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Protests in Spain about the King.

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The tower of London?


Excellent idea in many ways, I was actually thinking of a country that would suit, maybe Turkmenistan, Chad or Iceland, they do not have royal families and may suit the persons temperament better.

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So this is SF. You don't like the monarchy, nor any political party in power or its Prime Minister. You don't like people who go to church for being evangilical, while you are all evangilical atheists. You don't like cyclists unless you happen to be one, which is rare. You don't like McDonalds but eat there anyway. It's American you know, say no more. So I'm wondering if there is anything you like at all? Oh yes , I've got it, Henderson's Relish. Couldn't stand the stuff myself or Marmite either. Now Hellerman's Mayonnaise that's really good, but that's from here.:)

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So this is SF. You don't like the monarchy, nor any political party in power or its Prime Minister. You don't like people who go to church for being evangilical, while you are all evangilical atheists. You don't like cyclists unless you happen to be one, which is rare. You don't like McDonalds but eat there anyway. It's American you know, say no more. So I'm wondering if there is anything you like at all? Oh yes , I've got it, Henderson's Relish. Couldn't stand the stuff myself or Marmite either. Now Hellerman's Mayonnaise that's really good, but that's from here.:)


We like Hellerman's Mayonnaise because it's from the US? I like it and I didn't even know it was, which blasts that retarded nonsense out of the water.


Who cares if you like HR or not.


evangilical atheists.???

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So this is SF. You don't like the monarchy, nor any political party in power or its Prime Minister. You don't like people who go to church for being evangilical, while you are all evangilical atheists. You don't like cyclists unless you happen to be one, which is rare. You don't like McDonalds but eat there anyway. It's American you know, say no more. So I'm wondering if there is anything you like at all? Oh yes , I've got it, Henderson's Relish. Couldn't stand the stuff myself or Marmite either. Now Hellerman's Mayonnaise that's really good, but that's from here.:)


Yes but we don't fear to send the kids to school for fear of them getting massacred. Now do we share the degree of arrogance emanating from a country which despite its natural riches and resources manages to emit more pollution than the rest of the world put together. Nor do we feel the need to maintain armed services which total the next 13 countries together.


Despite our colonial past we are not reviled throughout the world other than when we ally ourselves to the USA.


BTW Its not Hellermans its Hellmans, but accuracy was never your strong point in spelling and bombing.

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the United States is definitely not 'reviled throughout the world', although there are almost always guaranteed to be anti American protestors anywhere when some US bigwig turns up, that does not mean anything as the demonstrators are usually far leftist types, or Islamists, and who are not representative. When people of various countries are polled, those who have a mainly positive impression of the USA outweigh those who have a mainly negative impression in the big majority of foreign countries. With the few countries that DO have a mainly negative impression being places like Iran, North Korea, and Pakistan. Not like Germany, France, Japan, UK, Brazil etc, where many more people have a positive impression of the USA than negative. Though there is usually between about 20% and 30% who have no opinion.

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Thank you for your responses . It was all tongue in cheek, but showed the normal malice that exists in this forum. From Rotten I get nothjing else. Ballista was ballistic, I don't know you nor particularly want to . Thanks especially to Blake, we are allies. Enjoy your Henderson's Relish folks with some of the tripe you're spouting. My Grandkids are not scared at school or anywhere else.


---------- Post added 04-06-2014 at 09:03 ----------


Yes but we don't fear to send the kids to school for fear of them getting massacred. Now do we share the degree of arrogance emanating from a country which despite its natural riches and resources manages to emit more pollution than the rest of the world put together. Nor do we feel the need to maintain armed services which total the next 13 countries together.


Despite our colonial past we are not reviled throughout the world other than when we ally ourselves to the USA.


BTW Its not Hellermans its Hellmans, but accuracy was never your strong point in spelling and bombing.

We keep a military large enough to contain any potential enemy from attacking any Western Country. Putin is a little scary. I don't suppose much is going to happen, but you never know. For years Britain has helped America in the job. I served for many years in the RN alongside ships of he USN. It was a good relationship. Now the RN is being reduced to nothing. Thank you for the spelling lesson. By the way, I use commas,
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I wish the blathering minority like you would shut up or depart for parts unknown.


Just as a matter of idle curiosity, how do you know he's in the minority?


Has a referendum been held that I missed?

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