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After a clear vote against the EU..they want to put council tax up!

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Yes but you don't understand if council tax is raised government will find a way to get hold of it, Brussels will grab it from the government to bail out other EU countries while our own is rapidly returning to a class system of "haves" and "don't haves". And even the haves are being shafted by Brussels.


Europe... the worst idea since someone told JFK that Texas was lovely in November

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Does anyone else get the feeling that we're being manipulated here?


The government should have brushed this criticism from the EU off stating that British domestic policy is just that - British domestic policy, and the EU should mind its own business; but they haven't done that, the government chose to engage and respond it by explaining itself and justifying its actions as if they were responding to criticism from the opposition.


This is the beginning of the normalising of orders coming from on high (the EU in Brussels) about what to do here.

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Ah the usual one-liners about the EU doing the rounds again. If you can't see the link behind the EU's advice and this news, than please don't even bother commenting.


Oh wait, no! We should listen to Eastbank and detheridge02 and clinteastwoo and Ousetunes and all the other predictable Daily Mail readers because they have clearly got far more understanding of the UK economy than the European Commission has.


Right after the general election the government will pull the Help to Buy scheme, raise interest rates and try and slow down the housing market with all they can because they know that the bubble is growing too fast. They also know that this exact bubble is responsible for the increase in the UK economy and that once again the UK is bubbling along on hot air.


And if they could just get away with it, they will blame the EU, because that is the easiest way of avoiding any responsibility. Except that this 'news' is advice and only the Brits manage to get worked up about it.

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Maybe they're just trying not to rock the boat, so are paying them lip service in an attempt to seem friendly and maintain decent relations??


What with the mess going on in the Ukraine they probably don't want to create any more fuss, especially over some kind of nonsense like this.

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I think the housing bubble is mainly a London issue, there's too many people there and too little room.

They need to start building upwards, more like American cities to provide places for people to go.



They are building upwards in London at a phenomenal rate. Unfortunately they're all luxury penthouses and suites, purchased in advance, often by foreign investors, with the effect of driving accommodation costs even further through the roof.


"More than 200 towers of at least 20 storeys are under construction or being planned, of which three-quarters will provide luxury residential flats, according to New London Architecture (NLA), a discussion and education forum."

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Oh wait, no! We should listen to Eastbank and detheridge02 and clinteastwoo and Ousetunes and all the other predictable Daily Mail readers because they have clearly got far more understanding of the UK economy than the European Commission has.

Or we could listen to some Dutch bloke that is so pro EU he would have you spending your Euro on sauerkraut and frankfurter down at you local lidl rather than your pound in Morrisons.

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Ah the usual one-liners about the EU doing the rounds again. If you can't see the link behind the EU's advice and this news, than please don't even bother commenting.




Did you read the whole of the report you linked to?


"And over the three months to May, prices rose at their slowest pace since August last year, gaining 2.3 per cent."


"In month-on-month terms, price growth slowed to 0.7 per cent from a 1.2 per cent rise in April, Nationwide said. "

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Or we could listen to some Dutch bloke that is so pro EU he would have you spending your Euro on sauerkraut and frankfurter down at you local lidl rather than your pound in Morrisons.


And another nonsense one-liner. Apart from picking on me because I am Dutch, have you actually got a contribution to this thread?


Also, you could have come up with some Dutch rather than German examples, it isn't exactly difficult considering that the biggest British corporations are actually AngloDutch.


---------- Post added 03-06-2014 at 15:07 ----------


Did you read the whole of the report you linked to?


"And over the three months to May, prices rose at their slowest pace since August last year, gaining 2.3 per cent."


"In month-on-month terms, price growth slowed to 0.7 per cent from a 1.2 per cent rise in April, Nationwide said. "


Yes I did, guess what is going to happen to GDP in the next quarter.

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And another nonsense one-liner. Apart from picking on me because I am Dutch, have you actually got a contribution to this thread?


Also, you could have come up with some Dutch rather than German examples, it isn't exactly difficult considering that the biggest British corporations are actually AngloDutch.


Yes I have, its called post 10, you know the one you will dismiss and ridicule because it does not correspond with your pro EU dogma.


I notice your first contribution was having a go at posters that were not pro EU :huh:


---------- Post added 03-06-2014 at 15:10 ----------


Also, you could have come up with some Dutch rather than German examples,


I thought it was the Germans that were running Europe ?


Or am I wrong and its the Dutch ?


It would certainly explain a few things ;)

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