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Advice needed on caravan sale

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I recently agreed to sell my static caravan back to the site back in March; I agreed the price with the site agent and was told I would be paid once the caravan was inspected.

It is now 13 weeks later and despite numerous calls to see where my money is I'm still waiting, I know they have inspected the caravan because a few weeks ago I went to the caravan site and looked at my old caravan.

I have tried everything to get my money and even mentioned the small claims court.

The agent is now saying that he has tried everything to get my money but the owner is still dealing with it and if I tried going to court they will just say they don’t want the caravan and that if asked he will just say he doesn’t remember what was said and how if they offered to buy the caravan.

Its only £1000 but I can take it to another site and I can’t sell it private, what can I do?

I was under the impression that if they agreed a sale they must pay isn’t this the case

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What evidence do you have about the sale? Can you prove that a contract was agreed and that post inspection the sale became binding? You need evidence such as letters , emails, correspondence or documentation to show what the agreement was and what terms had been met. i.e did the agreement become binding at inspection or could they reject if anything was found that they didnt like?


If you have such evidence then you could take him through the small claims procedure at the county court. If your evidence is lacking then you will have difficulty proving this at court and there will be nothing you can do.


Go to CAB, take along your evudence and let them assess it.

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