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Managing u7's football

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Hi, just looking for a bit of advice,


Starting to manage a u7 side this year and was wanting some advice from past experience managing and training tips wise for these lads. I cant wait to start but been new in to the managing game i was just hoping for some advice :)

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At that age it is vital that you create an environment where the kids can work on their ABC's (Agility, Balance, Coordination). Create fun training games where the kids can get as much exposure to possession as possible.


Never ever make it about results, make your aims to get a certain amount of passes in a row etc.


You are in a privileged position, be a role model for kids to play fair and use their experience to solve problems on their own via guidance..

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I agree with the above post about developing their ABC's as this is vital to develop a good physical literacy.


But also I would design fun games based around football because as we know kids love having fun and playing games but also it is proven kids do love competition, by this I don't mean keep score or put pressure on them but games where there is a goal to achieve will keep them mentally focused throughout and limit the chances of boredom.


Do a lot of reading about coaching youth sport and read up about football it is vital you are giving the correct information across as giving the wrong information is more damaging than not saying anything at all as they will believe everything you say.


But the main thing is we say let the kids enjoy sport but also make sure you enjoy your coaching, we coach because we enjoy it and want to develop better players so be energetic and have a smile on your face and you will be fine. One quote I always coach by is 'no one cares how much you know until they know how much you care'.


Good luck and good on you for volunteering and taking on a very important role in grassroots football.

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Had 10 years of it and got to say kids was brilliant yet got to say parents do go overboard. There kids are all the next David beckham in there eyes and sometimes they do a lot of questioning the manager ie team selection, position, end of day we all do this for nothing and give our time up for the kids. All I can say is it's kids football let them enjoy it

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As a dad of a football mad near 7 year old who attend 3 different coaching sessions per week (:roll:)

I'd certainly say keep it fun, but also keeping the kids in line is also a big thing.

The reason me and my wife like him doing it is having someone else to look up to away from school and is not a relative.

One particular session he attends, some of the, shall we same immature, kids just mess around and roll on the floor and basically don't listen.

All well and good, but when you are paying for a session and little Johnny just wants to muck around then that's not a good scenario.

If some of the kids behaved like that at a different session he attends, then that wouldn't be tolerated to be honest.

As for the fun element, look up some simple training techniques on you tube and google for youngsters. Maybe small matches where a team can only score a goal if they put 3 passes together(this teaches passing without them noticing)

Another good one is get 10 kids in a circle and 2 others with vests on and a sort of piggy in middle game when the 2 in vests have to try and intercept a ball while the circle passes to each other.When a vest gets the ball change player (this teaches vest players to close down players and intercept passes in a match, and the circle players to pass accurately)


All the above is just simple training stuff my son has learned, and taken into when he plays in a match to good effect.


A nice little touch is have a Player of the session(and a little clap) at the end 'huddle' and have a chat about whats been learned(creates team bonding & morale)


Good Luck with it, and remember Patience and Fun!!

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