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Politicians Rant..

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Heavy going thread.


I see the last few posts are late night/early hours. Are the posts as genuine as our politicians? Me thinks the four-pack of special brew has kicked in and someone's spoiling for a fight.

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Have any of you ever actually worked with or know a politician personally or are we just drawing conclusions about their character from tv news?

I don't doubt that some of them are only serving their own interest but some actually are in the job to make a difference and work very hard at it.

I once worked with a politician for quite a while and he changed my whole view on politicians.

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The biggest problem with democracy is the electorate not understanding what the role of politicians is. It isn't to please everybody, it is to ensure the country is governed in an appropriate manner, voters don't like appropriate, they only like what ends up in their pockets at the end.


So it is a bit crass to accuse 'all politicians' of doing just that.

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Heavy going thread.


I see the last few posts are late night/early hours. Are the posts as genuine as our politicians? Me thinks the four-pack of special brew has kicked in and someone's spoiling for a fight.


I think Erebus is at his best ( whatever that is ) when he has had a few:hihi:

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MP's do know about self interest, and this fuels them to pretend to others they know what they are doing, when in effect they are reactive more than proactive as limited knowledge, and Tabloid information helps form some policy, on the hoof of course.


Capitalism is based on having capital, which is beyond the knowledge base of MP's who now support the idea of credit, which you know is really debt. We are almost the most indebted state in the world, and getting further into the mire just might not be the way to get out of it. We need to create wealth, not debt, a concept MP's have not yet grasped, and our Chancellor with a 2.1 in History screams ineptitude, and this CV tends to suggest he can read and remember a script, but obviously others add up for him. As for the people you quoted well one is dead and the other out to grass, your point on the latest crop being?????


As for the qualifications to be an MP, well anyone can become one, one does not need any qualifications whatsoever, one does not have to know anything, accomplished nothing, or did you not bother to find out that even a determined psychopath would qualify. Alcoholics love that MP's life.


Parasites are those that feed of others, that create, add value to a product, Lawyers for instant feed of those that create wealth, and at the end of the day have added nothing to the wealth creation process, unlike a doctor that keeps the wealth creators going. Thus lawyers are just the sort of applicants being an MP requires. Parliament opens for just over 160 days a year, has subsidised alcohol and food, an expenses potential as far as one might wish, and one does not have to any work at all. One does not have to attend Parliament, one does not have to deal with constituents, so one can in effect screw the system, which is made for people who have little practical ability, and like to pretend that chatting is work.


You say you are a lawyer yet cannot spell it properly???


What are you?


I'm in two minds - a Chinese intelligence agent logging in to bang on how bad the west is or someone in a secure unit who ghosts down corridors in one of those gowns that leave your arse out, stealing a few minutes on the pc at the nurses station when they go out for a fag.

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I don't understand what exactly you have against Tony Blair.


Have a read of this interview with John Harris, Blair's former friend, published in the Independent today.


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I think interview is strong word. It's a rant with a couple of nice (and accurate) sound bites that a journo managed to repeat a couple of times.

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Have any of you ever actually worked with or know a politician personally or are we just drawing conclusions about their character from tv news?

I don't doubt that some of them are only serving their own interest but some actually are in the job to make a difference and work very hard at it.

I once worked with a politician for quite a while and he changed my whole view on politicians.




THE GORILLA STATES... Some actually are in the job to make a difference and work very hard at it.




Well the bush tailed newly elected might have ideas to change whatever they think needs changing, but there is a tiny little problem, the amount of influence is possibly less to do anything than the man serving the subsidised drinks at one of the many bars.


Like coppers, the young un's join and find they are in a system where taking a backhander is obligatory, or as they prefer to do, have a cup of tea and cake for bu***ER all, WITH A SMILE OF APPROVAL AT THE END. If they like something in the shop, then who dares get on the nasty side? Thus after years of corrruption however minor, the young recruit changes to either fit in with the system, or leave, and many leave due to disillusionment, as it is called.


If they fit in the system as we now know one can climb the greasy pole, like politicians do, agreeing to say yes when told to, as corporate interest trump silly values, and one must keep an eye out for a future career structure.


If these parasites actually wanted to help then they would do a practical job, NHS, teach etc, not fawn about in the corruption trough, sticking their snouts in a far as they can.


To make a point Ukraine just had an election where a tiny proportion of the people voted, as the country is at war, with the government it seems....but that was OK it was demovracy at work and our politicians applauded it.


Meanwhile in Syria, they are having, you got it a free election where Syrians in Syria and all over the place can vote for the three candidates, but hold on the country is at war with itself, like Ukraine. In this case our politicians regard the election like in Crimea as undemocratic, despite the people having a different perspective.


Double standards all the way with parasites.

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THE GORILLA STATES... Some actually are in the job to make a difference and work very hard at it.




Well the bush tailed newly elected might have ideas to change whatever they think needs changing, but there is a tiny little problem, the amount of influence is possibly less to do anything than the man serving the subsidised drinks at one of the many bars.


Like coppers, the young un's join and find they are in a system where taking a backhander is obligatory, or as they prefer to do, have a cup of tea and cake for bu***ER all, WITH A SMILE OF APPROVAL AT THE END. If they like something in the shop, then who dares get on the nasty side? Thus after years of corrruption however minor, the young recruit changes to either fit in with the system, or leave, and many leave due to disillusionment, as it is called.


If they fit in the system as we now know one can climb the greasy pole, like politicians do, agreeing to say yes when told to, as corporate interest trump silly values, and one must keep an eye out for a future career structure.


If these parasites actually wanted to help then they would do a practical job, NHS, teach etc, not fawn about in the corruption trough, sticking their snouts in a far as they can.


To make a point Ukraine just had an election where a tiny proportion of the people voted, as the country is at war, with the government it seems....but that was OK it was demovracy at work and our politicians applauded it.


Meanwhile in Syria, they are having, you got it a free election where Syrians in Syria and all over the place can vote for the three candidates, but hold on the country is at war with itself, like Ukraine. In this case our politicians regard the election like in Crimea as undemocratic, despite the people having a different perspective.


Double standards all the way with parasites.


And what do you expect them to do? Change the way the country is each time someone demands it?


Get real.

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THE GORILLA STATES... Some actually are in the job to make a difference and work very hard at it.




Well the bush tailed newly elected might have ideas to change whatever they think needs changing, but there is a tiny little problem, the amount of influence is possibly less to do anything than the man serving the subsidised drinks at one of the many bars.


Like coppers, the young un's join and find they are in a system where taking a backhander is obligatory, or as they prefer to do, have a cup of tea and cake for bu***ER all, WITH A SMILE OF APPROVAL AT THE END. If they like something in the shop, then who dares get on the nasty side? Thus after years of corrruption however minor, the young recruit changes to either fit in with the system, or leave, and many leave due to disillusionment, as it is called.


If they fit in the system as we now know one can climb the greasy pole, like politicians do, agreeing to say yes when told to, as corporate interest trump silly values, and one must keep an eye out for a future career structure.


If these parasites actually wanted to help then they would do a practical job, NHS, teach etc, not fawn about in the corruption trough, sticking their snouts in a far as they can.


To make a point Ukraine just had an election where a tiny proportion of the people voted, as the country is at war, with the government it seems....but that was OK it was demovracy at work and our politicians applauded it.


Meanwhile in Syria, they are having, you got it a free election where Syrians in Syria and all over the place can vote for the three candidates, but hold on the country is at war with itself, like Ukraine. In this case our politicians regard the election like in Crimea as undemocratic, despite the people having a different perspective.


Double standards all the way with parasites.


What the heck!

You do realise you are on planet earth don't you?

P.s. if you can't start a thread without abuse don't bother.

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