a society in which our politicians are served up to us to vote for, as we have no say on their aptitude, ability or whatever. They are then clothed in party decorations thus legitimizing their ignorance and shortcomings.


To imagine they are capable of an ounce of sincerity, when its all about keeping up appearances in public, is beyond belief. But well dressed and spoken hypocrites seem to be the only alternative one has to vote for these days, who when elected head for the trough to push their snouts into as far as they can.


Its a great job for slackers, liars, cheats, as parliament is only functioning for around 165 days a year, and they do not have to attend if they do not feel like it, but can claim expenses and have directorships and other lucrative pastimes. So with a day a week at their constituency working for 6 months a year MP’s can earn over 2K a week. Nice work if you can get it….geddit!


This is my MP for whom I have a lot of respect ,please read and compare to your first paragraph.



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This is my MP for whom I have a lot of respect ,please read and compare to your first paragraph.




So from a part time electrician, to a social science degree, which has nothing whatsoever to do with electricity, or energy, thus our intrepid little MP obviously without a science bent, tries to understand what exactly? The concept of electricity, the geographical layout of pylons? He knows staggeringly little, and with such a degree could not in a million years understand any of the technical details, and thus needs people to explain it in simple terms, advisors. Advisors know their stuff and therefore can paint any picture thus feeding idiots with what corporate interests require. Possibly a decent sort of chap, but....loves the money.


Just because someone appears to be knowledgeable, it required someone a bit less educated to think they are clever, as they have developed a persona, designed for public adoration.


Knowing a bit more about the science /technical details, makes asking the MP questions pertinent to the committee the is on seem the two dimensional person however suited and booted it appears.


MP's are in effect overpaid parasites, who have little idea of what they are doing or the long term consequences, Just like Blair in Iraq, Afghanistan etc. They decide with little knowledge on the hoof, which is like giving a 3 year old a loaded handgun with a hair trigger.


So you look up to a nearly an electrician, that decided hard work was for suckers, took an easy degree, and then jumped on the gravy train, and you expect me to share such a perspective?????? Get real!

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So from a part time electrician, to a social science degree, which has nothing whatsoever to do with electricity, or energy, thus our intrepid little MP obviously without a science bent, tries to understand what exactly? The concept of electricity, the geographical layout of pylons? He knows staggeringly little, and with such a degree could not in a million years understand any of the technical details, and thus needs people to explain it in simple terms, advisors. Advisors know their stuff and therefore can paint any picture thus feeding idiots with what corporate interests require. Possibly a decent sort of chap, but....loves the money.


Just because someone appears to be knowledgeable, it required someone a bit less educated to think they are clever, as they have developed a persona, designed for public adoration.


Knowing a bit more about the science /technical details, makes asking the MP questions pertinent to the committee the is on seem the two dimensional person however suited and booted it appears.


MP's are in effect overpaid parasites, who have little idea of what they are doing or the long term consequences, Just like Blair in Iraq, Afghanistan etc. They decide with little knowledge on the hoof, which is like giving a 3 year old a loaded handgun with a hair trigger.


So you look up to a nearly an electrician, that decided hard work was for suckers, took an easy degree, and then jumped on the gravy train, and you expect me to share such a perspective?????? Get real!


So what's your bright idea then Mr Big Mouth.


Since you clearly describe all MPs as parasites who know nothing. What's the solution?


Who says that so called "real world" people could do it any better?


Im a laywer who has worked in various fields from homeless services to banking law? does that make me fit to be in politics?


How about some full time mother grafting away with little income raising two children, living just above the bread line? Do they have what it takes.


What about some long term jobless benefit claimant? What about them? I mean after all they really know how life is dont they. Just perfect for running the country.


What exactly do you want?


What about this MP http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Skinner (20+ years in the mines not enough "real world" for you)

Or this one http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mo_Mowlam (who dedicated work changed the lives for millions in Ireland)


I assume these are just a couple of the university graduate, non real world parasites you scream of.

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So what's your bright idea then Mr Big Mouth.


Since you clearly describe all MPs as parasites who know nothing. What's the solution?


Who says that so called "real world" people could do it any better?


Im a laywer who has worked in various fields from homeless services to banking law? does that make me fit to be in politics?


How about some full time mother grafting away with little income raising two children, living just above the bread line? Do they have what it takes.


What about some long term jobless benefit claimant? What about them? I mean after all they really know how life is dont they. Just perfect for running the country.


What exactly do you want?


What about this MP http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Skinner (20+ years in the mines not enough "real world" for you)

Or this one http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mo_Mowlam (who dedicated work changed the lives for millions in Ireland)


I assume these are just a couple of the university graduate, non real world parasites you scream of.



MP's do know about self interest, and this fuels them to pretend to others they know what they are doing, when in effect they are reactive more than proactive as limited knowledge, and Tabloid information helps form some policy, on the hoof of course.


Capitalism is based on having capital, which is beyond the knowledge base of MP's who now support the idea of credit, which you know is really debt. We are almost the most indebted state in the world, and getting further into the mire just might not be the way to get out of it. We need to create wealth, not debt, a concept MP's have not yet grasped, and our Chancellor with a 2.1 in History screams ineptitude, and this CV tends to suggest he can read and remember a script, but obviously others add up for him. As for the people you quoted well one is dead and the other out to grass, your point on the latest crop being?????


As for the qualifications to be an MP, well anyone can become one, one does not need any qualifications whatsoever, one does not have to know anything, accomplished nothing, or did you not bother to find out that even a determined psychopath would qualify. Alcoholics love that MP's life.


Parasites are those that feed of others, that create, add value to a product, Lawyers for instant feed of those that create wealth, and at the end of the day have added nothing to the wealth creation process, unlike a doctor that keeps the wealth creators going. Thus lawyers are just the sort of applicants being an MP requires. Parliament opens for just over 160 days a year, has subsidised alcohol and food, an expenses potential as far as one might wish, and one does not have to any work at all. One does not have to attend Parliament, one does not have to deal with constituents, so one can in effect screw the system, which is made for people who have little practical ability, and like to pretend that chatting is work.


You say you are a lawyer yet cannot spell it properly???

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