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Hi finchy s,


Sorry i dont know your mate at Hillstown, even though i drive past that part of the world on my way to work.


On a different note, there is a chap called Hobson who writes features in Amateur Photographer magazine. Do you know if it is Davy Roll Hobbo? The face shown in the mag certainly resembles him.




Hi 71 that would"nt be a Steve Hobson of park hill flats sister called lyn married Dennis Hobson jnr have not seen steve in 30 yrs

Regards Steve

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does anyone remember Jack Whitely,Harry Tidy,Brian Tarbutt.

they were my mates during my time at Davys 1946~1953

I served my time in 2bay before being sent to Consett alongside Reg Williamson and Dennis Carlinto erect a coggin Mill.

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hi finchy s here i worked with Jack for 10 years in the nfs bit of a head the ball but i understood him great sportsman i was one of is proteges all i ever did was learn i had great respect for jack must be 30 plus years since i seen him.

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There are many interesting posts here relating to the wonderful old company. I am here to tell you that it is still a wonderful company and having amalgamated with Markham of Chesterfield some 10 years ago it changed its name in 2006 to DavyMarkham Limited.


I was brought in 2006 by the owners to undertake a turnaround of the business which had been allowed to get into a severe loss making position. By making some well overdue changes to management, operations and working practices, we managed to get the old Davy and Markham names back on the map and since 2006, with the support of the magnificent workforce, we have returned to profit and are here to stay!


In 2007 Duncan Hay (the FD) and I undertook a Management Buyout which was financed by Endless LLP in Leed. Endless have commenced in refurbishing the old buildings and new tenants are using some of the buildings which have been empty for many years.


We also reinstated the famous apprentice training scheme and have taken on 18 apprentices in the last two years – this represents 20% of the shop floor workforce.


We are entering 2009 with a full order book and some lucrative prospects for 2010.


Our main product lines are sub-contract machining (up to 350 tons), moving structures (Newcastle Millennium Bridge), tunnel boring cutter heads, mine hoists and repairs to equipment supplied by Davy over the years.


Please see our website …… davymarkham dot com ..... I hope you will agree with me that the old business is still in good shape and a great advertisement for MADE IN SHEFFIELD ……


Kind regards and thanks to all the former employees who helped make DAVY the company it was and still is today!


Kevin Parkin

Managing Director.


I'll stick my neck out and try to bring Kevin's post up-to-date:


In February 2010, Endless LLP sold Davy Markham to a large Indian engineering and construction company called IVRCL (The letters must be an abreviation but dont know what it is.)


Davy Markham now appear to operate through an IVRCL subsidiary called: Hindustan Dorr-Oliver. Don't know what their current order book is like.



Edited by Falls
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hi finchy s here i worked with Jack for 10 years in the nfs bit of a head the ball but i understood him great sportsman i was one of is proteges all i ever did was learn i had great respect for jack must be 30 plus years since i seen him.


hello again as you say Jack was a bit impetuous thats how he won the Air Force Medal during National Service.I knew all his family but i left sheffield in 1951 and havent seen any of them since but I shall never forget hi as a good friend.

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Hi iworked in the NFS 73/82 i remember a Jim Cuisick he had a few old bikes ,arial square 4 1000 ajs as i remember he gave me a ferret and dad made me get rid

Jack Allwood was a legand so jack whitely said. i live in eire these days


Hi Mate


i know that I am rather late with this responce but have only just read the forum about Davy United.

I served my time at Davy,s starting at 15 in 1957 and worked in 6 bay.

Jack Allwood was a great fitter and I learned so much from him.


Fitters were rated on ability and Jack was one of the few rated at 25 shillings a week, (but in the early 60s worth quite a bit on top of you wage)


Jack was a character to say the least, he always went down to the wellington in Darnall for a pint at dinner time and had his sandwich on his return. Asked Fby Sos (the Foreman) why he hadnt finished his snap during the lunch break, he swiftly replied "What rush it and get F*****n indigestion)


He once removed a tooth which was giving him a lot of pain with a pair of pliers and then carried on working.


Jack was known as a rough & ready bloke and took no prisoners with apprentices.

By that I mean that he would give you a job and make sure that you did it right and in good time. Or else. Although Jack never gave me a clip it was common practice with some fitters.


I am 70 now, still enjoy working a couple of days a week (producing Rolling Mill parts) and every day use the experience I learned from my training at Davy,s and in particular the skills from great tradesmen like JACK ALLWOOD


I had great times at Davy,s and have lots of stories to share.

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