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After a clear vote against the EU..they want to put council tax up!

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Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2646774/Brussels-tells-UK-increase-taxes-It-wants-levies-costly-homes-free-childcare.html#ixzz33ZiNVHPi



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Maybe a different news link for balance too?



The European Commission has called on the UK to raise taxes on higher value properties, build more houses and adjust the Help to Buy scheme.


The commission said council tax bands should be revalued, which would put up bills for some people.


Each year the commission offers member states advice intended to help ensure long-term growth.


The Treasury said that as one of the fastest growing economies, the UK would listen to the commission with interest.


On housing, the commission urged ministers to "deploy appropriate measures to respond to the rapid increases in property prices in areas that account for a substantial share of economic growth in the United Kingdom, particularly London".


The three-year Help to Buy mortgage guarantee scheme, announced in the 2013 Budget, is designed to make it easier for people to get on the housing ladder.


Some housing experts have expressed concerns the scheme has contributed to double-digit prices rises seen in London and other property hotspots over the past year, pushing properties further out of the reach of first-time buyers.


But figures released last week showed that 94% of the 7,313 home purchases funded through Help To Buy so far were outside London while more than 80% of those assisted were first-time buyers.


I think the housing bubble is mainly a London issue, there's too many people there and too little room.

They need to start building upwards, more like American cities to provide places for people to go.


The Government wants to encourage business development outside of the capital, otherwise the problem is only going to increase

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Originally Posted by No User Name


Should be in General Discussions, really.


Also: We need a ban on Daily Mail articles being posted on here, unfortunately some people believe the spin being put on by this rag.


Just as some belief the waffle spouted in the Guardian.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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Each year the commission offers member states advice intended to help ensure long-term growth.


Lol, what does the European Commission know about long term growth??


The UK growth rate is 3.1%


The Euro Zone growth rate is 0.8%


So who is getting it right?

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This is just advice from Europe, but its advice where they check up 3 times a year to see if you implementing the advice and you have to have a meeting with them about it all after a year.


Of course it will all just be seen as meddling in our affairs again by a Union that we never elected to officially join.


What gets me is this will just get thrown in the bin but yet someone will be getting paid to come here to see that and to have a chat with us about it in a years time, what a waist of European funding.

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